
Avionët e shteteve anëtare të NATO-s, që janë përdorur në bombardimin e Jugosllavisë

                          Shkruan :Skender Jashari

Fillimi i Operacionit Forcat Aleate, që konsistonte në bombardimin e Jugosllavisë, më 24 mars 1999, në ora 20:00 sipas orës lokale në Kosovë, NATO-ja kishte në dispozicion 344 avion ushtarak të pozicionuar në bazat ajrore në Europë, prej tyre ishin 214 avion ushtarak të SHBA-së dhe 130 të anëtarëve të tjerë të NATO-s.[1] Shtuar këtyre edhe 2 B-2 që fluturonin nga Misuri në SHBA, për 15 orë në një drejtim dhe që hapën fushatën e bombardimit të Jugosllavisë,[2] kurse 6 B-52 hapën poashtu fushatën, të cilët lëshuan projektil AGM-86C.[3] Paralelisht me këtë nga deti Adriatik tre anije( Uss Gonzalez, USS Philippine Sea, USS Nicholson) dhe dy nëndetëse( USS Albuquerque, USS Miami)  dhe nëndetsja britanike( HMS Splendid) gjuajtën raketat Tomahawk Land Attacck Missile( TLAM-s), në Kosovë, Serbi dhe Mal të Zi.[4] Caku i parë i goditur pak pas orës 08:00 p.m. ishte në afërsi të Prishtinës, në rrjetin e energjisë elektrike që la pa rrymë, e pastaj ajroporti i Batajnicës.[5]

Numri i avionëve të NATO-s, gjatë Operacionit Forcat Aleate, u rrit ndjeshëm  si në numrin e avionëve gjuajtës ashtu edhe në numrin e sulmeve që u kryen. Numri i avionëve më 13 prill( në ditën e 20 të  Operacionit Forcat Aleate), u bënë 550 avion të SHBA-së, kurse më 27 prill u rrit numri në 700. Gjithashtu edhe sulmet më 24 mars ishin 120, kurse më 13 prill u rritën në 250 sulme dhe pastaj më 27 prill më 340.[6] Kontributi i 19 anëtarëve të NATO-s, ishte i ndryshëm, nga lejimi i hapësirës ajrore, infrastrukturës së tyre, bazave të tyre ushtarake dhe ajroporteve të tyre, shpesh edhe me kosto të konsiderueshme shkaku i ndërprerjes së aktiviteteve civile.[7] Kurse më 7 maj  1999, NATO kishte angazhuar plotë 1000 avion, e që ishin në process për të vendosur 1.100 avion,  prej të cilëve 1/3 ishin “gjuajtës”. Më 6 maj SHBA kishte 639 avion dhe NATO kishin  277, kurse më 26 maj SHBA kishte 717 avion, prej tyre 309 luftarak/bombardues, 261 mbështetës, 44 zbulues dhe 103 helikopter, pa përfshirë avionët e SHBA-së që bombardonin nga bazat ajrore prej SHBA-së.[8]

[1] William S. Cohen and Henry H. Shelton. “Department of Defense Kosovo/Operation Allied Force After-Action Report to Congress.” (Washington: Department of Defense, 31 January 2000), faqe 31; http://edocs.nps.edu/2014/June/Gregory%20MMAS%20Final%20Version%2020%20May.pdf, faqe 84; US Dept. of Defense, "Kosovo/Operation Allied Force After-Action Report" (31 Jan. 2000), faqe 31-32.

[2] Chris Hellman, “Lessons of Kosovo: More B-2 Bombers?” Weekly Defense Monitor, 3, no. 24, (Washington, DC: Center for Defense Information, 24 June 1999). Six of these aircraft rotated in pairs from Whiteman, conducting around fifty missions throughout the conflict; http://edocs.nps.edu/2014/June/Gregory%20MMAS%20Final%20Version%2020%20May.pdf, faqe 84.

[3] Dag Henriksen, NATO’s Gamble: Combining Diplomacy and Airpower in the Kosovo Crisis, (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2007), faqe 175; http://edocs.nps.edu/2014/June/Gregory%20MMAS%20Final%20Version%2020%20May.pdf, faqe 87; NATO’s Air War for Kosovo, A Strategic and Operational Assessment, by Benjamin S. Lambeth, 2001, faqe 20.

[4] Benjamin S. Lambeth, NATO's Air War for Kosovo: A Strategic and Operational Assessment (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2001), faqe 20; NATO’s Air War for Kosovo, A Strategic and Operational Assessment, by Benjamin S. Lambeth, 2001, faqe 20; http://edocs.nps.edu/2014/June/Gregory%20MMAS%20Final%20Version%2020%20May.pdf, faqe 88.

[5] NATO’s Air War for Kosovo, A Strategic and Operational Assessment, by Benjamin S. Lambeth, 2001, faqe 20-21.

[6] NATO statistics refer to 400 aircraft on day one. The lower figure comes from Department of Defense, Report to Congress: Kosovo/Operation Allied Forces After Action Report, Washington, Department of Defense, January 31, 2000, faqe 31.

[1] William S. Cohen and Henry H. Shelton. “Department of Defense Kosovo/Operation Allied Force After-Action Report to Congress.” (Washington: Department of Defense, 31 January 2000), faqe 31; http://edocs.nps.edu/2014/June/Gregory%20MMAS%20Final%20Version%2020%20May.pdf, faqe 84; US Dept. of Defense, "Kosovo/Operation Allied Force After-Action Report" (31 Jan. 2000), faqe 31-32.

