
“The whirlpool” (Vorbulla)

Notes for the novel “The whirpool” of writer Pjeter Arbnori
Its is said that the world was reborn by chaos, that light was regenerated by darkness. However it can not be accepted that life was reborn by death. Life is the world full of light. Life is continuously risked by death, just like the world by chaos, like light by darkness. However life is alive in the world for thousands of years ago. Life survives, especially at the Man, the only reasonably creature and the most vulnerable of this world. The man is threatened everything. Threatened man coexists with the risk, resists the risk. Risks everywhere and over all risk of its kind.
In the history whirlpool are appeared not only individuals but also warrior people. Races threatened by other human races. People risked by other people. Among the risked one, Albanian people remain the most vulnerable. Maybe since Prometheus times. Albanian- the model of the risked person. Even by himself. Grandpa after grandpa swallowed in the flow of death whirlpool.
You can’t say that the fire is reset by his ash, but the Albanian fervid through wars, from barbarian and west and east empire flocks, is reborn by his ash. The Albanian hero was reborn so many times by the death that fell in his head. Israel, biblical persecuted, survived through the waves of human history. They were again persecuted, almost up to extermination by the Nazi. Mankind did homage to the Israel pain. Albanian pain, instead, is turned the back. Albanians had to reappear so many times from the ruins of empires. It has rediscovered itself as archaeologist reveal ancient statues after excavation extremely fatiguing. Empires after empires have collapsed over the head of the Albanian and he is revamped, so giddily, with wounds, through empire dusks, and could heroically resist, from a behind death to another, from one circle of hell to another, while he was reborn again and again.
Such heroes embody the novel “The whirlpool” (Vorbulla) of Pjeter Arbnori writer. Heroes reborned from the whirlpools of human hell. After reading “The whirlpool” (Vorbulla) everyone can say that Arbnori has artistically recreated a historical reality detached from the dusk’s whirlpool of the period after Prizreni League. However, despite the hue and the originality of the unique time events and the episodes that are narrated in the work, its heroes remind the warrior of the resistance of all the Albanian millennium, even the hero reborned from the communist hell era. Thus, “The whirlpool” (Vorbulla) is a cut of the Albanian millennium history, despite the limit position that is experienced; it is a synthesis of the past and future turbulences, for imitation as well as artistic generalization. A work created in unusual circumstances born as a swirl of light in the darkness of prisons, with unusual characters, which look like their creators.
Arbnori was reborn from hell, miraculously escaping the death chain. Red hell devoured many victims, as the unlucky characters of the tales that to get rich or to have the Beauty of the Earth as bride, they take that “road in which they go and never come back”. On the contrary, Arbnori, in this road ended up in “the hereafter” of the communist prisons. He survived all the terrors of the hell’s circles and finally he found the path of return charged with triumph and all that treasure- his literary work, among those the novel “The whirlpool” (Vorbulla), and “The Beauty of the Earth”- the honor that deserves the writer.
“He survived the epidemic plague,” is said in such cases. He survived as the almost mythical characters of “The whirlpool” (Vorbulla). For the sake of the art and the ability to reborn, he will be engraved in the memory of generations.

The demon

Notes about the book “Rebel” of the writer Shpëtim Roqi
Power, in all the times, more or less, claim obedience till to fanaticism, subjected soldiers, rows of dead souls, from base to top of the pyramids. Power is uniformity, political unison. Power survives only this way. Power fears the free thought, the alive and rebel soul. Those in power fear freedom. It is not about absolute freedom, but for human freedom, for that social breath that human must definitely have to be HUMAN. For that spiritual space that poets like Shpëtim Roqi aim. But unfortunately, are very few the souls without prejudices handcuffs, free souls. So very few souls, that the power on behalf of the majority, dare to curse them, to maim them, to subjugate them, to enslave them; if he could even to eliminate them…
How rare remains the free souls! Precisely those souls, whose image convey the Shpetim’s poems. Rebel that every moment challenges those in power that, every moment the curse of those in power presides over them. The curse of those in power that show with the index finger: “The demon”! Here is “The demon”! Dispatch the demon! And crowds of sightless fanatics, in choir, repeated: “The demon, the demon! Dispatch the demon!” Although that in front of them raise the Defense Angel. Even though he preaches their freedom, human vitality…
The demon! In fact, demon is a mythological figure. However, those in power call him every time in the political scene, when they declare heretics their opponents. Precisely this demon cries through the verses of Shpetim Roqi’s poet, and it will be part of his poetry…
This demos is the soul of the book with poetries “Rebel” (Rebel) of the poet Shpëtim Roqi…

