Ditë më parë (fundviti 2013) doli nga shtypi libri më i ri i autores, Naxhije Doçi, i përkthyer në gjuhën angleze, me titull: “The serbian crime and rape against albanian women in Kosova (1997-1999)”. Përkthimi i librit është bërë nga Lidhja Ndërkombëtare e Poetëve, Shkrimtarëve dhe Artistëve - LNPSHA “PEGASI” ALBANIA. Botues, Shtëpia Botuese “FAIK KONICA” – Prishtinë. Shtypshkronja “EURO PRINT”- Prishtinë, viti 2013, (465 faqe). Ne ballinë të librit- Piktura e piktores Zake Prelvukaj. -Libri në origjinal (në gjuhën shqipe): “Krimi dhe përdhunimi serb kundër femrës shqiptare në Kosovë 1997-1999”, botuar në Prishtinë më 2011 (441 faqe).
Qëllimi i përkthimit të këtij libri në të vërtetë ishte që të dëshmojmë para Bashkësisë Ndërkombëtare dhe para drejtësisë, se në Kosovë gjatë viteve 1998-1999 përjetuam një luftë të tmerrshme dhe të pabarabartë serbe, edhe pse ishim në tokën tonë dhe në rrënjët tona prej mija vjetësh.
T’i tregojmë botës me fakte të panumërta, që forcat serbe dhe përgjithësisht shteti uzurpator serb na vrau e na masakroi në shtëpitë tona, nëpër male ku ishim të strehuar nën qiellin e hapur dhe në kalvaret e gjata, kur na përzunë masovikisht nga Kosova, për në shtetet fqinje dhe gjithkah. Të dëshmojmë si Kosovë dhe si shqiptarë, me fakte reale, me data dhe me vende të sakta, se forcat ushtarake dhe paramilitare serbe vranë e prenë me thika gra e fëmijë shqiptarë, si edhe meshkuj shqiptarë të sëmurë, të moshuar e të paarmatosur. Përdhunuan me mija femra shqiptare!
Dogjën e rrënuan me themele vendbanimet e shqiptarëve, që ta shndërrojnë Kosovën në tokë të djegur. Përkohësisht e bënë pastrimin etnik të Kosovës nga shqiptarët, me më së një milion të dëbuar dhe gati 15 mijë të vrarë e të zhdukur. Nga realitetet e tilla shumë të dukshme dhe të verifikuara më përpikshmëri nga Bashkësia Ndërkombëtare, është bërë edhe intervenimi i Forcës Veriatlantike në Kosovë. Është bërë intervenimi i NATO-s në Kosovë.
Libri “The serbian crime and rape against albanian women in Kosova (1997-1999)” është vepër letrare-dokumentare dhe në të flitet për tragjedinë e femrës shqiptare gjatë luftës së ashpër dhe gjenocidale serbe në Kosovë, 1997-1999.
Personazh kryesor i librit është femra shqiptare e Kosovës dhe përmes saj flitet për ngjarje tragjike të një periudhe të caktuar kohore dhe për një vend të caktuar. Periudha kohore që përfshihet në këtë libër është kryesisht ajo gjatë luftës së hapur serbe në Kosovë 1997-1999, por përfshin edhe tërë aparthejdin e dhjetëvjetëshit të fundshekullit njëzet, si edhe më herët. Territor i caktuar është Kosova, ku aparati shtetror represiv serb bëri krime dhe masakra të shumta, si edhe pastrim etnik mbi popullin shumicë dhe autokton shqiptar të saj.
Për tragjedinë e luftës shfarosëse serbe në Kosovë shënimet më së shumti i mblidhja nga femra shqiptare, që i ka shpëtuar luftës, se ajo ishte krijesa më e dhimbshme dhe më sakrifikuese. Lufta e viteve 1997-1999 në Kosovë la gjurmë të pashlyera në mendjen e femrës shqiptare. Shkaktoi peripeci trishturese, që janë të shumta, ta pafundme, por që kërkojnë hulumtime, mbledhje të të dhënave të hidhura, që kërkojnë të qiten në letër, që të mos harrohen, se informatoret, përjetueset si proces i natyrshëm jetësor, një ditë edhe do të largohen nga kjo jetë.
Mbi bazën e kritereve të tilla, mënjëherë pas përfundimit të luftës shkrova disa fejtone për përjetimet dhe pësimet e femrës shqiptare gjatë luftës në Kosovë, ndërsa në vitin 2001 shkrova edhe një libër.
