Aleksandër Litvinenko deklaroi se Vladimir Putin ishte kapur në kamera duke bërë seks me djem të rinj, sipas një hetimi rreth vrasjes së spiunit.
Kur presidenti i ardhshëm rus ishte student, shkruajnë mediat e huaja, ishte filmuar duke abuzuar me fëmijë në një banesë ku një politikan tjetër i lartë kishte një “treshe” me prostituta, kishte shkruar Litvinenko një postim të bujshëm në internet.
Ky pretendim ishte regjistruar në raportin hetimor të Sir Robert Owen, si pjesë e një liste të gjatë të akuzave të bëra nga spiuni që u vra pasi ai u arratis nga Rusia dhe u vendos në Britani.
Litvinenko e kishte bërë akuzën pasi presidenti u pa duke e puthur stomakun e një djali pesë vjeçar, gjatë një ecje në Kremlin, në qershor 2006.
Litvinenko kishte thënë se Putin shkatërroi pamjet, në kohën pasi ishte bërë udhëheqës i Shërbimit Sekret Rus - FSB.
Litvinenko ka shkruajtur: "Publiku botëror është i tronditur. Askush nuk mund të kuptoj pse presidenti rus bëri një gjë të tillë të çuditshme, duke e puthur stomakun e një djali të vogël, të panjohur”.
"Pas diplomimit në Institutin Andropovi, i cili përgatit oficerë për shërbimin e zbulimit KGB, Putin nuk u pranua në inteligjencën e huaj. Në vend të kësaj, ai u dërgua në një pozicion të ri në Drejtorinë e KGB së Leningradit”.
"Kjo ishte një kthesë shumë e pazakontë për një të diplomuar në Institutin Andropovi me një gjermanisht të rrjedhshme. Pse kjo kishte ndodhur me Putin?”
"Sepse, pak para diplomimit të tij, shefat e tij mësuan se Putin ishte një pedofil [sic]. Kështu thonë disa njerëz që e njihnin Putinin si student në Institut”.
"Shumë vite më vonë, kur Putin u bë drejtor i FSB dhe po përgatitej për presidencën, ai filloi të kërkojë dhe të shkatërrojë çdo material komprometues të mbledhur kundër tij nga shërbimet sekrete gjatë viteve të mëparshme. Nuk ishte e vështirë, pasi që ai vetë ishte drejtor i FSB”.
"Ndër të tjera, Putini kishte gjetur videokaseta në Drejtorinë e Sigurisë së Brendshme të FSB, që tregonin atë duke bërë seks me disa djem të mitur".
Litvinenko ka vazhduar të lidhë të kaluarën e pretenduar të Putinit pedofil në rastin e Yuri Skuratov një politikani të lartë në Rusi i cili u kap në kamera duke bërë seks me dy prostituta.
Në pjesën tjetër të blog-postit të cituar nga Sir Robert, ai shkroi: "Interesante, video është regjistruar në të njëjtën banesë ku Prokurori i Përgjithshëm, Yuri Skuratov, ishte regjistruar fshehurazi me dy prostituta”.
"Më vonë, Putin (me udhëzimet e Roman Abramovich) kishte shantazhuar Skuratov me këto kaseta dhe u përpoq të bindë Prokurorin e Përgjithshëm për të dhënë dorëheqje”.
"Në këtë bisedë, Putin i ka përmendur Skuratovit se edhe ai vetë ishte regjistruar duke bërë seks në të njëjtin shtrat. (Por sigurisht, ai nuk tha se ishte pedofili [sic])".
Sir Robert shkroi në raportin e tij: "Duhet thënë se akuzat e bëra nga Litvinenko kundër Presidentit Putin në këtë artikull kanë qenë të natyrës më serioze. A mund ato të kenë pasur ndonjë lidhje me vdekjen e tij?”.