Shefki Hysa

The enigma – Bilal Xhaferri

Bilali’s life was a life burdened by problems and worries. It was a life with wars, attempts and loss. It was a life with winters, lightning. It was a life that didn’t recognize the joys…
Bilal Hoxha (Xhaferri) was a meteor, a star that very soon detached from the motherland and the eternity wrapped him in its chest.
Bilali was born in 1936 in Ninat country of Konispol region. His mother left him minor. A brother with three sisters. In the beginning of 1945 his father, Xhaferr Ferik Hoxha (Mustache), was arrested and executed without trial. The children remained orphan. They were grown up by their sightless old grandfather. In the age of 12, Bilali went away from his birth place and went to Saranda where he worked as a courier. These were the attempts of a child to survive. Later he carried out a technic-geometer school. At a very young age Bilali was everywhere in Tirana, Durres, Kruja, Laci, Shkodra highlands. The profession and all these weave knew him with numerous people and different environments. During these years he became manhood. The poet’s soul, the future writer was filled with life experience, with longing for his sisters, with amazing landscapes that would be all poured in his creativity. To immortalize his unjustly executed father, in put in his creativity his father’s name as his surname.
Bilal Xhaferri had a limited education, but he was an extraordinary talent. He started to publish stories from 1962 to 1968. He was welcomed from all literary bodies of those years. Bilali was a silent person, somewhat distanced from the joy that life gives to youth. I can add that when he wrote the novel “Krasta Kraus” in a hotel room in Tirana, I have seen a bit further the desk, in a plate: a loaf of bread, less cheese and any fig. In this way he pushed the hunger. In 1966 the volume with short stories “Young people-ancient land” (“Njerëz të rinj-tokë e lashtë”) was published. In 1967 the poetic volume “The red meadow” (“Lirishta e kuqe”) was published but it wasn’t released. In 67-68 he finished the first part of the novel “Krasta Kraus”. He has unpublished stories and poems, reportages and sketches. The life of this talent passed through Albania with a dazzling glow and speed of light but I still think that for a biography need to be picked moments, events, memories, facts; all early benevolent of Bilal could frankly testify. Thus they can contribute in his literary heritage supplements. Being far from his shelter, family warmth, from road to road, from yard to yard, Bilali, to this Shkespearian stroller, was imposed irregularity. The ground that molded his creativity, swallowed it…
In this short biography of Bilali I can’t stay without noting the final, that fatal case that influenced so much his life. In 1968 in the room of Albanian League of Writers and Artists, the discussion of the novel “The wedding” (“Dasma”) of the known writer Ismail Kadare was being made. After many thanksgivings Bilali stood up and with convincing and sincere arguments criticizes the novel. This action has nothing to do with premeditation, but it was feed by the numerous weakness of the novel, and it has nothing to do with that color that the great writer Ismail Kadare has given in “Invitation in studio” (“Ftese ne studio”) book. Mr. Kadare has spoken at random, as security officers of those years, which that case they tried to complicate and to call as an action of an organized group against the most innovative, revolutionary work written till that day. The life of “The wedding” (Dasma) novel is known… Is enough for Mr. Kadare just to remember the warmth smile that gave Bilali when he stood up to speak. “ Here,- has Kadare thought in those difficult moments,- this new talent rose to protect me, this silent person that we haven’t once heard to speak. I believe that he will satisfy my sensibility…” But it didn’t happen that way and Kadare was disappointed…
Bilal often has painfully mentioned to me the unexpected that he made to Ismail. Bilali had thin feelings. He was full of virtues and could never be lifted against the truth, even for the sake of weakness that he had for Kadare greatness. Life recognizes multiple instances that great people have denied their sayings when they are devalued by reality. A case like this would mostly magnified Mr. Kadare. Ultimately, the truth is in Bilali’s side. I don’t want to linger with the attitude of security bodies and the treatment that was made to Bilal after that discussion. What does the communism born in such case is already known by all.
… Bilali was interned from Durres and was sent in the Tower section of Sukthi farm where he worked as a worker.
For approximate motives, with my whole” Mane” tribe, approximately 56 members were interned and evicted, a part in Kryevish and the other in Hamalle. Then we were 5-6 km far from each-other but we still met every day, wrote, exchanged thoughts. We also created a common volume with poems “A silhouette in the dark” (“Nje siluete ne erresire”). Often happened to notice that we were seen and followed by special people. And maybe God has helped us not to be incarcerated. Poor we Albanians what a black luck have we had!
At the beginning we tried to realize the ideas of Bilali’s escape from Durrës port, but we soon saw that this action was reckless and with consequences. Bilali went to his birth village, became acquainted with the place, prepared the terrain and after 3-4 months together with his brother-in-law, in 30 August 1969, he escaped from Albania. He left with the idea to come back one day. “Dead will I be, will change my name, plastic operations will I make but a day I will come back”. So he told me. And he believed in himself.
We don’t know much about Bilali’s life away from Albania. It is sure that in USA, Chicago, he has created a magazine with the title “Eagle’s Wing” (“Krahu i shqiponjes”) that has a prominent anti-communist accent. Many other things are misty, enigma: just within a magazine is Bilali’s literary creativity finished?! What has happened with “Krasta Kraus” novel? We know that the first part he took from my house. The second part he had finished as sketches. Has he stopped here? It is said that after the operation of a tumor in 1986 he has died. It is said the the communist hand has beaten him till there. Until when will it say?! Until when? Let’s hope in the lighting of this puzzle…
Initiatives of the publishing enterprises with the name “Bilal Xhaferri”, with head Mr. Shefki Hysa has set itself the task to lay out before the readers the whole life and the brilliant creativity of Bilali. I think that, at first the right belongs precisely to this office publisher to publish the immortal work of the known Bilal Xaferri. The romance “The bloody love” (Dashuri e përgjakur) is one of the most mellowed creations of Bilali. Lets hope that Albanian readers will welcome it.

