
Notes about the book “The horse of longing” of the poet Arshin Rexha

The poetries summarized in the volume “The horse of longing” (Kali i përmallimit) are written in a period of time without having as a purpose their publication. Only a few months ago when two well-known Cham creators, Namik Mane and Bedri Myftari randomly read some of them, advised me to publish them. I cordially thank these good friends. I also thank the publisher Abaz Veizi, who took over the costs of the book printing.
For the content of the book I do not have what to say other than the fact that in it is a part of my spiritual life.
I believe that especially the Cham reader will understand me.

Arshin Rexha

“Self-denial diplomacy”.

“Self-denial diplomacy”. This is how Shefki Hysa has called his latest book, which I read in the manuscript in a breath, not just by curiosity that his themes prompted, but rather from that sincere manner in which he gives the largest topic of the Cham issue. He surprises us, as in a random manner, speaking about Cham talent, for example Bilal Xhaferri, and his sad fate, he passes in political and historical essence as important as you say: wait, let’s return once again to this site to better understand what is showing and what has happened!
All the time I read the moving manuscript of Shefki Hysa, because he makes the descriptions even in a moving way, I remembered an early statement of Jean-Paul Sartre: countries are like people, each watches his interest… I do not remember in what context he said this, but now it doesn’t rip off my mind and, indeed, to the book in question, even in all treatments of the Cham issue, I noticed that only the Greek state was just as people and had seen his interest about the bitter fate of a minority dispatched from his country. Albanian state, as the yesterday one, the day before yesterday and as today’s one did not care for this fate and for this small non-national issues. Why?
Simply and clearly for the first reason that was and is a gamin state, comparable to that mendicant gathered handful who knows only to seek alms. It is clearly seen this small country in Shefki’s book; it is seen in those natural appearances of any efforts to raise the Cham issue in the ranks of interstate diplomacy, to formalize in a way that can be asked its choice clearly and appropriate. Because, up here where it is, it remains out of Greek protocol quite empty from a Cham issue.
This book that Shefki Hysa has prepared to publish is really handy and attractive. Without going into details of the former Cham persecution by the Greek chauvinists, the author passes easily from one description to another by spinning a shining and quite understandable yarn to anyone connected with an issue that is often deliberately introduced more complex. Thus, by some political episodes about this national problem, naturally you say to yourself: it’s ok for the Greeks, because they will see their interest, but what do we have that snuggle and dare not to mention them our own rights as well as a joke?
By reading this book, which not only informs within Albanian politics for the Cham “stalled” issue, but also provides genuine aesthetic pleasure with some beautiful descriptions of emotional states and different types of life, you understand and are convinced that this national issues, though last, will come a day when it will be resolved so natural, that you can be surprised how generations who fought so hard for that matter, had it so difficult…
So is the state, just as with people: when someone becomes stronger, the other makes route and politely smile…
At least, this thing, Shefki Hysa’s book will remind us one day when we are made strong.

Hysen Sinani

Notes about the book “Lyrics of Konispoli” of the poet Alush Avduli

Enough, have done the others my biography! When they praise they wanted the worst for you. Biography has got on my nerves. It finished my beautiful days. You have descended from Bugaboo and ghosts, boy, beware! We know who you are, rich villagers tribe, whispered the phantoms in the dark. Your tribe has born only devils. Horny devils!
But, what fault do I have? I am the human! I came to life like everyone else from a rattling embrace. I came with a stream of blood as all the children of the world. In 1953 in Shales of Konispol. In 1972 I finished the general secondary school.
The shining stars of my birthplace gave me the poetic spark. Thanks to poetry that enlivened my soul, I could survive.
But, who am I?! Who are you?
Such questions will not flap on the door of human souls. Now, you people be silent- phantom which were quenched forever at the dawn of democracy.
I talk to you through the poetries’ vesrses of the book “Lyrics of Konispoli” (Lirikat e Konispolit).

