By Prof. dr. Mathieu Aref
The Academy of Sciences in Tirana and its acolytes in Pristina and elsewhere refuse to accept without justification and any serious study the Pelasgians as the first ancestors of the Albanians. On the other hand, they claim without any tangible proof or convincing argument that only the Illyrians are the ancestors of the Albanians!? This "academy" apparently ignores the archaic history (even less the pre-Hellenic history) of Greece and the ancient writings where all ancient authors, without exception, asserted that the Pelasgians were the ancestors of the Hellenes and not their great-grandfathers.
They transmitted to the Hellenes much of their language, culture and legends. The first kings of Athens, of whom Cecrops was its first king and not Kranaos who was a Pelasgian, were of Egyptian origin from the Saite dynasty of the Nile delta in western Egypt in the VIII-VII centuries BC In Song XVI, 233- 236 in the Iliad Zeus was considered a god or king of Dodona (the capital of the Pelasgian "cult") and Pelasgium. According to Herodotus, the Ionians were Pelasgians before they became Hellenes. etc.
While I assert in all my writings and my thesis, loud and clear, that during the four so-called "dark" centuries 1200 - 800 BC there are no records that prove the existence of the Hellenes during that distant period and so dark. The Mycenaeans could not be Hellenes because Hellenes did not exist in their time. The Trojan War, that is, that of the 20th century BC and earlier, did not belong to the war of the Hellenes, nor to the period called Mycenaean, because at that time only the Pelasgians existed. That is, a litany that continues for 2500 years with deceptions swallowed by most modern authors as well as some ideologues at the end of the XIX century.
Pelasgian ethnic family
Relying on the Illyrians to determine the origin of Albanians is like someone telling me that I am a descendant of my father and not my grandfather! This proves that those who are blind in the Academy of Tirana have not browsed even a single page of the writings of ancient authors or have read them incorrectly or misread them. They are certainly not aware that the name "Illyrian" (eg, the Paeons in the Iliad) was "as a name" (not as a people!) known only from the 7th century BC and was mentioned in ancient writings only in the VI BC at the time of the poet Pindari.
Moreover, Herodotus and Thucydides considered them to be a "free" and "independent" people since they themselves, no doubt, considered themselves as such, that is, a "free, free" people (not a state). Then that qualitative name spread as an "ethnonym" when it came to only the many free and independent "Pelasgian tribes" after the loss of sovereignty of the Pelasgians after the Hellenic conquest in the 8th century BC In southeastern Europe, the name Illyrian appeared in the west while in the east that Thracian. I explained the origin of this name in my first book in 2003.
That "Thracian-Illyrian" people of Pelasgian tribes was composed of principalities and small kingdoms, a typical and millennial Pelasgian tradition. They were the last survivors of the Pelasgians whose name ended up merging with that of their last descendants, the Illyrians and Thracians. For example, a Taulant king was never called "Illyrian king" but "king of the Taulants", the king of the Dasarets and the Autariats called themselves respectively "king of the Dasarets" and "king of the Autariats" and not Illyrian kings. The foreigners, a posteriori, called them "Illyrian" kings. It was others who called them Illyrians!
It was especially the Romans who, later, had a multitude of emperors of Thracian-Illyrian origin such as Aurelian, Diocletian and Constantine, who eventually spread and generalized the name "Illyrian"... a posteriori. Before them the names of the Phrygians, Dardanians or Trojans had suffered the same fate after a very slow integration and assimilation over time, and long before them the Lelegians, Carians, Lycians, Ligurians, Iberians, Philistines, etc., had suffered the same fate . All those Phrygian, Trojan, Dardanian, Friggian, Thracian, Paeonian, Moscow, etc. peoples are found in the Iliad in front of the Achaeans, Danaenes, Kademenians of Egyptian-Phoenician-Assyrian origin.
The Iliad and the Odyssey are the only early writings in the strict sense of the term that were "written" only at the time of Pisistratus in the middle of the 6th century BC. The Hellenes, Dorians and Illyrians are not mentioned in the epic poems and especially in the Iliad and the Odyssey. In fact the name "free" is cited with some frequency only after the publication of the Iliad in the middle of the 6th century BC They are regularly mentioned in the time of Pindar, 518 - 438 BC The same was true of the Pelopids, including Pelops, who He gave his name to the Peloponnese, which was previously called "Pellasgia".