Në librin “Krimi dhe përdhunimi serb kundër femrës shqiptare në Kosovë 1997-1999” janë përfshirë ngjarje dhe fakte të shumta dhe bindëse të akteve të krimeve dhe të gjenocidit të pakrahasuar serb ndaj femrës shqiptare në Kosovë. Në të janë të pasqyruara njëmbëdhjetë (11) rrëfime tronditëse e të dhembshme, të mbledhura kryesisht në njëmbëdhjetë vende tragjike të Kosovës për femrën shqiptare. Konkretisht janë përfshirë tmerret dhe krimet që i ka përjetuar femra shqiptare e anës së Therandës (Suharekës), Prishtinës, Podujevës, Kaçanikut, Gjakovës, Rahavecit (Krusha e Madh), Prizrenit (Krusha e Vogël), Fortesës (Bellacërkës), Klinës, Mitrovicës etj. Ngjarjet e shtjelluara në këtë libër janë gjithëpërfshirëse dhe shumëdimensionale, ku secili rrëfim, krahas titullit kryesor, është i zbërthyer edhe në nëntituj të shumtë, si edhe secili rrëfim, në versionin e zgjeruar mund edhe të ishte një libër më vete.
Në libër janë përfshirë fakte të shumta të persekutimeve dhe të krimeve të pafundme të forcave serbe kundër nënave, motrave dhe fëmijëve shqiptarë të Kosovës. Rrëfimet e femrave shqiptare në këtë libër flasin për ngjarje të tmerrshme reale, që ato i kanë parë me sy dhe që i kanë përjetuar mbi vete dhe mbi krijesat më të dashura të tyre. Ato kanë parë, kur ushtria dhe policia serbe ua ka marrë në shtëpi, në kalvaret e gjata biblike dhe të strehuar në male e kah kanë mundur, fëmijët, burrin, prindërit, vëllëzërit, motrat, si edhe të afërmit të tjerë dhe kur ua kanë vrarë e masakruar para syve të tyre. Më të dashurit e tyre i kanë djegur edhe për së gjalli nëpër shtëpitë, që i digjnin me bomba dore nga afërsitë dhe me topa e me granata nga largësitë. I kanë gjuajtur edhe nëpër puse të thella, mbi të cilët pastaj kanë hedhur eksploziv, që t’i humbnin gjurmët e krimit të bërë. Në këtë libër është arritur të tregohet vetëm një minimum i asaj çka kanë përjetuar femrat shqiptare gjatë luftës së fundit në Kosovë.
Në rrëfimet e pasqyruara në librin ”Krimi dhe përdhunimi serb kundër femrës shqiptare në Kosovë 1997-1999, II”, secila ngjarje e përjetuar e personazheve të kontaktuara e ka rëndësinë unikate të ballafaqimit me tmerret dhe me krimet e shkaktuara nga pushtuesi serb në Kosovë. E përbashkëta për të gjitha këto përjetime dhe për këto pësime tmerruese është tragjedia njerëzore e femrës së paarmatosur dhe të pambrojtur shqiptare në Kosovë. Është dhembja jonë e madhe si popull shqiptar i Kosovës dhe si qenie kombëtare shqiptare. Në të vërtetë në libër pasqyrohet edhe qëndresa e dinjitetshme dhe shumë krenare e femrës shqiptare për lirinë e shenjtë të Kosovës, karshi dhunës dhe krimit të paparë e të padëgjuar ushtarak serb, karshi shpirtit kolektiv kriminel të një shteti të tërë serb.
Në këtë libër janë përshkruar edhe rastet e përdhunimive të tmerrshme dhe kriminele, që i kanë bërë forcat serbe kundër femrës së pafajshme dhe të pambrojtur shqiptare në Kosovë. Rastet i kam përshkruar me një maturi të konsiderueshme, se përdhunimi është çështje e ndjeshme dhe plagë tepër e rëndë për shoqërinë shqiptare dhe agresori serb pikërisht këtë ndieshmëri kishte për qëllim ta atakonte, që ta dobësonte qëndresën e shqiptarëve për lirinë e vendit të tyre, për lirinë e Kosovës.
Që të shkruaj për rastin e përdhunimit më është dashur një kohë e gjatë që t’i bind përjetueset e tmerreve të tilla për të biseduar. Kam shkuar disa herë që t’i takojë, se ato ngurronin dhe nuk donin të pranonin publikimin e tragjedive të tyre shpirtërore e fizike, edhe pse u thoja vazhdimisht se lufta është e keqe, e vështirë dhe se e tillë ka qenë gjithmonë. U thoja edhe se lufta nuk e bënë vetëm shkatërrimin ekonomik dhe kultoror të vendit, por lenë edhe shumë vragë të tjera të thella e të dhembshme në shpirtin dhe në mendjen e njerëzve, që vështirë se mund të shërohen e të harrohen për jetë.