Kremlini asnjëherë nuk ka komentuar drejtpërdrejt mbi pohimet e bëra nga Litvinenko, transmeton Telegrafi, por dje qeveria ruse hodhi poshtë të gjithë raportin e hetimit si "propagandë perëndimore”.
Duke dhënë dëshmi në hetimin e vitit të kaluar, e veja e Litvinenkos, Marina ka thënë se ajo nuk kishte "asnjë ide" nëse pretendimet për pedofili ishin të vërteta.
Sir Robert arriti në përfundimin se Putin kishte “ndoshta” miratuar “vrasjen” e disidentit, së bashku me kreun aktual të FSB.
Litvinenko vdiq në nëntor të vitit 2006, pas kishte pirë çaj, të cilit i ishte shtuar pakëz polonium radioaktiv gjatë një takimi me Andrei Lugovoi dhe Dmitri Kovtun në një hotel në Londër.
Takimi i Putinit me djalin pesë-vjeçar disa muaj më parë bëri bujë globale, pasi presidenti rus këmbënguli se ajo nuk ishte asgjë më shumë se një gjest i dashurisë.
Djaloshi, i emëruar nga media ruse si Nikita Konkin, kishte thënë madje se kishte refuzuar të pastrohej pasi që Putin e kishte puthur në stomak.
“Unë e pëlqeva dhe ai më pëlqeu”, kishte thënë Nikita. “Dua që edhe unë të bëhem president”, kishte shtuar ai.
Murdered spy claimed Putin was caught on film having sex with boys in same Moscow flat where Russian prosecutor was secretly taped cavorting with two prostitutes
- Litvinenko inquiry report describes sensational claims made by the spy
- He said that Putin was filmed abusing underage boys in a Moscow flat
- The same flat was where another politician had threesome with prostitutes
- Litvinenko wrote blog post after Putin kissed the stomach of a five-year-old during a walkabout in the Kremlin
Alexander Litvinenko claimed that
Vladimir Putin had been caught on camera having sex with young boys, according to the inquiry into the spy's murder.
When the future
Russian president was a student, he was filmed abusing children in a flat where another top politician had a threesome with prostitutes, Litvinenko wrote in a sensational web post.
The wild claim is recorded in Sir Robert Owen's inquiry report as part of a long list of allegations made by the assassinated spy against Mr Putin after he fled Russia and settled in Britain.Litvinenko made the accusation after the president was pictured kissing the stomach of a five-year-old boy during a walkabout in the Kremlin in June 2006.
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Claims: Alexander Litvinenko, left, accused Vladimir Putin of being a paedophile after he was pictured kissing the stomach of a five-year-old boy, right
Scandal: Litvinenko claimed that Mr Putin abused children in the same flat where Yuri Skuratov had sex with two prostitutes, pictured
The inquiry report describes how the dissident claimed Mr Putin was a 'paedophile', adding that videos existed of him 'making sex with some underage boys'.
Litvinenko said that Mr Putin destroyed the footage, which allegedly saw him sent away from Russia for a while when he was a student, after becoming head of the FSB secret service.
Sir Robert quotes Litvinenko's blog in response to the Kremlin incident, which made the inflammatory allegations in broken English.
Litvinenko wrote: 'The world public is shocked. Nobody can understand why the Russian president did such a strange thing as kissing the stomach of an unfamiliar small boy.
'The explanation may be found if we look carefully at the so-called "blank spots" in Putin's biography.
'After graduating from the Andropov Institute, which prepares officers for the KGB intelligence service, Putin was not accepted into the foreign intelligence. Instead, he was sent to a junior position in KGB Leningrad Directorate.
Meeting: Mr Putin's encounter with Nikita Konkin, pictured, came during a walkabout in the Kremlin
Family: Litvinenko's son Anatoly and wife Marina after the publication of the report into his death
President: Mr Putin is alleged to have ordered Litvinenko's killing after the ex-spy fled Russia became one of his fiercest critics
'This was a very unusual twist for a career of an Andropov Institute's graduate with fluent German. Why did that happen with Putin?