Namik Mane

Notes for the romance “Beauty with the shadow” of the writer Pjetër Arbnori

You must be definitely a human with highly sensitive heart to be a really talented writer and to have at the same time patience and fantasy to neatly woven with the pen’s tip the glittered and idyllic veil of a summer beach, pent-up inside a tremendous prison’s cells like the one in Burrel. It’s unbelievable anyway it’s reality. Former political prisoner, Pjetër Arbnori, in conditions of wild terror, through the cell’s darkness lighten only with the eyes’ sight and with the fire of the early juvenility’s memory that never could be desecrated by the physical and psychological violence, never could be quenched by the starvation, strives not only to survive but to sharpen the thought and the feeling as well and to conceive them afterwards in special art. This is the romance “Beauty with the shadow” (Bukuroshja me hijen). Her destiny is a part of the author’s destiny, of those people who came lately in light from the barbed wire sieges with soul still intact thanks to the explosion of the sleepy energies. You read this romance and you have no way to not shudders not only by the lyric ember colored situations and the messages that transmits but for the fact how it is created within recesses of the terror edifice of the notorious prison of Burrel. We will not exaggerate at all if we express in a figurative manner that this artistic value is conceived and grown up the same way like the pearls within the mollusk’s shell of the deep sub-seas. The pearls’ hunters know what they pass to discover and to bring them out from the seas depths and to put such treasures in the service of the mankind. So, this romance, that has nothing in common with the prisons’ terrors, on the contrary it is a successful effort of the writer, as desire and whim to sing to the human feeling as immemorial as the mankind itself, to the love. Anyway, in a field where have entered and have failed many writers, Pjetër Arbnori in his own way, with his emotional world hues, finally he succeeds to make a new hymn for love and this time wearing the most Albanian features.
Those who will read this romance will be convinced that after the publication of the novel “When Vikings flock” (Kur dynden vikingët), the publishing house “Bilal Xhaferri” presents another artistic evidence about the undeniable talent of this writer already not so young in his age, but too young in his soul. “Beauty with the shadow” (Bukuroshja me hijen) is a challenge for the skeptics, nihilists and mediocre. Even though inside the prisons’ darkness he maintained the purity of light within his soul and in his work, when many other writers, despite living in light, the darkness of dictatorship took place in their lives. Pjetër Arbnori will have the place that he deserves in our literature. As an unremitting hunter he certainly will go on searching such pearls in the laborious seas of creativity for the pleasure of those who know the value of miracles. And the future will reward him by sculpting his name in the memory of time.

