
Time to revisit the May 2005 hearing on Kosova with Congressmen Hyde, Lantos, and Rohrabacher

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From: "jjd@aacl.com" <jjd@aacl.com>
To: Flori Bruqi <floribruqi@yahoo.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, 3 April 2013, 18:32
Subject: Time to revisit the May 2005 hearing on Kosova with Congressmen Hyde, Lantos, and Rohrabacher


Hon. Joseph J. DioGuardi
President, Albanian American Civic League


Dear Friend,
The May 18, 2005, hearing on "Kosova's current and future status" in the House International Relations Committee, before then Chairman Henry Hyde and Ranking Member Tom Lantos, turned the tide in the official position of the U.S. government, resulting in the Bush administration's recognition of Kosova's independence in February 2008.  Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, now Chairman of the Subcommittee on Europe and Eurasia, also played a key role.
At a time when Kosova's future is again in jeopardy, we believe that it is important to listen to what Congressional leaders had to say eight years ago:  that as long as Kosova is not fully independent, there will be no lasting peace and prosperity in the Balkans.
Please click here to listen to the video.
Shirley Cloyes DioGuardi            Joseph J. DioGuardi
Balkan Affairs Adviser                  President
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Te nderuar,
Degjimi kongresional i 18 Majit 2005, "Statusi i tanishem dhe i ardhshem i Kosoves" i mbajtur ne Komitetin per Marredhenie Nderkombetare te Kongresit, nen udheheqjen e Kryetarit Henry Hyde dhe Nenkryetarit Tom Lantos, ishte ngjarja qe esencialisht ndryshoi politiken zyrtare te qeverise se SHBA-ve e cila mandej rezultoi ne njohjen e pavaresise se Kosoves nga administrata e Bushit ne Shkurt 2008. Kongresisti Dana Rohrabacher, tani Kryetar i Nenkomitetit per Evrope dhe Euroazi, pati luajtur nje rol thelbesor atehere.
Ne kete kohe kur e ardhmja e Kosoves eshte perseri ne pikepyetje, ne besojme se eshte e rendesishme te degjohen deklaratat e lidereve te Kongresit te SHBA-ve te dhena para thuajse tete viteve: se pergjeresa Kosova nuk eshte plotesisht e pavarur, nuk do te kete paqe afatgjate dhe prosperitet ne Ballkan.
Ju lutem klikoni ketu per te pare kete video.
Shirley Cloyes DioGuardi                              Joseph J. DioGuardi
Keshilltare per Ceshtje te Ballkanit                President
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