Unë i kuptoj femrat e përdhunuara shqiptare dhe i ndij deri në thellësitë e shpirtit vuajtjet e tyre, por e di edhe se krimi i përdhunimit nuk bënë që të mbahet përgjithmonë i fshehtë. Kjo edhe nuk mund të komentohet ndryshe, sado që mundohemi që ta mashtrojmë vetën se nuk ka ngjarë ashtu, realiteti i përdhunimit serb në Kosovë është një e vërtetë e pamohueshme, që e dinë vetë femrat shqiptare që e kanë përjetuar një tmerr të tillë makabër. Krimi i përdhunimit duhet të rrëfehet patjetër, që ta merrë dheun, se vetëm kështu mund të lirohet femra shqiptare nga grumbullimi i dhembjeve të mëdha dhe helmuese në shpirt, që e bëjnë atë, pa fajin saj, të dërrmuar e të izoluar nga realiteti në të cilin jeton. Përbdryshe do t’i bëjmë keq vetvetës dhe edhe do ta rehabilitojmë armikun serb, që ishte kryesi i të gjitha krimeve tmerruese mbi popullatën e pafajshme e të paarmatosur shqiptare. Kosovës do t’i bëjmë padrejtësi të pafalshme historike, se ia mangësojmë faktet reale të krimit serb, faktet reale të përdhunimit dhe të çnjerëzimit, që për popullin shqiptar është plagë shumë e rëndë.
Në këtë libër është arritur të tregohet vetëm një minimum i asaj çka kanë përjetuar femrat shqiptare gjatë luftës së fundit në Kosovë, ku secila ngjarje e përjetuar e personazheve të kontaktuara e ka rëndësinë unikate të ballafaqimit me tmerret dhe me krimet e shkaktuara nga pushtuesi serb në Kosovë dhe konkretisht nga forcat militare dhe paramilitare serbe. E përbashkëta për të gjitha këto përjetime dhe për këto pësime tmerruese është tragjedia njerëzore e femrës së paarmatosur dhe të pambrojtur shqiptare në Kosovë. Është dhembja jonë e madhe si popull shqiptar i Kosovës dhe si qenie kombëtare shqiptare.
Personazhet femra në librin “The serbian crime and rape against albanian women in Kosova 1997-1999”, në shqip: ”Krimi dhe përdhunimi serb kundër femrës shqiptare në Kosovë 1997-1999” janë të moshave të ndryshme, ndërsa rastet që tregojnë ato janë tragjike dhe shumë rrënqethëse, secila në mënyrën e vet.
Naxhije Doçi është e lindur në Therandë (Suharekë). Shkollën fillore e kreu në vendlindje, të mesmen, Normalen në Prizren, ndërsa Fakultetin Filologjik–Gjuhë e Letërsi Shqipe në Prishtinë. Familja e saj Bajraktari nga Theranda më së dy shekuj ka luftëra për liri të tokave shqiptare, e në gjysmën e dytë të shekullit njëzet ishte e përndjekur dhe e burgosur pse vepronte me përkushtim për t’u çliruar nga pushtuesi serb në Kosovë. Babai i saj, Destan Bajraktari, profesor, ishte veteran i arsimit i anatemuar nga pushtuesi serb, i burgosur politik, folklorist i dalluar dhe autor i më së dyzet veprave letrare e folklorike. Është e martuar dhe ka bashkëshortin, prof. dr. Rexhep Doçin dhe tre djem. Më se 30 vjet ka punuar profesoreshë në shkollat fillore e të mesme të Prishtinës. Nga viti 2001 punon Shefe për Arsim Parashkollor dhe Shkolla Fillore në Drejtoratin për Arsim të Komunës së Prishtinës, e një kohë edhe zev. drejtor në këtë Drejtorat.