Notes about the book of stories “The turtledove and the devil” of the prose writer Shefki Hysa

The first book of stories of prose writer Shefki Hysa is called “The turtledove and the devil” (Turtullesha dhe djalli). This summery of stories is the review of a reality travestied by former communist dictatorship, unlike that fabled socialist “reality” that the disabled literature of ideological realism used to hymn. So, this author’s creativity belongs to a literature denied by former communist censorship, which was bewaring of the so-called claws of “Absurd decadence”, that allegedly used to darken the real values of Albanian art and literature.
In this book, the writer Shefki Hysa is presented as a love singer and at the same time a singer of the big human metamorphosis caused by the pain of that love loss, a love that is violated by malignity, symbolized by devil, daemon, villain or many other nicknames with which the popular rhapsody labels man’s malice. In this viewpoint, his creativity is an innovation, which brings back in Albanian modern literature in a creative way, the magical elements which are often met in folkloric creations, especially in the Cham epos, a thing that makes this literature wonderful and with big values, like that of magic realism represented by the famous world writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Where does this magic-realism appear in Shefki Hysa’s stories? In making tragic the reality itself masterly adduced in two plans: in one man’s tragic destiny and the denied love denied and in the other plan the wonderful Cham epos, with legends, fairy- tales, ballads, narrations, lived stories and shivering events, artistically repeated in the creations of this author originating from martyr Chameria blooded by the barbarian Greek General Zerva legions’ violence. Thus, “The turtledove” is nothing less than a “Love in the time of cholera” similar to the loves of Marquez’s turbulent times, which wander and wander through centuries up to now and which will go on wandering until the inevitable war between The Good and The Evil exists. The whisper of the inextinguishable love longing is felt from one page of the book to the other the same way as that desert grief that derives from the transformation that evil and devil brings in everyday human life.
The transformation in the literary reality that Shefki Hysa has created is a kind of metamorphosis like the one of the writer Franz Kafka brought recurred in the form of a narration, (not as a fairy tale, but like a hidden metaphoric reality by the view of “state Cyclops”, a thing that makes this writer’s book a dare with rare literary values. Without hiding anything (away from collectivism and the obligatory love in the reality of collective work preached by socio-realism), this creativity puts the individual in the real dimensions and conveys the message that love and pain are as human as divine products, which stimulate in man the abilities for survival in the long war for existence. The man in love with the life experiences victories and losses, so, he passes from a situation in another, and he meets even a metamorphosis to defend himself from the pain caused by evil. In the book “The turtledove and the devil” (Turtullesha dhe djalli), this metamorphosis of pain doesn’t come as an evocation of a moment of imagination but as a collapse of a “Cheops’ Pyramid” of anti-values which used to frequently adorn the spirit of love of socio-realist literature personages. There is no any religion or ideology in these stories, but just an authentic lyricism, a showing of a universal faith “legend”, which is called love-pain and human loss, real as well as earthy, like in every work of contemporary world literature.
Perhaps is this harrowing lyricism simply an artistic fantasy? No! It is a survival expression in the memory of human love, which, like the life itself, in the process of mutability inside material and substance, rouses by causing more tears and pain than smiles. Every kind of love brings change, blooming, but the evil, like all the monsters pending their prey, aims the destruction of love spirit, which, to survive, is constrained to be converted, to be metamorphosed, without losing its function, like the personages Turtledove and Murmur, which are again metamorphosed, were embodied in Bird and Wind, again two realities inextricably related and necessary for each other.
This “magic realism”, this miracle, is propounded as a concept of survival of the divine creatures that never end in front of the fatality that the clash with the evil brings to them. They are only transformed as in these stories, which have neither “literary frames” nor “Ionian esthetical ego”, but reflect what the Albanian man experiences, regardless of how much he expresses them in specific situations.
No one can say I lived without living, no one can say I loved without loving; no one can say I lost without fighting… This is the essence of the message that the book “The turtledove and the devil” transmits…