Alush Avduli

Notes about the book “Personalities – Missionaries of Peace” of the publicist Paulin Rranzi

While reading the book of the publicist Paulin Rranzi, Personalities – Missionaries of Peace, I reminded the word of the president John Kennedy: “If humanity does not vanish war, war will vanish humanity”. This prophetic warning of this great missionary of peace make us read with honor and curiosity every book, article or literary work that is dedicated to peace secular aspiration of men in every place of the world. The author of this book had clear the idea that the existence and human development can not be understand without the understanding and agreement between the members of a family, of a social group and especially between nations and states. The idea of peace is inseparable by the ontological concept of freedom. The author has come to the conclusion that there can be no real peace between the right and injustice, between the oppressed and oppressor, between the hungry people and affluent. Thus, in the presentation of life and missionary activity of personalities that are presented in this book, the author emphasizes their real values as human who at the core of activity and creativity have the ideal of peace and freedom, prosperity and social harmony. It is true that the term “war for peace” can be called contradictory but means and ways in which is fought have determined the degree of humanism and rationality with which is intended the realization of peace ideal.
The book is opened with the writing “Men in love with peace (Gandhi of the Balkans – Ibrahim Rugova)” that breaks down the features and outlook of Kosovo leader through the meeting and interview with the writer and journalist Shefki Hysa. Ibrahim Rugova, till in the first steps of his political activity tried to solve in peaceful way the big problem of the existence of his people. Even though in front of a politic of a chauvinist – communist – fascist state, he stayed with consistency, without being swayed by the visible and invisible whirlpool of the policy and diplomacy traditionally rooted with anti Albanian direction. He has been a follower of the paradigm of the great ancient philosopher, Sokrati: Peace with others comes only from inner peace, so, from the lack of violent impulse and aggressive tendencies of the individual or a nation.” From another point of view is analyzed the political and literary personality of Pjeter Arbnori, who although suffered almost 30 years the calvary through the jails of dictatorship, kept the kindness and love for democratic and human peace and spirit even when he was elected and worked on top of Albanian state. The figure of the writer Bilal Xhaferri, that traverses as a golden thread the pages of this book, is that of man who held on his back since birth, strikes of destiny and our history. He made no error, no fault, only if it is called so being an untired worker, free thinker, brilliant creator of higher levels of Albanian literature, militant to death for the overthrow of stalinist – enverist dictatorship in Albania and for liberation of Kosovo from Serbian bloody hooves. Peaceful spirit and soul of freedom were merged into a single, to be deposited as hot magma into the solid structures of the verses and stories in his books.
Chameria, Albanian province cruelly martyred and without nation, is on the focus of this book through confessions for some personalities that are subject of the writings. But we don’t encounter any spirit of revenge and hatred for the perpetrators of genocide toward cham population. It is required only justice on the basis of acts and documents universally approved and especially by the united Europe, where we tend to be part of it formally. So, there can be no peace, emphasizes the author Paulin Rranzi, without being put into place the justice; can not be maintained the normality and dignity of a nation, where killers are honored and are raised memorials and their sons still make open calls for war and carnage. The writer Hysen Sinani notes in the preface of the book that “there are represented all the regions, from south to central Albania and till to Kosovo”. This geographical range gives the book Albanian size and expresses the great truth of the peaceful character of the Albanians even in the most severe existential conditions and circumstances.
When finished reading the book of Paulin Rranzi, you are convinced that only a democracy lively and rooted in the soul of the people can allow an essential and quiet cleaning, therefore the achievement of a peace, where true freedom flourishes.