Në vitet e 80-ta në shkollën ku punonte, tani Shkolla e Mesm Teknike “28 Nëntori”, në Prishtinë, për shkak të reagimeve të shpeshta ndaj ndëshkimit të nxënëve shqiptarë, që dilnin në protesta kundër pushtimit dhe diskriminimit serb në Kosovë, bije në sy për të keq tek administrata e kohës dhe më gjërë. Reagimet e saj do të vazhdojnë edhe në kohën e ndryshimit të amandamenteve kushtetuese në vitin 1989 në Kosovë, segregacionit në shkolla e sidomos në kohën e helmimit të nxënësve shqiptarë nëpër shkollat e Kosovës, më 1990. Në klasën ku ishte kujdestare e klasës i helmohen 23 nxënëse nga helmet toksike misterioze serbe dhe me ndihmën e nxënësve të paprekur nga helmimi i bartë me veturën e vet dhe si të mundet nxënëset e helmuara të klasës, as të gjallë e as të vdekura, për t’i dërguar deri në spital dhe në shtëpitë e tyre. Një veprim i tillë do të kritikohet rrebtë dhe për këtë edhe do të ftohet disa herë në bisedat e ashtuquajtura informative në SUP-in e atëhershëm tmerrues serb, si edhe do të merret vendimi për përjashtim nga puna si profesoreshë. Edhe gjatë mbajtjes së mësimit nëpër shtëpitë-shkolla Naxhije Doçi disa herë është maltretuar e torturuar prej policëve serbë, që hynin edhe në orët mësimore në klasët ku mbahej mësimi në Shtëpinë-Shkollë.
Naxhije Doçi që nga viti 1989 është marrë edhe me aktivitete të organizuara arsimore dhe politike në të mirë të Kosovës.
-Pas luftës zgjidhet deputete në Kuvendin e Kosovës, në mandatin 2004 – 2007
-Më 2005 shpallet ambasadore e Paqës Universale në Botë.
-Është anëtare e Lidhjes së Shkrimtarëve të Kosovës (LSHK)
-Anëtare dhe nënkryetare e LNPSHA “PEGASI”- KOSOVA
-Anëtare -Unioni i Shkrimtarëve dhe Kritikëve Shqiptar të Kosovës.
Naxhije Doçi është autore e këtyre veprave të shkruara:
1. “Shpirti i dërmuar - Dhuna serbe ndaj femrës shqiptare 1997-1999 ” – Prishtinë
2001, (330 faqe).
2. “Destan Bajraktari folklorist, letrar dhe atdhetar ” - Prishtinë 2009, (448 f.).
3. “Krimi dhe përdhunimi serb kundër femrës shqiptare në Kosovë 1997-1999”,
Prishtinë, 2011, (441 f.).
4.”The Serbian crime and rape against the Albanian Woman in Kosovo 1997 – 1999”
5. Libri me poezi “Kohë flakadanësh të lirisë”, Prishtinë, 2012, (205 f.)
6. “Times of flambeaus of fredoom” , Pristine, 2012, (205)
7. “Jehu melodik”, liber me poezi, që është në botim në Prishtinë, 2014, (180 f.)
8. Është edhe autore fejtonesh të shumta gazetareske për tmerret e luftës në
Kosovë dhe e punimeve etnografike dhe gjuhësore për trevën e vendlindjes së vet,
Naxhije Doçi ka marrë pjesë në shumë tubime letrare, në Shqipëri e në Kosovë, ndër të cilat:
-Në Therandë, e ftuar nga Shoqata “Elena Gjika”, 2012
Në Gjakovë – 2012 dhe 2013, e ftuar nga “Qendra Kombëtare e Poetëve, Shkrimtarëve dhe Artistëve “Gjakova.
-Drini poetik, në Prizren, 2013
-Ne Prishtinë në “Unioni i Shkrimtarëve dhe Kritikëve Shqiptar”, 12 gusht 2013, ku edhe
zuri vendin e tretë dhe mori Mirënjohje.
-Manifestimi Kulturoro-Shkencor “Ulpiana-Krenaria Jone”, ku edhe mori Mirënjohje.
Me shkrimet e veta ka fituar edhe vlerësime të tjera si:
-Mirënjohje nga PEGASI KOSOVA, nentor 2011
-Titulli i lartë letrar “Krenaria e LNPSHA “PEGASI” ALBANIA “, Tiranë 22-09-2011.
-Titulli i vitit për publicistikë-2013
-Naxhije Doçi është edhe recenzuese veprash letrare e dokumentare.
-Gjatë viteve të 90-ta të shekullit XX është edhe autore tekstesh shkollore si:
1. “Fletore pune e gjuhës shqipe”, për kl.e IV.
2. “Fletore pune e gjuhës shqipe”, për kl. e V-të.