'Because, shortly before his graduation, his bosses learned that Putin was a pedophile [sic]. So say some people who knew Putin as a student at the Institute.
Inquiry: Litvinenko's allegations were reproduced in the report released yesterday by retired High Court judge Sir Robert Owen, pictured
'The Institute officials feared to report this to their own superiors, which would cause an unpleasant investigation. They decided it was easier just to avoid sending Putin abroad under some pretext. Such a solution is not unusual for the secret services.
'Many years later, when Putin became the FSB director and was preparing for the presidency, he began to seek and destroy any compromising materials collected against him by the secret services over earlier years. It was not difficult, provided he himself was the FSB director.
'Among other things, Putin found videotapes in the FSB Internal Security directorate, which showed him making sex with some underage boys.'
Litvinenko went on to connect Putin's alleged paedophile past to the case of Yuri Skuratov, a senior politician in Russia who was caught on camera having sex with two prostitutes.
In the next section of the blog post quoted by Sir Robert, he wrote: 'Interestingly, the video was recorded in the same conspiratorial flat in Polyanka Street in Moscow where Russian Prosecutor-General Yuri Skuratov was secretly video-taped with two prostitutes.
'Later, in the famous scandal, Putin (on Roman Abramovich's instructions) blackmailed Skuratov with these tapes and tried to persuade the Prosecutor-General to resign.
'In that conversation, Putin mentioned to Skuratov that he himself was also secretly video-taped making sex at the same bed. (But of course, he did not tell it was pedophilia [sic] rather than normal sex.)'
Sir Robert wrote in his report: 'It hardly needs saying that the allegations made by Mr Litvinenko against President Putin in this article were of the most serious nature. Could they have had any connection with his death?'
Affair: Skuratov quit as prosecutor-general after his dalliance with prostitutes was revealed
Killer: Sir Robert's inquiry named Andrei Lugovoi, left, and Dmitri Kovtun, right, as the two men responsible for carrying out the orders to kill Litvinenko by slipping radioactive polonium into a teapot
Cameron on new sanctions for Russia following Litvinenko report
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The Kremlin has never commented directly on the allegations made by Litvinenko, but yesterday the Russian government dismissed the whole inquiry report as 'Western propaganda'.
Giving evidence to the inquiry last year, Litvinenko's widow Marina said she had 'no idea' whether or not the paedophile claims were true.
Sir Robert concluded that Mr Putin had 'probably' approved the dissident's assassination himself, along with the current head of the FSB.
Litvinenko died in November 2006 after drinking tea laced with radioactive polonium during a meeting with Andrei Lugovoi and Dmitri Kovtun at a London hotel.
Mr Putin's encounter with the five-year-old boy a few months earlier made global headlines, as the Russian president insisted it was nothing more than a gesture of affection.
'People came up and I began talking to them, among them this little boy,' Mr Putin said afterwards. 'He seemed to me very independent, sure of himself and at the same time defenceless so to speak, an innocent boy and a very nice little boy.
'I tell you honestly, I just wanted to stroke him like a kitten and it came out in this gesture. There is nothing behind it.'
The child, named by Russian media as Nikita Konkin, said that he had refused to wash after Mr Putin had kissed his stomach.
'I just liked him and he liked me very much,' Nikita said. 'I want to be president myself.'
Speaking six years later, Nikita said: 'My grandma and me were at Red Square. I was talking to a friend, I didn't even see Putin. And then grandma told me: "Look, the president's coming!"
'I turned, he was walking with bodyguards. He waved his hand to me as if he called me. I went to him. Putin asked who I am - and then kissed me. That was it. I was surprised a lot.
'I'm not really into politics, I prefer playing football. I go to a sports club, and really want to make it to a football club. Before I was saying I wanted to become a president - not any more.'
Litvinenko report: Findings of Sir Robert Owen's inquiry
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