Lekë Mandreja

Notes for the novel “When the Vikings flock” of Pjetër Arbnori writer

As you read the title of the book “When the Vikings flock” (Kur dynden vikingët) of Pjetër Arbnori writer the mind goes immediately to the barbarian invasions since among the most ancient times. Not without pain you picture all the extinct civilizations, undo people, assimilated races and languages. Vandals eager for glory have swallowed even their soul, not only their matter, without having the opportunity to be human, to resemble somehow those who tried to subdue.
But what flock does the author speak about? Communist plague perhaps? The note “Written in Burrel’s prison”, on the top as a significant subtitle, promotes the view that in this book, the object of the rebel writer, worthy and political opponent of the former dictatorship, should be exactly that hell climate that possessed all the communist East and especially Albania. However in the first sentence of this novel you face with the third Rajhu of the Nazi Germany. It is about Hitler’s dictatorship, one of the most perfect models of inhuman pressing machines of Stalinist type. Events movements through Nazi Germany labyrinths, it’s nothing but the author’s message, sent from Burrel’s prison for the similarity of the Nazi and communism crimes in family, social and political life. Furthermore, the curiosity to find the relationship between symbolism and reality which carries in itself the phrase “Vikings flock” awakens. Why not “Vikings flocked”? Where the use of the present simple of the verb flock does have its secret and vantage in comparison with the past forms which could adapt with the period of the events development?
Do Vikings still continue to flock? To what extent and what are the consequences of the flock?
Such questions harass for a while, but are soon forgotten in a very emotional reading in front of that strange space that displace vivid in your eyes as tempting and evocative shores of Odyssey sirens or as magic islands of Çirçe where later you experience only anxiety, pain, revolt, terror for that human ugliness that comes before the road. Sleek blonde blue-eyed Erna, who fascinates the reader, not only her husband who is the main character, with her observations and behaviours, where after the reflections of calm spiritual chest are hidden the turmoil and traps of the evil, is the magician of the modern times. There comes a moment and somewhere it runs down and starts to unravel the fraud fabrics long woven in the invisible loom pent through dictatorship depths of the edifice.
There comes the real face of Erna with the whole ugliness and blemish, wickedness and snares that their black souls hold. Then you can notice the approach that the author makes through Hitler’s reality, dictatorship of all the times. Even the former dictatorship. Death remains repulsive and black evil in any circumstance, in form and manner to fight with it. Death is death even when it comes from vampire’s kisses like Erna whose counterparts have encountered during the communist dictatorship. For the author the dictatorship is not simply a blind mechanism but the black mind and murderous hand of demons like the lawyer Fon Shvajcer the fanatic trustee state-party. Party dogmas, his only ideal, as the figure of demon synonym of the evil. At the same time, as a shadow he is everywhere and nowhere. Even Erna’s soul is his shadow, the mentality and all the activity of law and state representatives are nothing other than his property. Not without pain and constriction of the heart, without skin shudder, in parallel with the reading of the work, come to mind all that macabre guard party-state, with the party secretary, neighbourhood activists and spies, security officers who foist someone in jail though he had a beautiful wife. So the pages slowly discover that mean-spirited, servile, background and simultaneously criminal world that flattens every human value, the communist world established for 50 years even in Albania. Similar as twins the Nazi Germany with the Red Dictatorship. Apparently the author marks Nazi and strike communism that plague that took his youth, family and everything. It seduced as the sirens song, as the amazing view of Çirçe and all the magicians, Hitler or Enver propaganda and then without understanding it desecrated the moral, conscious, and if you objected it took your soul through its catacombs as it acted with the author slamming through black prisons. This unfortunate “song” that distributes throughout death ions, you feel it till in your core when reading this work of Pjetër Arbnori. You also feel that revolt that must have inspired him in the dark cell when he conceived the vital material to convert into art. This extremely realistic novel with a sense of boundless humanity that probably no one expected from a persecuted as Pjetër Arbnori (30 years in prison) sounds like a powerful indictment for all the dictatorship’s time, those which passed and can come. Poor world cultures and civilizations toward dictatorships. Ancient flocks of Vikings are nothing in comparison with the cataclysm that causes the dictatorships and their monsters, new Vikings. Nazi died, the communism fell in Albania however the risk of the Vikings flock hasn’t paused yet. That’s why the title of this book is simultaneously a call for vigilance: be careful, people, be aware of the modern times Vikings!
This novel has few pages but by the ideas and the message it is a dignified work that reminds “People destiny” (“Fati i njeriut”) of Shohollovi, “Tartar desert” (“Shkretetira Tartare”) of Dino Buxati, “Old man and the sea” (“Plaku dhe deti”) of Ernest Heminguej etc. It is a poem for the resistance of the trampled man of all the times toward the demons of nature or the human society. Simultaneously it is a clear signal that makes you understand how much Albania has lost persecuting such talents like Pjeter Arbnori and friends. Could be dozens more who never achieved to say their song from hell’s dungeon even delayed.
Ultimately this book is a nice surprise and a successful beginning that warns a big help, not only for a personal glory of the author but in service of nation.

