
Notes about the book “Sinful Angel” of the poet Mirela Rapi

“Sinful angel” (Engjëll mëkatar) is titled the first poetic volume of 18-year-old Mirela Rapi, but it can nicely fit the synonymy “Deceived Eve” (Eva e mashtruar). Surprisingly all teenagers have a sorrow, disappointment of first love. They love to the partner the wonderful image that their sensory world creates and when they face, the majority of cases, the common qualities of the loved one, they feel disappointed and cheated as Eve, the first woman on earth, after she bite the prohibited apple, lured by devil. Disappointment, plague as a mass suffocating darkness in their soul, so that at times, it seems hopeless the exit from that night. Most of the courageous girls, finally manage to find the light of salvation in themselves and then they turn their back to despair, run toward the true love with real dimensions. Such is the heroine of the young poet Mirela Rapi, a “Sinful Angel” (Engjëll mëkatar) or a “Cheated Eve,” which requires her “Paradise” in this sinful world, even far in the new galaxy of fantasy.

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