Neither the Hellenes, nor the Ionians (of Ion) nor the Dorians (the Dorians, the "autochthonous" people of our land) are mentioned, the Pelasgian people who were under the service of the "Spartian" conquerors, a name that in the Egyptian language is written SPRT (consonant language). With the exception of the Pelasgian, Ionian, Thracian, Phrygian, Etruscan names, the names cited above are not mentioned in Hittite, Egyptian, Assyrian or Ugaritic documents.
Finally, to close the issue on the Illyrians, it should be noted that the Romans after the conquest of Troy "Illyria" in 168 BC created the Roman Province "Illyrii Proprie Dicti" meaning "Illyria properly named". It should be noted that this general name "Illyrian" (free) was returned as an ethnonym by all foreigners, as much later that the name Albania, Albani, Albanie was used to name "Albania" after the reign of Skanderbeg.
The creation of the "Illyrian Province" by the Romans significantly reduced the true territory of the Pelazgo-Thracian-Illyrians that included the entire peninsula of South-Eastern Europe and went from both banks of the Danube to Crete before the appearance of the Hellenes, Romans, Slavs, Bulgarians , Hungarians (as well as, further north, Finns and Estonians of Uralo-Ugrian origin), Byzantines and Ottomans. This Roman province stretched across the Adriatic coast from Istria to Epirus.
The map of Illyria created by the Romans is misleading, because the Illyrian "territories" (free and independent) were larger than the piece of land they (the Romans) created under the name "Provinca Ilirii proprie dicte". Unfortunately all geographers, historians, archaeologists, ethnologists and linguists have preserved only this reductive map to define the borders of the former Illyria which stretched from both banks of the Danube to Epirus/Chamer and from the Adriatic to Thrace. It is strange that Albanian archaeologists and historians use until today only the outlines of this deceptive map of Roman times!
As for Homer, he remains a controversial figure and some claim that he was blind or never wrote or was a great poet. He certainly existed for me, but he never wrote a word of epic poetry, because he was an illiterate "Pelasgian" rhapsodist who recited epic poems by heart (poems of the "oral" Pelasgian tradition). He went from city to city, from palace to palace, from feast to feast to praise the heroes of previous centuries, and the Hellenes encountered that rhapsody when they arrived in Pelasgia.
Most modern historians, archaeologists, linguists, mythologists, and others have been left bewildered, confused, and unsure of which foot to dance with in the face of an intractable mess! Why? Because the entire history of Antiquity, legends, chronology among other areas, were modified, refined and even manipulated by the Hellenic invaders since they reached the land of the Pelasgians!
I will not rewrite the main part of my thesis here, but simply give two examples that are essential to understanding all these embezzlements, manipulations and deceptions.
First, to prove that they were an autochthonous people, the Hellenes upon their arrival created a "flood" which would destroy everything that existed before, namely the Pelasgian civilization. The only ones who survived this flood were, as if by magic, Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha whose son Hellên has become the "eponym" of a new civilization. Going into all the details and mysteries of that story, the hand of the manipulator becomes very clear. Foreign Egyptian, Phoenician and Assyrian gods or heroes have intervened, making them descended from Pelasgian Zeus, intermarriage, etc.
Therefore we must have a developed critical mind, broad culture, great foresight and even be visionary to be able to separate the chaff from the wheat. Furthermore, in the 3rd – 2nd century BC a mathematician Eratosthenes (276 – 194 BC) invented the date 1193/4-1183/4 for the Trojan War. He did not show any evidence and wrote about a war regarding the Hellenes when they "did not exist" yet at that distant time and in the meantime there had been "four dark centuries" (1200 - 800 BC) where there is no evidence that proves the existence of the Hellenes who appeared after the 8th century BC!
As a result, the Hellenes, as professional manipulators, turned a very ancient Trojan War, that is, between 1800 -1200 BC and even earlier in the archaeologists' Troy VI and VII, into a real war between the new Hellenic invaders (Aceas , Danaen, Kadmean, Pelopids) and the Pelasgians of Asia Minor (Trojan, Phrygas, Dardana, Thrace, Peones, Meonas, Moscow, etc). The Troy VIII of archaeologists was a war that I developed around 720 - 680 BC So, since then, all pre-historians, historians, archaeologists, chronologists, ethnologists, anthropologists, linguists base their studies on Greek antiquity on a date false or incorrect.
