
Notes about the book “Personalities – Missionaries of Peace” of the publicist Paulin Rranzi

While reading the book of the publicist Paulin Rranzi, Personalities – Missionaries of Peace, I reminded the word of the president John Kennedy: “If humanity does not vanish war, war will vanish humanity”. This prophetic warning of this great missionary of peace make us read with honor and curiosity every book, article or literary work that is dedicated to peace secular aspiration of men in every place of the world. The author of this book had clear the idea that the existence and human development can not be understand without the understanding and agreement between the members of a family, of a social group and especially between nations and states. The idea of peace is inseparable by the ontological concept of freedom. The author has come to the conclusion that there can be no real peace between the right and injustice, between the oppressed and oppressor, between the hungry people and affluent. Thus, in the presentation of life and missionary activity of personalities that are presented in this book, the author emphasizes their real values as human who at the core of activity and creativity have the ideal of peace and freedom, prosperity and social harmony. It is true that the term “war for peace” can be called contradictory but means and ways in which is fought have determined the degree of humanism and rationality with which is intended the realization of peace ideal.
The book is opened with the writing “Men in love with peace (Gandhi of the Balkans – Ibrahim Rugova)” that breaks down the features and outlook of Kosovo leader through the meeting and interview with the writer and journalist Shefki Hysa. Ibrahim Rugova, till in the first steps of his political activity tried to solve in peaceful way the big problem of the existence of his people. Even though in front of a politic of a chauvinist – communist – fascist state, he stayed with consistency, without being swayed by the visible and invisible whirlpool of the policy and diplomacy traditionally rooted with anti Albanian direction. He has been a follower of the paradigm of the great ancient philosopher, Sokrati: Peace with others comes only from inner peace, so, from the lack of violent impulse and aggressive tendencies of the individual or a nation.” From another point of view is analyzed the political and literary personality of Pjeter Arbnori, who although suffered almost 30 years the calvary through the jails of dictatorship, kept the kindness and love for democratic and human peace and spirit even when he was elected and worked on top of Albanian state. The figure of the writer Bilal Xhaferri, that traverses as a golden thread the pages of this book, is that of man who held on his back since birth, strikes of destiny and our history. He made no error, no fault, only if it is called so being an untired worker, free thinker, brilliant creator of higher levels of Albanian literature, militant to death for the overthrow of stalinist – enverist dictatorship in Albania and for liberation of Kosovo from Serbian bloody hooves. Peaceful spirit and soul of freedom were merged into a single, to be deposited as hot magma into the solid structures of the verses and stories in his books.
Chameria, Albanian province cruelly martyred and without nation, is on the focus of this book through confessions for some personalities that are subject of the writings. But we don’t encounter any spirit of revenge and hatred for the perpetrators of genocide toward cham population. It is required only justice on the basis of acts and documents universally approved and especially by the united Europe, where we tend to be part of it formally. So, there can be no peace, emphasizes the author Paulin Rranzi, without being put into place the justice; can not be maintained the normality and dignity of a nation, where killers are honored and are raised memorials and their sons still make open calls for war and carnage. The writer Hysen Sinani notes in the preface of the book that “there are represented all the regions, from south to central Albania and till to Kosovo”. This geographical range gives the book Albanian size and expresses the great truth of the peaceful character of the Albanians even in the most severe existential conditions and circumstances.
When finished reading the book of Paulin Rranzi, you are convinced that only a democracy lively and rooted in the soul of the people can allow an essential and quiet cleaning, therefore the achievement of a peace, where true freedom flourishes.

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