
Profesori kinez Chen Horin, CEO i spitalit ushtarak në Pekinit deklaron se një masë e mirë që mund të merret kundër virusit të ri është uji I nxehtë me limon.

Në internet qarkullon një lajm, i cili thuhet se mbështetet në mesazhin e një studiuese kineze, Shenme Minzi.

Ajo thotë se koronavirusi herët a vonë do të mbërrijë në çdo vend të botës, e nuk ka dyshim se disa prej tyre mund të mos i ketë mjetet e duhura për ta frenuar. 

Ndaj këshillon përdorimin sa më shumë të vitaminës C natyrale për forcimin e sistemit imunitar.

Shenme Minzi thotë se nuk ka vend për shqetësim, sepse është një virus që mund të largohet, edhe pse për atë aktualisht nuk ka vaksina e trajtime specifike, ndërsa mutacionet gjenetike që ka pësuar, e bëjnë aq të rrezikshëm sa të mos nënvlerësohet.

Profesor dr.Chen Horin, CEO i spitalit ushtarak të Pekinit të deklarojë se një masë e mirë që mund të merret kundër virusit të ri është uji i nxehtë me limon.

Limoni ndahet në tre pjesë e vendoset në një tas, i hidhet sipër ujë i nxehtë dhe duhet pirë çdo ditë. 

Ky lajm megjithatë nuk ka bindur shumë njerëz, që kanë kërkuar por nuk kanë arritur të verifikojnë emrat e përmendur, e as vërtetësinë e pretendimeve mbi “mrekullinë” e ujit të nxehtë me limon.

Dt Chen Horin & cancer


"Pieces of lemon in a glass of hot water can save you for the rest of your life," said Professor Chen Horin, director general of the Beijing Military Hospital.
Even if you are busy, you should look at this message and pass it on to others!
Hot lemons can kill cancer cells!
Cut the lemon into three pieces and place it in a cup, then pour hot water on it, it will become (alkaline water), drink it every day will certainly benefit everyone.
Hot lemons can once again release an anti-cancer drug.
Hot lemon juice has an effect on cancerous tumors and has shown treatment for all types of cancer.
Treatment with this extract will only destroy the malignant cells and will not affect healthy cells.
Second: Acids and mono-carboxylic acid in lemon juice, can regulate hypertension and protect narrow arteries, adjust blood circulation and reduce blood clotting.
After reading, tell someone else and pass it on to someone you love and take care of your personal health.
Professor Chen Horin points out that anyone who has received this letter is at least guaranteed to save someone's life. I did my part, I hope you help me spread it too.
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 Me shumë gjasë pra, mund të bëhet fjalë për një “fake news”.


Important Letter Regarding Corona Virus

Hello, I'm Laila Ahmadi from China, student at the Faculty of Medical Sciences at Zanjan University.
The Corona virus or COVD-19 will reach any country sooner or later, and there is no doubt that many countries do not have any sophisticated diagnostic kits or equipment.
Please use as much * natural vitamin C as possible * to strengthen your immune system. Currently, the virus does not contain a vaccine or specific treatment Unfortunately, due to the genetic mutation that made it very dangerous. This disease appears to be caused by the fusion of the gene between a snake and a bat, and has acquired the ability to infect mammals, including humans.
It is important to have greater knowledge of the disease: Professor Chen Horin, CEO of Beijing Military Hospital, said: "Sliced ​​lemon in a glass of warm water can save your life".
So whatever you are doing, take a look at this message and pass it on to other people!
Hot lemon can kill cancer cells! Cut the lemon into three parts and put it in a glass, then pour hot water and transform it into (alkaline water), drink it every day, it will definitely benefit everyone. Treatment with this extract destroys only malignant cells and does not affect healthy cells.
Second, the carboxylic acid in lemon juice can regulate high blood pressure, protect narrow arteries, regulate blood circulation and reduce blood clotting.
After reading the message, transfer it to the person you love and take care of your personal health.
Advice: Professor Chen Horin notes that whoever receives this message is at least guaranteed to save someone's life ... I did my job and I hope you can help me develop it too.
God bless us.🙏🙇😿

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Myrvete Dreshaj – Baliu: Shëmbëlltyra e Adem Jasharit dhe familjes së tij në poezinë e sotme shqipe 1,2 3.

            Profesor Dr. Myrvete Dreshaj-Baliu, PHD.   Përmbledhje e shkurtër: Objekt i kërkimit në këtë studim është reflektimi i shëmbëllt...