3. Libër leximi për kl. e III – “Mësojmë shqip”.
Prishtinë, 24. 01. 2014
by Naxhije Doçi
Over the last decade of the twentieth century the situation in Kosova was too severe under Serb occupation. It was a state of war, where Albanians were deprived of all rights, even the right to life. For beginning, Albanian individuals were attacked, with particular emphasis on distinguishing patriotic intellectuals, and distinct families of Albanian patriots. Over time there were no selection of cases and Albanians were tortured and killed without difference of age or gender, wherever they were, with aim to clean Kosova of its native element. In fact, since 1912, when happened partition of the Albanian lands, occupied by the neighboring Balkan states, Kosovar Albanians were enslaved and since that time never saw a bright days.
In the last two years of the closing millennium, that in 1998-1999 broke out the open war in Kosovo. It was a terrible war of genocide on the Albanians, where fascist Serbia with its army and police, and with all its military technique killed in Kosovo somewhere over 12 thousand Albanians. Whole towns and villages were burned. One million Albanians with stunning and humiliating tortures were expelled outside the borders of Kosovo to have nomadic life all over the world. Others, who for various reasons remained in Kosovo, walked through the streets of hell, without eating and without drinking, living in burned homes and over mountains and valleys, under the open sky. They were mutilated and killed with grenades and bullets without mercy, tortured with knives where ever they were found, planning their life to become heavy and impossible in their own land, and Kosova to be cleansed of its ancient Albanian element.
In order not to be covered by the weight of years and the dust of forgetting for the tragic events of the Serbian war in Kosovo, I decided to collect data. I felt as moral and national obligation to work for such a cause. These notes I began to collect on the field, especially during the years 1997 - 1998, while at this time were terrible Serbian offensives almost throughout Kosovo. Gathering evidence have often been made through the barrage of cannon shots and bullets, because I wanted to depict the suffering of Albanian women in Kosovo, when Serbian forces killed and massacred members of their closest family and the expulsion from their homes to deport them to Albania and other countries surrounding Kosovo. Even during the three months war of spring 1999 I collected notes from the population, which were expelled from the city of Prishtina to the mountains of Butoc and Zllash and conversely, while even my family were in Prishtina. I added and reinforced notes after the war, because the Kosova was freed and the field movements were unimpeded.
On the tragedy of Serb extermination war in Kosovo, I collected data mostly by the Albanian women, who had survived the war, while they were most painful and sacrifice humans. War of 1997-1999 in Kosovo marked outstanding, as the jig sealed in the minds of the Albanian women. It caused horrible experiences, which are numerous, to endless, but require research, bitter data collection, seeking to be printed on paper, not to be forgotten, while informants and witnesses one day will leave this life. On the basis of such criteria, immediately after the war I wrote several editorials for the experiences and sufferings of the Albanian women in Kosovo during the war, and in 2001 I wrote a book.
My new book "Crime and rapes against the Albanian women in Kosova (1997-1999)" talks about the fierce fighting and Serbian genocide in Kosovo. It speaks of the tragic events of a period of time and a place. Designated area was Kosovo, where Serb repressive violence exerted constantly and did crimes and massacres, implemented ethnic cleansing against the Albanian majority and native population. The period included in this book is mainly that of the years 1997-1999, but includes the entire decade of apartheid in the late twentieth century and even earlier. The book includes numerous facts of persecution and endless crimes of Serb forces against mothers, sisters and children of Kosovo Albanians. Confessions of Albanian women in this book show real horrific events that they have seen with their eyes, which have happened to their family members. They have seen when the Serbian army and police took them home, at long Biblical caravans, sheltered in the mountains or anywhere else with children, husband, parents, brothers, sisters and other relatives and when they were killed and slaughtered in front of their eyes. Their loved ones have also been burned alive in their homes, which were burned out with hand grenades, guns and with grenades from distances. They were also thrown in the deep wells on which then were thrown explosives, to lose tracks of crimes. In this book is managed to show only a minimum of what Albanian women have experienced during the recent war in Kosova.
In stories reported in the book ""Crime and rapes against the Albanian women in Kosova (1997-1999)", each event of the contacted characters has the unique importance of dealing with the horrors and crimes caused by the Serb occupiers in Kosova. Common to all these experiences and sufferings is human tragedy of unarmed and defenseless Albanian woman in Kosova. Our grief is great as Kosovar Albanian people and as Albanian national beings. In fact in this book is represented the resistance of the dignified and very proud Albanian women for the freedom of Kosova, against the violence and crime unseen and unheard of Serb military, against criminal collective soul of Serbs State.
My frightening writings in this book, vicissitudes and sufferings of the Albanian women of different regions of Kosova, on the whole great drama of feelings, loss, pain and heroisms, I tried to reflect in real and convincing. To be respected such stories as a true occurrence, I have tried to discuss them in the first, where characters speak for themselves for the horrors that have seen and experienced by Serbian criminal forces.
