
Paralajmërimi i ekspertit kinez Prof.Dr. Zhang Wenhong për Europën: Përgatituni, ja sa mund të zgjasë virusi i ri

Një ekspert kinez për sëmundjet infektive tha se Europa duhet të heqë dorë nga ideja që pandemia e Covid-19 do të përfundojë së shpejti dhe në vend të kësaj të përgatitet për një betejë që mund të zgjasë deri në dy vjet.


Zhang Wenhong

Paralajmërimi – nga Zhang Wenhong( 1969), kreu i ekipit të ekspertëve klinikë të Shangait për Covid-19, erdhi ndërsa vendet evropiane, përfshirë Italinë, Spanjën dhe Gjermaninë, po përjetojnë rritje të theksuara të numrit të infeksioneve dhe vdekjeve, ndërsa Kina po punon për të mbajtur jashtë rasteve të importuara, pasi raportoi vetëm një rast të ri vendas në katër ditët e kaluara.

“Do të ishte krejt normale nëse virusi vjen dhe shkon dhe zgjat një ose dy vjet,” tha Zhang gjatë një videokonferencë të organizuar nga konsullata kineze në qytetin gjerman Dofsseldorf.

“Unë mund t’ju them tani, harrojeni idenë se pandemia do të marrë fund në Evropë në të ardhmen e afërt,” i tha ai audiencës, kryesisht studentë kinezë.

Zhang, i cili është gjithashtu drejtor i departamentit të sëmundjeve infektive në Spitalin Huashan të Universitetit Fudan në Shanghai, parashikoi më herët se epidemia brenda Kinës do të arrinte kulmin midis prillit dhe qershorit 2020 , para se të binte përsëri në verë 2020, duke u rikthyer në mënyrë sporadike përgjatë vjeshtës 2020 dhe dimrit 2020/2021 , dhe duke shënuar pikun përsëri, megjithëse ndoshta në një shkallë më të vogël, pranverën e ardhshme(2021).

“Për të zgjidhur këtë shpërthim në një periudhë të shkurtër kohe, masat duhet të jenë jashtëzakonisht radikale,” tha Zhang, duke shtuar se Kina ishte në gjendje të impononte bllokime të përhapura falë faktit që shpërthimi fillestar përkoi me festën e Vitit të Ri Lunar(2019), kur shkollat dhe bizneset ishin të mbyllura.

“Nëse vetëm e gjithë bota mund të ndalonte lëvizjen për katër javë, pandemia mund të ndalet,” tha ai. “Por unë nuk mund të imagjinoj një pezullim global. As në Gjermani dhe në Europë”.

Në disa nga zonat më të goditura të Europës, si në veri të Italisë, masa të rrepta si bllokime rrugësh, kufijsh dhe mbyllje shkollash janë vendosur tashmë.

Por pa veprime të njëkohshme në të gjithë botën, ato kombe që po imponojnë masa kontrolli do të mbeten të ekspozuara ndaj rrezikut të infeksioneve të importuara, si Kina, tha Zhang.

Ndërsa sëmundja përhapet më gjerë dhe numri i vdekjeve rritet, qeveritë ka të ngjarë të ndryshojnë strategjitë e tyre dhe të vendosin masa të izolimit të një niveli më të lartë, tha ai.

“Unë shoh një prirje të mirë që qeveritë po bëhen gjithnjë e më proaktive,” tha ai.

“Për sa kohë që strategjitë e të gjitha vendeve bëhen gjithnjë e më të fuqishme, kontrolli efektiv i pandemisë është vetëm çështje kohe”, citohet ai nga “South China Morning Post”.


Zhang Wenhong (Chinese: 张文宏, born 27 August 1969) is a Chinese doctor, and a member of the Communist Party of China. He is the Director and Secretary of the Party Branch of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Huashan Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Fudan University, and is also the leader of the Shanghai Medical Treatment Experts Group, deputy director of the Shanghai Institute of Liver Diseases and standing committee member of the Infectious Disease Branch of the Chinese Medical Association.
Zhang Wenhong graduated from Shanghai Medical University in 1993, majoring in medicine, and received his Ph.D. from Fudan University in 2000. He has studied at the BI Medical Center affiliated to Harvard Medical School and the Queen Mary Hospital affiliated to Hong Kong University.

In a 2018 interview, Zhang Wenhong said,"With the continuous updating of therapeutic drugs, hepatitis C can now be cured."

Zhang Wenhong is the leader of the Shanghai Medical Treatment Expert Group in the COVID-19 pandemic.

 He suggested that directors personally inspect rooms, instead of "pointing fingers behind others' backs"; changing positions, as "one cannot bully the obedient", "replace all doctors in all positions and replace them with departmental Communist Party members", and "no bargaining". The video went viral on Weibo and other social media, with netizens calling him a "hard-core director."

 Later, in an interview with the media, he said: "Everyone is a 'warrior' from now on. You are not isolated at home, you are fighting! Do you feel very bored? The virus will also be 'bored to death'(suffocated) by you. 'Bore' yourselves for two weeks." ; "If the whole society is mobilized, 'boring' the virus is to contribute to society".

