Një agjent amerikan ka deklaruar për The Sun, se Jones është vrarë me dron afër vijës kufitare Siri-Irak.
Britanikja Sally Jones e njohur me nofkën “nusja xhihadiste”, është vrarë gjatë sulmeve ajrore me dron nga ushtria amerikane.
Ish-këngëtarja e cila ka lindur në Kent, kishte udhëtuar për në Siri në vitin 2013 së bashku me bashkëshortin dhe djalin, me të vetmin qëllim që t’i bashkohet organizatës terroriste “Shteti Islamik, por me këtë veprim ajo është shpallur si gruaja më e kërkuar në botë.
Një agjent amerikan ka deklaruar për The Sun, se Jones është vrarë me dron afër vijës kufitare Siri-Irak.
White Widow forced her defenceless 12-year-old son to decapitate goats to learn how to behead ISIS enemies
Joe George Dixon, also known as Jojo, was dragged from Kent to join the terrorist group by his mum back in 2013
WHITE Widow Sally Jones’s vulnerable son learned how to behead enemies of ISIS by decapitating goats, sources say.
Jojo was dragged to join the terrorists by his jihadi mother in 2013.
It is feared the 12-year-old died in the same US Predator drone strike that killed her in June.
Now, as more pictures of her past as a punk rocker and glamour model emerge, insiders have revealed the terrible ordeal she inflicted on the boy.
Jojo, born Joe Dixon in Kent, was renamed Hamza Hussain and brainwashed from the age of nine by fighters in Syria, insiders said.
One source said: “Sometimes he would go away to ‘camp’ for a time. Sally was either being very stupid thinking it was an education trip or clever by disguising the fact he was training to kill.
“He was a strong boy, highly regarded by adult fighters and other boy soldiers.
“He was eager to please and naturally for a boy that age wants to be the one that they all look up to. He had been totally brainwashed.” Jojo was taught to strip down and reassemble AK-47 rifles and hurl hand grenades. He was expected to fight on the front line, sources said.
Shocking video emerged last August of him executing a kneeling prisoner with a handgun alongside other IS child soldiers, known as the Cubs of the Caliphate.
Jones, who was killed aged 50, had been plotting terror attacks in Britain. It emerged yesterday that she had confessed she would never return to the UK because authorities would “lock her up and throw away the key”.
She spoke to journalist Dipesh Gadher on Twitter for four months.
She bragged about turning Jojo Muslim, thought her jihadi husband was “a good role model” and blamed Britain and America’s invasion of Iraq for her Islamic extremism.