
Kërkohën nga Interpoli

Organizata më e madhe ndërkombëtare e policisë, Interpol, që në vete numëron 190 vende anëtare ka një rubrikë të veçantë për kërkimin e personave që duhet të kapen nga policia dhe të dërgohen para ligjit. Në rubrikën e personave të kërkuar, Kosova ende njihet si “Under UNMIK mandate KOSOVO”, (shq. Nën mandatin e UNMIK-ut Kosova), kërkon 86 persona, transmeton Koha.net. Prej 86 personave, janë vetëm dy femra: Feride Ramadani dhe Stanika Prasçeviq. E para kërkohet për “tentim kontrabandimi me emigrantë”, kurse e dyta për krime lufte në Kosovë. Në kategorinë e meshkujve ka të kërkuar për shumë vepra, si vrasje, tentim vrasje, krime lufte, etj. Klikoni këtu e më pas zgjidheni "Wanted by: Under unmik mandate (kosovo)" dhe mund t’i shihni të 86-t personat e kërkuar nga Interpol.

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View and search public Red Notices for wanted persons

A Red Notice is a request to law enforcement worldwide to locate and provisionally arrest a person pending extradition, surrender, or similar legal action. A Red Notice is not an international arrest warrant.

The individuals are wanted by the requesting member country, or international tribunal. Member countries apply their own laws in deciding whether to arrest a person.

The majority of Red Notices are restricted to law enforcement use only.

Extracts of Red Notices are published at the request of the member country concerned and where the public’s help may be needed to locate an individual or if the individual may pose a threat to public safety.


The Notices appearing on this website contain information that is subject to INTERPOL’s rules and regulations, notably our Rules on the Processing of Data. The information provided in these notices may only be used for its designated purpose, namely to alert the public and/or seek information from the public in accordance with our rules. The information provided in this list and the individual notices cannot be used for any other purpose or any commercial purpose.

This list is regularly updated by the INTERPOL General Secretariat based on information provided by the countries that request the issuance of the notices and their publication on this website.


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Total number of public Red Notices in circulation: 6809

Search results: 6809

This site displays up to 160 notices per search result. Please refine your search criteria to find the notice you are looking for.

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41 years old

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36 years old

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29 years old

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24 years old

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57 years old

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50 years old

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78 years old

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31 years old

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45 years old

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32 years old

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42 years old

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33 years old

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40 years old

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35 years old

Pas Covid-19, liderët botërorë ranë dakord të punojnë së bashku për të forcuar sistemet globale shëndetësore, por negociatat për një marrëveshje të re kanë ngecur.

Nga Flori Bruqi Është folur shumë në internet se Kina po lufton me një tjetër epidemi pas shumë postimesh në mediat sociale ku supozohet se ...