


Kohë më parë është promovuar libri për Astrit e Arbënor Deharin, e që e mban titullin “SHQIPËRIA qan HOMERËT”.

Dy vëllezërit ishin aktivistë të Lëvizjes së Vetëvendosjes, si dhe djemtë e shkrimtarit e deputetit, Avni Dehari, njofton Floripress.

Libri u promovua në ambientet e Bibliotekës Kombëtare të Kosovës.

Ky libër me poezi të shkruara për Arbënor e Astrit Deharin ka disa autorë, që janë përmbledhur e redaktuar nga Rushit Ramabaja dhe Nebih Bunjaku, për t’u botuar nga Shtëpia Botuese dhe Shtypshkronja Lena Graphic.

ALBANIA cries HOMER, is the title of the book of poems by Arbënor and Astri Deharin, which was promoted today in the premises of the National Library of Kosovo.
This book of poems written for Arbënor and Astrit Deharin has several authors, which have been compiled and edited by Rushit Ramabaja and Nebih Bunjaku, to be published by the Lena Graphic Publishing House and Printing House.

The event was moderated by the actress Vlora Merovci, who, together with the actor Afrim Muçaj, and the activist of the Movement, the director of the theater, Shkurtë Aliu, read some of the poems to the attendees of this promotion, under the sound of Gresa Broqi's violincello.

The authors of this collection of poems, Rushit Ramabaja and Nebih Bunjaku, gave an introductory speech about the work they have done. After them, the father of Arbënor and Astrit, the writer, member of parliament, Avni Dehari, gave a speech.
All activists, friends of Arbënor and Astrit, family members, members of the leadership from Lévizja, MPs, ministers, deputy ministers, from the government of Kosovo were present.

Arbënor and Astri Dehari are our two brothers, our two activists, the two heroes who mark our people's struggle for justice, equality and truth with their knowledge and courage.
The memory and honor for Arbënor and Astrit Dehar will be eternal.

Flori Bruqi

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