Emrie Krosi

(Thoughts about the book with historical values “Dodona, the ancient temple of Albania” of Rasim Bebo’s author)

By: Sokol Jakova

The problem of the origin of our people has been and remains an important issue among big issues that are object of study of Albanian’s historiography. Lots of discussions and debates were held today to find and prove scientifically that from what origin are our people that by the researchers it is considered as one of the most ancient peoples, if not the most ancient, of Balkans. Unfortunately, in the Albanian’s archives are missed the documents that definitely have been lost in the whirlpool of centuries and millenniums.
It is known the today’s political and social situation in Albania, where science, culture and art are passing a crisis, and the major problem of the origin doesn’t have that interest that is needed by Albanian scientists and researchers, but that paradoxically, has raised even more the interest and curiosity of foreign researchers.
The first in this context, “Dodona, the ancient temple of Albania” (Dodona, tempulli i lashtë i Shqipërisë) book, of the old researcher in age and profession, Rasim Bebo, brings a valuable contribution on the origin of the Albanians, but simultaneously it unfolds to Greeks, our southern neighbors, their history, which has been the true model of Albanian or Arvaniti, as they call us, what antiquity have had these people that in a sense it also excels its antiquity, by educating to the young generation of our people the sense of national pride, dignity, non humility and submission toward the Greeks, in whose land today work about 600 thousand immigrants and where above all is an “eagle’s broken wing”, Cham province with its countless riches. Arvanit known researcher who has been for several years chairman of “Arvanite League of Greece”, writes: “The Greek before returning into Greek was Arbanit, namely Pelasgian. Our language, Arbanit, is the earlist of the Greek ancient language that is said Homeric language. (Aristidh P.Koljas “Proklamata” “Dritero” editions, p.40, Tirana)
The symbolic title of the book of Rasim Bebo, is explained since in the beginning: “Dodona’s ancient temple is in the south of Janina, 22 km, in the valley between the Tomara and Monalisa mountain. Prehistoric date tells that this place was baptized as the Earth God. There went the Cham’s Pelasgian clergy and performed their religious duties to the Empire of the Sun- Zeus. This cult has been brought in Dodona by Selloi of the Thesprot (Cham) tribe between 19-14 centuries BC. The clergy of that time had as a duty to inform the people who lived at the foot of the mountains with a gong, which was stroked several times to inform all the inhabitants that the sun came out.
It is said that by the rhythmic stroke of the gong “don, don, don…” even the liturgy took the name Dodone”. Relying on the known thesis of the Pelasgian origin of people that live today in the Balkans land and beyond, Rasim Bebo starts the analyses in his writings to prove the authenticity of this thesis, which is now spread. According to Herodoti, Dodona was the most ancient oracle in Pelasgian. This important evidence, served the author that later in his summary writings in this book, exploiting a wide and rich literature by many Albanian and foreign researchers and scholars, to come in the prominent conclusion that Albanians, descendants of the Illyrians, that have had the root at the old Pelasgian people, to be the most ancient grandchildren of the Balkan.
Indeed Rasim Bebo’s book summarizes a series of special writings and articles, many of which the author has published in the periodic press. However, this abundant material is ranked in the book according to a prominent compositional axis which has left the path that the writings and the articles have between them a sort of connection.