This method of operation have implemented writers of other nations with roughly the same fate as our fate as Albanian people of Kosova. Writer (in this case me as the author of the article) is embodied co-traveler of the character during its travel through the horrors of Serbian forces, and cries and feels same as the character. He also greatly rejoice when the character rejoice, when their children or other relatives escapes alive from Serb attacks with multiple and heavy weapons.
Female characters in this book are of different ages, while cases that they tell are very tragic and horrendous, each in its own way. Some of the narrative are children, like Saranda Bogujevci, 14 years old girl from Podujeva, which has seen with her eyes on March 28, 1999, when Serbian forces kill with rifle and massacre with knife her mother, two brothers and grandmother, as well uncle's family, along with Duriqi family, most of whom were housed together in a house in Podujeva; Afërdita Hasani, a young 20 year old girl from the village Prapashtica, Municipality of Prishtina, expelled from homes as a family and entire village, that after the terrible vicissitudes in the mountains and everywhere, Serbian criminal forces on April 21, 1999 shall kill two brothers, father and cousins. They kill them in in village Makoc, in a place called Sabit's Café, transformed in the terrible slaughterhouse those days of war, where Albanians were extracted from the convoy and killed with bullets, but also murdered with knives and motorized saws.
Characters in this book are also older women, as Feride Popaj, 75 years from village Fortesa (Bellacerka) of Rahovec, which endured and survived the frightening three Serb offensives, as on July 18 and on August 11, 1998 and an offensive on March 25 1999, two of here sons were killed, one specializing doctor of medicine and other engineer, and three grandchildren aged 14, 18 and 21 years. In this offensive she had seen when 21 sons and grandsons of relatives were killed, as well as 20 other men of the village Fortesa; Pashke Marku (60) from village Korenica in Gjakova, which the Serb military criminals, in close cooperation with Serb neighbors had killed her two sons, Xhovalin (1963), father of six children and Milan (1964), father of four children. On the fatal day of Serbian offensive of 27 April 1999 in village Korenica, sons of Pashke have been separated from the convoy in the village of Meja and since is never known for their fate. In 2003, according to identification with the DNA test, their burned remains were brought to her. From great pain to the criminally abducted sons and negligence of local and international factors in Kosovo for the issues of missing persons of war, mother Pashke made suicide that same year in Korenica, burning herself with fuel. Sacrifice was made in the village square, in the direction of the cemetery, where rested the burnt bones of her sons, who had fallen for the freedom of Kosovo. This sad event had shocked residents of Korenica and surroundings, as well as all Kosova!
Women characters in the book are middle-aged, like 39 years old Shemsije Hoxha form Junik. Serb criminals on April 27, 1999 kidnapped from the convoy in village Meja two infant sons and husband, and since than she had never seen them and accurately and convincingly never knew what had happened to them. According to Shemsije, on 27 March 1999 offensive, in Junik, the order of expulsion from their country was given by police commander of Decan called Vula; Nexhmije Hoti, 40-year-old from village Krusha e Madhe, Serbian barbarian soldiers in offensive 26 March 1999 in the village killed her husband dr. Fahredin Hoti in the vineyards, while he was giving medical assistance to the frightened population of the village. They also killed her infant boy, Kreshnik, who was never separated from his father, assisting the wounded and weakened from the horrors of uneven offensive on them; Luljeta Shehu, 37 years from village Krusha e Vogël, her husband was killed and burned, along with her four brothers and other 34 men of family Shehu, in the atack of 26 March 1999, in village Krusha e Vogël.; Ana Dedaj (47), Mire Kqiraj (40), as well as Mane and Marte Dedaj from village Guskë of Gjakova, four men and sons killed in the awful offensive of 27 April 1999, in village Korenica of Gjakova. Women of Guska are authentic witness of the horrors during the Serb attack on March 29, 1999, on their village and when they were displaced with savagery in Korenica. They, like other women, are the heroines of time for outstanding stability, when Serb soldiers took in their presence their husbands and sons; Sevdije Frangu (45), from Kacanik, in the 26 March 1999 offensive, in the place called Përroi i Rakocit (Stream of Rakoc), Kaçanik, her 18-year-old daughter Emsale Franku was killed, also her husband Izijadin Franku, and her father Xhemajl Haziri. They were sheltered in the valley as a family for survival and rescue, but also for logistical help in the fight for freedom Kosova. Additionally, Sevdie was caring for 78 elderly people (women and men), sheltered with them; Selvie Gjinaj (51) from Mitrovica, peoples representative from the Constitution of Kacanik, who had previously experienced offensive after offensive in Mitrovica and sorrounding.. She, among others, also experienced convoy Mitrovica-Gremnik of 18 April 1999, which had somewhere around 300000 expelled Albanians from their homes, and that its length was somewhat more than 25 kilometers. One such Calvary was seen by NATO airplanes; Mihrije Çallapeku (45) from the village of Bakajë, Municipality of Klina, experienced all offensives during 1998-1999 in the villages of Klina and was wounded nearly to death with dum-dum bullets. Mihrija has experienced, among other, Serb massacre of 2 May 1999 in the Zhabota family in village Kërrnicë of Klina, where she was housed with husband and with part of her family. In that massacre were massacred and killed with knives 12 women and children and were committed terrible rapes and crimes; Mihrija had survived under the dead and wounded in a house yard.