[1] Chris Hellman, “Lessons of Kosovo: More B-2 Bombers?” Weekly Defense Monitor, 3, no. 24, (Washington, DC: Center for Defense Information, 24 June 1999). Six of these aircraft rotated in pairs from Whiteman, conducting around fifty missions throughout the conflict; http://edocs.nps.edu/2014/June/Gregory%20MMAS%20Final%20Version%2020%20May.pdf, faqe 84.

[1] Dag Henriksen, NATO’s Gamble: Combining Diplomacy and Airpower in the Kosovo Crisis, (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2007), faqe 175; http://edocs.nps.edu/2014/June/Gregory%20MMAS%20Final%20Version%2020%20May.pdf, faqe 87; NATO’s Air War for Kosovo, A Strategic and Operational Assessment, by Benjamin S. Lambeth, 2001, faqe 20.

[1] Benjamin S. Lambeth, NATO's Air War for Kosovo: A Strategic and Operational Assessment (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2001), faqe 20; NATO’s Air War for Kosovo, A Strategic and Operational Assessment, by Benjamin S. Lambeth, 2001, faqe 20; http://edocs.nps.edu/2014/June/Gregory%20MMAS%20Final%20Version%2020%20May.pdf, faqe 88.

[1] NATO’s Air War for Kosovo, A Strategic and Operational Assessment, by Benjamin S. Lambeth, 2001, faqe 20-21.

[1] NATO statistics refer to 400 aircraft on day one. The lower figure comes from Department of Defense, Report to Congress: Kosovo/Operation Allied Forces After Action Report, Washington, Department of Defense, January 31, 2000, faqe 31.

[1] https://webharvest.gov/peth04/20041027022740/www.defenselink.mil/pubs/kaar02072000.pdf, faqe xix.

[1] https://csis-website-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/legacy_files/files/media/csis/pubs/kosovolessons-full.pdf, faqe 31.

[1] https://webharvest.gov/peth04/20041027022740/www.defenselink.mil/pubs/kaar02072000.pdf, faqe xix; http://edocs.nps.edu/2014/June/Gregory%20MMAS%20Final%20Version%2020%20May.pdf, faqe 19.

[1] Benjamin S. Lambeth, NATO's Air War for Kosovo: A Strategic and Operational Assessment (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2001), faqe 276; https://csis-website-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/legacy_files/files/media/csis/pubs/kosovolessons-full.pdf, faqe 17; http://edocs.nps.edu/2014/June/Gregory%20MMAS%20Final%20Version%2020%20May.pdf, faqe 19.

[1] http://secure.afa.org/Mitchell/reports/0999kosovo.pdf, faqe 8; https://webharvest.gov/peth04/20041027022740/www.defenselink.mil/pubs/kaar02072000.pdf, faqe 78.

[1] https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/11581855.pdf, faqe 95.

[1] NATO’s Air War for Kosovo, A Strategic and Operational Assessment, by Benjamin S. Lambeth, 2001, faqe 33.

[1] NATO’s Air War for Kosovo, A Strategic and Operational Assessment, by Benjamin S. Lambeth, 2001, faqe 33.

[1] https://webharvest.gov/peth04/20041027022740/www.defenselink.mil/pubs/kaar02072000.pdf, faqe 78.

[1] https://www.academia.edu/31574193/Die_jugoslawische_Luftverteidigung  (10.04.2016).

[1] HQ AFMC HO Special Study 19-02, Operation Allied Force, faqe 33; https://archive.defense.gov/specials/kosovo/  (10.04.2016).

[1] HQ AFMC HO Special Study 19-02, Operation Allied Force, faqe 33; https://archive.defense.gov/specials/kosovo/  (10.04.2016).

[1] Department of Defense, Report to Congress: Kosovo/Operation Allied Forces After Action Report, Washington, Department of Defense, January 31, 2000, faqe  32; John Gordon IV, Bruce Nardulli, and Walter L. Perry, “The Operational Challenges of Task Force Hawk,” Joint Forces Quarterly, (Autumn/Winter 2001-02): faqe 54; http://edocs.nps.edu/2014/June/Gregory%20MMAS%20Final%20Version%2020%20May.pdf, faqe 84; https://webharvest.gov/peth04/20041027022740/www.defenselink.mil/pubs/kaar02072000.pdf, faqe 32.

[1] https://webharvest.gov/peth04/20041027022740/www.defenselink.mil/pubs/kaar02072000.pdf, faqe 78; https://csis-website-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/legacy_files/files/media/csis/pubs/kosovolessons-full.pdf, faqe 38.

[1] https://archive.defense.gov/specials/kosovo/; HQ AFMC HO Special Study 19-02, Operation Allied Force, faqe 33.

[1] Gregory Ball, “Operation Allied Force,” (Washington, DC: Joint Base Anacostia Bolling, 23 August 2012), http://www.afhso.af.mil/topics/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=18652 (qasur 31 dhjetor 2013); Wesley K. Clark, “The United States and NATO: The Way Ahead,” Paramaters, 29, (Winter 1999-2000): faqe 10;

http://edocs.nps.edu/2014/June/Gregory%20MMAS%20Final%20Version%2020%20May.pdf, faqe 108.

[1] https://webharvest.gov/peth04/20041027022740/www.defenselink.mil/pubs/kaar02072000.pdf, faqe 78; https://csis-website-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/legacy_files/files/media/csis/pubs/kosovolessons-full.pdf, faqe 38.


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