After an evaluation of the work titled “Book of an age with the author”, sympathetically written by Dalan Luzaj, today resident in Chikago of US, the first chapter of Rasim Bebo titled “Dodona” widely develops, through numerable citations and references, the history of Dodona ancient temple. In this chapter, according to numerous historical data, the author Rasim Bebo answers the questions “What about the Greeks? Where did they come from? Around 2000 BC a Greek-speaking uncivilized people slowly broke from the Russian step toward the south, passing through the Danube to the Balkan Peninsula, along with herds and cattle herd. About the year 1500 BC until 1100 the newcomers began to spread in the southern area of the peninsula”.
Then, in the second chapter of the book, chapter that is titled “The eagle”, Rasim Bebo after a long analyses, relying on evidences and documents of many researchers, comes in conclusion, even according to Homer, that the “Brunette brown eagle of Pelasgian Zeus, of Epiri’s Dodona was the most loving poultry, the courier messenger, constant companion of Zeus Pelasgian, who was the Sun God in the Pelasgian Ancient Dodona of Epirus called Pellazgjia”. (Watch Herodoti 2:56; Eskil 658-62; Dodona, today’s Kastrica town not too far from Janina).
Of particular interest in the book is the analysis that the researcher Rasim Bebo makes to Zaharia Majami’s book “Etruscans began to speak”. Using historical and linguistic data in the bud of the book, it is concluded that the Etruscans used to speak a similar language with Albanian. Then to prove his thesis of Pelasgian origin of the Balkan peoples, Rasim Bebo refers to the book “The enigma”, in seven volumes of French researchers Roberto d’Angeli. Rasim Bebo simultaneously refers even to the book “The Albanians” of George Fred Williams. For these valuable historical books, in his voluminous work, the author makes a brief description, focusing on historical data that are in favor of the thesis of Pelasgian origin of the today’s Balkan peoples.
Very interesting is even the third chapter of the book which is titled “On the expedition of Alexander the Great”. Draws the attention the fact in this chapter when the author says: “Olympia, Alexander’s mother was Epirotic, so Alexander’s mother tongue was Albanian”. In “Enigma” book its author insists that the word “Epiriot” means Albanian nothing “Helen”, “Epiriotika lingua” is always understood “Albanian language” and never “Ellonikn lingua”. King Philip of Macedonia, Alexander’s father was born in Argos (pelasgian place) bordering Epirus. (Alexander the Great p.14. G. Rado 1931) Alexander the Great with Hellenistic and Albanian origin thanks to education in the Greek language followed the studies from Aristotle, an Albanian from the town Stagire. Through the mother tongue, Albanian or Epirotic, Alexander gave courage and commanded his generals during his military expedition. With this language he spoke to his fellow and soldiers of his extraordinary army, language that was understood by all. Most of the population was illiterate and Modern Greek was unknown, because it began to form about ten centuries later. “(Salang d’Angeli, translated by L.Rama).
Further the author of the book makes a striking description of the commander and the legendary leading, Pyrrhus of Epirus. The portrait of Pyrrhus of Epirus – he says – in the emblem of the association Cham, is the symbol for the respect of the ancestors by his Thesprot’s ancestors – Cham of Illyrian land. According to E. Jasques in his work “Albanians” p.14 “Albanians, a ten-year population, are descendants of the Pelasgians prehistoric and of the closest Illyrian ancestors”.
To more deeply discuss the above thesis, the author entitles the fourth chapter of his book “Who are the Albanians?” referring to many Albanian and foreign authors and researchers, he makes a detailed description of Epirus Despotate and identify historical figures such as Cham head Lord Gjin Bue Shpata, Mërkur Bua etc.