Since then, he has put forward three important standards on returning to work, namely "fire prevention, anti-theft, and 'anti-colleagues'" 


At the end of February, Zhang Wenhong said in a media interview that in China, the first occurrence of new coronary virus was only in Wuhan. If it was transmitted to China from outside, it should have infected several Chinese cities at the same time, not one by one. He also said that the source of the virus is a controversial issue, but there must be "exact basis" to make claims, so he does not agree that the virus originated outside China. However, related reports have been removed from mainland China's news websites.

On March 15th, Zhang Wenhong posted on the official WeChat account of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University. The post reads, "I originally believed that if China had properly controlled the situation, the world would also follow suit. East Asian countries such as Singapore, Japan, and South Korea did very well but Europe has now become the new epicenter of the epidemic, bringing us huge uncertainty. China will still face great import risks in the future. " He predicted, "With respect to the current global anti-epidemic measures, it is basically impossible for this epidemic to end this summer. If the epidemic continues to evolve in Italy and Iran, then the risk of the Coronavirus becoming a cross-annual epidemic will increase along with it.”

China’s COVID-19 Expert Dr Zhang Wenhong Warns That Second Wave Will Emerge In China, If Not Already Happening

China leading COVID-19 expert, Dr Zhang Wenhong has publicly warned that a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic is gradually emerging in China and warns that it could far more worse than the first. His warnings echo the calls from many other Chinese medical professionals who are claiming that despite massive cover-ups by the Chinese government, some even more sophisticated than in the early days of the outbreak such as new electronic and high technology being deployed to censor social media messages etc, the fact remains that more and more sick patients are coming to hospitals each day with newer types of clinical manifestations.

Dr Zhang Wenhong 

Despite China’s government PR announcements that the COVID-19 outbreak is largely under control and economic activities have resumed, many experts are claiming that despite stringent domestic prevention remaining vigilant, more cases are emerging while the numbers of symptomatic cases are rising exponentially.

China is also using a ‘strange’ strategy that as long as people are asymptomatic despite testing positive, they are not considered as being confirmed COVID-19 cases. And should these people fall sick and die later, they are also not considered as being COVID-19 patients.

Hence China is once again concealing the extent of the second wave and there are no credible entities to audit or report on the matter. The World Health Organization (WHO) has emerged as the least credible entity that has always been condoning the Chinese government’s cover ups. The incompetent WHO has also been responsible for not being able to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 globally and is also the main disseminator of fake news and misinformation so far. (from telling people that social distancing of between 1 to 3 metres is safe, to telling people not to wear protective mask, etc) There are already calls for the shameless head of the WHO, Ethiopian national, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to step down. https://www.change.org/p/united-nations-call-for-the-resignation-of-tedros-adhanom-ghebreyesus-who-director-general while they are growing calls for the media to boycott all coverages of WHO and also for their sites to be taken down.

Dr Zhang Wenhong, known for his work leading Shanghai’s COVID-19 clinical expert team, commented, “Although China has made some achievements in the earlier stages, there is an urgent need to remain prudent and determined to fight the pandemic for an extended time.”

Dr Zhang, who is also director of the infectious diseases department at Huashan Hospital of Fudan University in Shanghai.

He added that it’s unlikely that the outbreak will end this summer, and that a second wave is already beginning to take root. While China needs to control imported cases to prevent a new round of contagion it also need to be alert about the growing number of asymptomatic patients and also those that are getting sick with new clinical manifestations.

Dr Zhan stressed that at present, the pandemic has reached a critical stage. Globally, Europe and the U.S. have not been effectively controlled for the time being. However, in Africa, South America and India, where the economy is less developed and medical resources are insufficient, new cases have increased exponentially, which brings great uncertainty to the global fight against the epidemic.

He said repeatedly two weeks ago that it’s unlikely the pandemic will be over by the summer, that it will largely last till the next year. Recent developments have confirmed that. The number of new cases in Europe and the U.S. is expected to gradually peak and reach a turning point, but the outbreaks have just started in other places. Assuming it can be contained in three to four months, it will be at the end of summer. But after the fall, the second wave could come. There is a high probability of a second international outbreak.

Health authorities in Beijing said April 5 that the prevention and control situation is still grim and complicated, and it is likely to remain cautious for a long time. When Beijing fights a protracted war, it means that the whole country fights a protracted war. Now, at the national level, this is the consensus.

Dr Zhang added, “We have actually taken control measures on aviation, but they can’t last forever. After the outbreaks in Europe and the U.S. are under initial control, it is expected that global aviation will be gradually opened up again. But the spread has already begun in India, Africa and South America, where the rise of new cases has been the fastest, posing great risks to the world.”

China despite being ‘well under control’, needs to control the situation even further to prevent a second wave that is even more massive and disastrous.

The difficulty ahead for China is to resume the economy and to prevent a massive outbreak from rebounding at the same time.

Chinese authorities in recent days have admitted having a growing number of asymptomatic cases but are still not public revealing the true extent of that and also the new deaths that have emerged in the last 3 weeks while maintaining a stance that the overall situation is good and the country is back into business.

Flori Bruqi

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