To this day, all dates of Hellenic antiquity are either disputed or doubtful. Moreover, some chronologists claim that all the dates we know since the first Olympic games in 776 BC, the date many authors consider the beginning of Hellenic civilization, should be reduced by at least 60 years. So this is a small part of the arguments of my long and painstaking studies and research that question the "commonly accepted history". That's why it took more than fifty years to uncover the biggest hoax in human history.
Tirana Academy has not had the slightest curiosity or inclination to receive a copy of my thesis in French published in 2016 or published in Albanian in December 2021. It would have found all the answers to the questions it ignored and would have 'had found all the explanations, in-depth analyses, convincing arguments, testimonies and all the verifiable references. There are 909 notes and references in my thesis! It is clear that this Academy was locked up in its ivory tower and has gone down a bad path that could only lead to a dead end. This proves that in Albania there are no real historians specializing in Ancient Antiquity, not even a "chair" of Antiquity in Albanian universities exists to this day! On the other hand, I noticed that only archaeologists talk about history, which is not their specialty.
Furthermore, this Academy, not considering the Pelasgians as the ancestors of the Albanians, has left the door open to Greece, which will automatically jump on this occasion to officially declare that the Pelasgians are not the ancestors of the Albanians but of the Hellenes. In this way, the circle is completed, and this will certainly satisfy the ego of the Academy, which will warmly applaud this decision and give them reason to consider the Illyrians as the true ancestors of the Albanians. But those who are not lying will see there an unacceptable and shameful interaction between the Greeks and the Academy of Tirana and its various supporters. This is another betrayal in perspective.
Is this a political cooperation with Greece? Is it an occult alliance? While I, Mathieu Aref Canameti (Arif Mati), for whom some Albanian intellectuals even doubt my identity, I am from both sides of my parents ethnically, hereditary, morally and patriotically more Albanian than all those who doubt my identity. Thus I became a troublemaker who disturbs them thanks to my actions for more than fifty years devoted to the Pelazgo-national cause. I am still standing to discover other historical frauds thanks to my unwavering persistence, my unchanging will, my actions and my scientifically defended thesis at the Sorbonne University of Paris, France.
These incompetent and envious people should know that apart from the scholar - researcher - historian - ethnolinguist and eclectic intellectual, philosopher, polemicist, poet and painter, I am a human being, a patriot from Northern Albania, whose ancestors since Gjergj Kastrioti have fought with body and soul for the sovereignty and independence of their homeland. The region of Mati was part of the large territory of an ancient Illyrian tribe called Albani, which stretched from the province of Durrës to Dibër through Kruja, Mirdita and Mati, and whose capital was Albanopoli, today's Zgërdheshi.
This name "Albëni", due to the rhotacism of the Tuscan dialect, has turned into "Arbëri" at the time of our national hero Gjergj Kastriot-Skenderbeu. I am the son of that Albania. Our unforgettable hero, the admirer of the Macedonian Leka the Great and his Epirotic nephew "The Man" (in Greek Πύρρος, the first Pyrrh-os of Epirus 318 – 272 BC). Gjergj Kastrioti is the true creator of the first state named "Albania" (land of eagles) and he knew, of course, very well the history of this name of our Motherland.
My typical Pelasgian-Albanian pride and honor does not allow me to kneel before those who not only do not respect, doubt or ignore my identity and what I represent for the history of Antiquity, but also do not recognize my qualities and abilities as a university, scientist and historian of antiquity and especially a specialist of the Pelasgians, ancestors of the Albanians. They do not even know that in France or any other civilized country a doctorate degree is not obtained by blowing its leaves or buying it from unscrupulous dealers, but by pursuing the defense of a thesis constructed according to strict scientific rules. For example, with irrefutable assertions as well as evidence, convincing arguments, in-depth analysis, numerous testimonials, verifiable references, etc.
The map of Illyria created by the Romans is misleading, because the Illyrian "territories" (free and independent) were larger than the piece of land they (the Romans) created under the name "Provinca Ilirii proprie dicte".
Mathieu Aref - Doctor of Ancient History and Civilization - Pelasgologist, Sorbonne University, Paris
©, November 2024
By Prof.Dr. Mathieu Aref