The next chapter of the book entitled “The Albanians in the Balkans” deals with the history and the framework of placement of these people in Balkan as Illyrians and old Pelasgians descendants. As for arvanitas Rasim Bebua refers to the historian A. Llalla who says: “Arvanitas of Greece are not predecessors, they are not a minority. They were and are still in Greece. Huge wave of Arberia in the direction of Greece that has had in centuries 4-7 and 14 that we know from some historians are nothing more but the evacuations of some Arberi’s principalities of the north toward the south because of their land’s invasions in the north of Arbanas by Slavs and later by the Ottoman Turks. Arbanët or Arvanitas who left their land in the north of Arbëria, as in Slovenia, Croatia, till in Kosovo fields when they came in today’s Greece, they weren’t welcomed by war by those people, which indicates that they descended from north to south to their arbanit (arvanite) brothers, who lived in their millennium lands”.
In the book the author does not sit without mentioning some characteristic feature of the Albanian nation as religious tolerance, trust, hospitality etc. He makes portraits drawn with lines, to the captains that he call Arberesh like: Teodor Kollokotronit, Laskarina Bubulinës, Kostandin Kanarit, Andrea Miaulit, Llambro Xhavellës, Marko Boçarit, Gjergj Karaiskaqit, Odhise Andrucios, Dhimitër Palputës, Teodor Grivës, Athanas Shkurtaniotit, Nikolla Kryezotit, Gjon Kapodistrias, Haxhi Mehmet Dalianit.
The author of “Dodona, the ancient temple of Albania” (Dodona, tempulli i lashtë i Shqipërisë) book, being of Cham origin, in addition to the work a separate chapter “Chams” he dedicates Cham population, which has unjustly remained beyond the borders of Albania. In a special bud of this chapter is narrated with living marking the life and the famous deeds of one of the most famous warriors in our history, Ali Pashë Tepelena.
In this bud, among others, are described Suli’s land and the famous family of Boçarë. Further, the researcher Rasim Bebo reveals in the book the considerations for Albanians by George Fred Williams.
After some evaluations are made for the Arberesh of Italy, for some features of the Cham population as Cham dance and kilt, for Cham manhood and loyalty in the work “Erveheja”, in the continues chapter is portrayed a familiar figure of Albanian origin Dora D’Istria or Elena Gjika. Such a portrayal is made in the book, in chapter seven, to another familiar figure of Cham origin, Abedin Pashë Preveza.
Rasim Bebo’s book continues with a long article devoted to one of the most prominent and glorious sons of Chameria, the writer and the poet extremely talented, well-known dissident Bilal Xhaferri. It is well known the contributions of this personality and the magazine’s “Eagle’s Wing” which he established in exile in the U.S., in the benefit of the Albanian question, fighting and debunking communism, which managed to cruelly persecute the Albanian people for a dozen years, eliminating among others also a lot of the best Cham sons as Hilmi Seiti, Teme Sejkon, Tahir Demin, Jonuz Purizon, Taho Sejkon etc.
In the book are portrayed other historical figures of Cham origin.
As seen from the preface of the book, historian Rasim Bebo has tried to create a compositional structure for his work, a kind of compositional axis, that the book’s writing and articles create continuity from the ancient years until today. However, in this work has been focused the argumentation with diverse and different historical sources, from Albanian and foreign researchers and historians, of the thesis of the origin of the Balkan people of a very old nation, prehistoric, Pelasgians, who are congested and have occupied these lands for at least ten years ago. This thesis is still in the historical center of scientific debate. But it is worth mentioning that, in most occasions, today’s Greek historiography not only accepts the scientific findings regarding the origin Pelasgian thesis, but tries to interpret in the wrong way, and, as moreover, it can conceal them. However, as the talented researcher Aristidh P. Koljas expresses (Aristidh P. Koljas – Proclamation, Dritero editions, p.67, Tirana) “Many Greek and foreign historians have expressed the view that Albanians make representation in the highest degree of very old Pelasgians, from whom derives the origin of the ancient Greeks.”
By closing these notes I express confidence that the book “Dodona, the ancient temple of Albania” with historic and patriotic values will be read with interest by the readers who will benefit a lot of it and they will expand the knowledge about the Albanians origin.