In this book are mentioned the horrible rape cases, who have done serb forces against the innocent unprotected Albanian women in Kosova. The cases I have described with a considerable caution and reserve, while rape is a very sensitive issue and extremely serious wound to society. Serbian aggressor meant to attack exactly this sensitivity, through desecrating the sensitive moral wanted to weaken the resistance of the Albanians for freedom of their country. In this book is the case of rape, which cannot be compared to anything in this world and discussed by the story of a woman character, who has seen the tragedy, that raped woman is no longer in life. According to the confessor Mihrije Çallapeku, raped 18-year-old girl was Fetije Zhabota from village Kërrnica from Klina. She was raped from somewhere about five-six uniformed Serb criminals, have cut her genitals, breasts and the face, limbs and even whole body. Serb criminals while raping her have also massacred the unfortunate girl simultaneously, whole covered in blood, and have raped her while she was dying.
On April 21, 1999, in village Dragaqinë in the municipality of Therandë (Suharekë), Serbian criminal forces that had surrounded and burned village with tanks and bombs, took hostage more than 350 women and children, and trapped them on three burnt houses of the village. During three days and four night of isolation, between 21 and 24 April 1999, without food and without water even for young children, against them were committed horrible crimes and inhumanity, which were rapes. Serb soldiers and paramilitaries took Albanian women and raped them one by one, and sometimes three or four at once, by saying it's your turn now, your turn now, ... They did this three days and three nights, without ever being stopped, raping young and old and in many cases even in the presence of each other.
Against the character of this story in this book from this place, I. T, before she was raped was taken from the hands of her children with horrendous torture, pulled and dragged from one house to another. From the horrors occurring, her young children were left to cry up to terrifying and unconsciousness. They were left alone and without anyone looking after them, on the concrete floor of the house covered with the soot of the burning. Each woman in their terrible situation had the worry of coming next to the horrible inhuman upcoming act. Each of them had also the great fear of frightening situation between life and possible death of their children, if they would be opposed to rape and horror on them.
To write in Dragacina rape case, but also for other similar cases throughout Kosovo, I had to spent a long time to convince the experiential of such horrors to talk. I went several times to meet them, while they were reluctant and unwilling to accept the publication of their spiritual and physical tragedies, despite constantly saying to them that war is bad, difficult, and that such has always been. I also told them that the war did not only destroy the country's economically and culturally, but also leaves deep wounds in the soul and mind of people, who can hardly be cured or forgotten for life.
I understand raped Albanian women and feel to the depths of my soul their suffering, but also know that the crime of rape should not be kept secret forever. The crime of rape must be confessed, to take soil, while this is the only way of freeing ourselves from the large poisonous pain, that keeps us with pain with no guilt, exhausted and isolated from reality in which we live. Otherwise, we will damage ourselves and rehabilitate the Serb enemy, who was the perpetrator of all the horrific crimes on the innocent population of unarmed Albanian. Kosova would suffer unforgivable historical injustice, while we would reduce real facts of the crime of rape and humiliation, that for the Albanian people is wound so severe as death itself.
Female of this story, I. T, was finally convinced, after 12 years of terror war in Kosova to tell, that the reality of Serb rape in Dragacina of Theranda (Suhareka) is an undeniable fact that she knows, as well as more than other 350 women that were closed and raped, and the whole surroundings. It also cannot be interpreted otherwise, no matter how we try to delude ourselves that it didn’t happened that way. The horror of rape in Dragacina happened, that Albanian women there, while remaining unprotected, at the mercy of ruthless criminal Serb soldiers, with none of their man near, while albanian men had went to mountains to stop and fight the barbarism, or that Serb soldiers have killed them in front their eyes, are falling as victims without their will. In fact the victim and raped was an entire people, that Kosova experienced a war of unjust and unequal in the spring of the end of the twentieth century. I.T. character admitted to the publication of mass rape in Dragacina, but her story came with deep groans and difficult distress, as well as the conversation that took place in year 2000.