Notes about the book “Agony and Hope” of the writer Liri Hidërshaj

The novel “Agony and Hope” (Agoni dhe Shpresë) of the author Liri Hidërshaj, comes in front of the reader as a continuity of characters’ life, events and facts that have been part of the subject of her creativity even before.
The author is not a storyteller of imagination, but of concrete psychology. The fables that she treats convey some social problems, that arouse emotions and worries of the reader who in a way or another have experienced such stunning events, situations and vicissitude in this grim atmosphere that has plagued our country in these prolonged transition years.
Today’s Albanian reality, by interfering into creativity, creates images of the human pain with a tense drama. And a good author, who knows how to refine the abundance of this first material, is as lucky as Liri Hidërshaj, who as a cognitive of life, turns into a singer of human grief.
In this novel Liria intertwine the real world on the eve of agony that comes to book through events as painful, tremendous and shocking as the one of “Gërdec”, where 26 innocent people lost their life with the artist’s dream for a better world, always perfect as his own imagination.
The intensity of events description intertwined with the logy psychology of the terrorize spirit by frequent worries and unpleasant surprise that the difficult life brings full of agony and evoke death makes the fable very interesting, keeps the reader in anxiety, makes him relive the daily drama of his poverty, put him in front of big dilemma that have a row of existential questions for the survival of most Albanian families.
Evocative nightmare atmosphere of this book, creates the impression that the characters’ life the same as the Albanian life is involved in a spiral without head that swing like a cyclone whirlpool toward the certain death, however the author, with her wisdom, knows how to escape this fatal absurd by addressing God’s power, the Creator of Everything, by making an appeal to the Good which isn’t defeated by the Evil yet and hasn’t died in many human spirits, raises hope for a more sober tomorrow. As she cites at the end of the book with the voice of a character: “Lord’s way are infinite”… the people who believe those ways and hope, they surely have numerous possibilities of survival…

Notes for the romance “Beauty with the shadow” of the writer Pjetër Arbnori

You must be definitely a human with highly sensitive heart to be a really talented writer and to have at the same time patience and fantasy to neatly woven with the pen’s tip the glittered and idyllic veil of a summer beach, pent-up inside a tremendous prison’s cells like the one in Burrel. It’s unbelievable anyway it’s reality. Former political prisoner, Pjetër Arbnori, in conditions of wild terror, through the cell’s darkness lighten only with the eyes’ sight and with the fire of the early juvenility’s memory that never could be desecrated by the physical and psychological violence, never could be quenched by the starvation, strives not only to survive but to sharpen the thought and the feeling as well and to conceive them afterwards in special art. This is the romance “Beauty with the shadow” (Bukuroshja me hijen). Her destiny is a part of the author’s destiny, of those people who came lately in light from the barbed wire sieges with soul still intact thanks to the explosion of the sleepy energies. You read this romance and you have no way to not shudders not only by the lyric ember colored situations and the messages that transmits but for the fact how it is created within recesses of the terror edifice of the notorious prison of Burrel. We will not exaggerate at all if we express in a figurative manner that this artistic value is conceived and grown up the same way like the pearls within the mollusk’s shell of the deep sub-seas. The pearls’ hunters know what they pass to discover and to bring them out from the seas depths and to put such treasures in the service of the mankind. So, this romance, that has nothing in common with the prisons’ terrors, on the contrary it is a successful effort of the writer, as desire and whim to sing to the human feeling as immemorial as the mankind itself, to the love. Anyway, in a field where have entered and have failed many writers, Pjetër Arbnori in his own way, with his emotional world hues, finally he succeeds to make a new hymn for love and this time wearing the most Albanian features.
Those who will read this romance will be convinced that after the publication of the novel “When Vikings flock” (Kur dynden vikingët), the publishing house “Bilal Xhaferri” presents another artistic evidence about the undeniable talent of this writer already not so young in his age, but too young in his soul. “Beauty with the shadow” (Bukuroshja me hijen) is a challenge for the skeptics, nihilists and mediocre. Even though inside the prisons’ darkness he maintained the purity of light within his soul and in his work, when many other writers, despite living in light, the darkness of dictatorship took place in their lives. Pjetër Arbnori will have the place that he deserves in our literature. As an unremitting hunter he certainly will go on searching such pearls in the laborious seas of creativity for the pleasure of those who know the value of miracles. And the future will reward him by sculpting his name in the memory of time.


Teksa ngrinte flamurin e palosur të Skënderbeut për 400 vjet dhe shpallte Pavarësinë e Shqipërisë, atë 28 nëntor të vitit 1912, Ismail Qemal...