Notes about the book “Dodona, the ancient temple of Albania”, of the writer Rasim Bebo

It is said the once lived the Beauty of Soil. She sparkled herself and everything surrounding her sparkled. Her beauty could be compared neither day nor night: Come up sun to come out, come up moon to come out. It is said that the Beauty of Soil was called Pellazgji. It was so magnificient, gracious and bewitching that all neighbours and the remote ones, the civilized and barbarian which knew it, fell madly in love with it. But, Pellazgjia kept standing proud in its life. It honored and respected all those which came around it without being humbled to anyone. Thus, the barbarians became envied for its pride, values and treasures. And once they lashed out to defeat it with violence. The barbarians wrestled too long with it, abducted here and there also jeweleries and treasures pieces, however, Pellazgjia was not depress…
What remained after those predatory battles was called Illyria. Barbarians wrestled with Illyria as well, abducted other treasures, other jeweleries, but it did not gave those to them. It was already called Arbëri and it still inherited a part by the Beauty of Soil, a part of Pellazgjia. So graceful, like all the Beauties of Soil in fairytales, although being tired by long violator wrestles, the indomitable Arbëria radiated in the eyes of barbarians which couldn’t stand the light of its civilization. And they wandered how to defeat it. And they lashed out again and again, days and nights, during winters and summers, stole their jewelry, they wounded it, bleed it, broke their limbs and despite it was becoming smaller and smaller due to violence, it still did not surrender. So small and indomitable it newly looked beautiful and radiated civilization in the eyes of barbarian enemies that wanted to undo it with every cost.
Already some called it Albania and some others Shqipëri. Enemies always were highly vulnerable to attack it and monstrous lashed out to its beauty. The small Albania, for the vicious mind of barbarians was the former Pellazgjia which was still indomitabled by predatory violence, that’s why it must not be in peace. It must be disappeared…
This kind of Albania was or not the former Pellazgjia?!… Disputed and disputed its enemies and lashed it out to undo it in order to remain neither fame nor mole by the primeval Pellazgjia which was still vivid in Albanian’s genes… Even they coveted those few treasures that Albania inherited by the primeval Pellazgjia… Was or nor Pellazgjia?!… Already everything was rendered in legend. Pellazgjia, the Beauty of Soil was already a fairytale that was told to the kids during nights…
Meanwhile came out a brave man who decided to explore the legend’s areas. The brave man was called Rasim Bebo. Searching in the difficult tracks of the meditation in the legend’s twilight, the brave Rasim Bebo was discovering jewelerly’s pieces, valuable stones, diamonds and pearls which once used to compound the jewelerly treasures of Pellazgjia… The brave Rasim Bebo by searching, discovering and renovating the pieces of the stolen jewels through centuries by Pellazgjia’s body, succeded to redo its profile of a Soil’s Beauty. Slowly-slowly the legend is becoming reality. Search and you will find a part of this reality in the book “Dodona, the ancient temple of Albania” of the historian Rasim Bebo…
Honored Professor Rasim Bebo!
So, all this come in my mind since the moment I became familiar with the great values of your book… And continuously I have been thinking how to make my words sound more beautiful, to have them out by my mind and my soul at the same time. To have them as worthy, as mellow and to estimate the book “Dodona, the ancient temple of Albania” as it deserves. I believe that this book deserves a rare esteem like itself with the treasure of Albanian values it sumerizes. And I believe that such with be the esteem of any reader…
With this book you already are and will remain one of the historians that will be liked more by Albanian patriots, honored Professor Rasim Bebo… And, as your friend, I can say with a great belief that your work will be judged by the readers as a rare treasure…
May God always bless you!

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