-Please, as you note, be carefull, that if you mention my name in the book, my daughter told me that she will make suicide - said I.T.
-No way, and for this you have to be fully convinced that your name will not be deciphered in the book, but also not to mention the girl's suicide idea, while such a thing saddens me immensely. That made me feel even more sorry because my goal is to identify and not forget Serbian crimes in Kosovo, made by the war machinery of their powerful military. Enough Albanians were killed Serb enemy during the open war in Kosova, some over 12 thousand dead, and now we must try to survive and to overcome our pain and losses. We have to work to develop, and also to grow in population, and not to suicide. This will be the biggest desire of Serbia and its fulfillment of the exterminating plan against Albanians. Serbian war crimes cases, including the crimes of rape, we have to examine and prove, to judge criminal Serbia to the world, as well as not to let history to repeat - I said to I. T.
Also in the returning convoy Marec-Prishtina of 21 April 1999, many women were extracted from the convoy and raped in a place called Café of Sabit and House of Nebih in Makoc. According to the story of the female person from Prapashtica called Afërdita Hasani, who has seen uniformed Serb criminals, when they took young and old Albanian women from the convoy, in that place of horrible crimes in Makoc, were heard shrill screams of women who were raped with horror and they were massacred and killed also with horror. Female person of this story for Krusha e Madhe village, Nexhmije Hoti, from that what she heard form others, tells that in this willage serb criminal forces had gathered many albanian females in the house of Isa Rexhepi, aproximatelly 200 meters from primaru school and there commited horrible rapes and masacres. Female person in the story of village Meje, Shemsije Hoxha (from Junik) tells that on April 27, 1999, in the endless convoy with albanians expelled from Dugagjini region and other parts of Kosova, serb criminals had extracted from the convoy many feales and raped them in the forest along the road, and there were no information what happened with them! Females were humiliated even in front of mass of people and they screams were terrifying for the people in the convoys, making death to be thousand times better then life!
Evidence of unmatched and countless Serbian crimes, as well as numerous rapes described in this book, I think are strong data for justice, to understand with full conviction that Fascist Serbia's of Slobodan Milosevic was an barbarian aggressor of extreme dimensions, and great criminal in Kosovo. We Albanians should understand and treat this well and with great wisdom for the international community and justice, that Kosovo during the years 1998-1999 witnessed a terrible and uneven war from Serbia, even though we were on our lands and our roots for thousands years. For this we are live witnesses and have many evidences that Serb forces and in generally usurper and criminals state of Serbia killed us and massacred us in our homes, in the mountains where we were sheltered under the open sky and in the long convoys, when we were expelled en masse from Kosovo to neighboring countries and everywhere else. Serb forces killed with weapons and knives Albanian women and children, elderly men and unarmed Albanians of Kosova. They burned and destroyed our settlements, to turn Kosovo into burned land. Temporarily did ethnic cleansing of Kosovo Albanians, with the cast of a million expelled and nearly 15 thousand dead and missing. Because of such visible realities and largely verified by the International Community, came the intervention of the North Atlantic Force in Kosovo. Came the NATO intervention in Kosovo.
If we, the Kosovar Albanians don’t show and prove through the legal ways terrible realities that we experienced from the Serb military state apparatus, we give space Serbia to attack us again. We give space to Serbia now to attack us and accuse us in legal terms, that the Albanians were supposed murderers of Serbs in Kosovo. So Serbia, which in 1998-1999 made numerous and terrible military and police offensives throughout Kosovo, killing and slaughtering thousands of Albanians, destroyed and devastated whole living places of ethnic Albanians, makes them with no right guilty and killers. Therefore, now come on persons like Carla del Ponte and Euro-representative Dick Marty, as unworthy researchers of terrible realities in Kosovo during the 1998-1999 war. Such Pseudo-researchers try to invent, fabricate and forge so called facts, to equalize the total victim - Kosovo Albanians with Serb state criminals, with Serbia as fascist and usurper. It is known to all, and these are undisputed historic and legal facts, that Serbia with its military forces, and paramilitary police madeunprecedented and unmatched genocide on Kosovo Albanians in the late twentieth century, and exactly in ancient Europe.
During the terrible offensives in Kosova, most ordinary violence and massacres against Albanians and Albanian women concretely, as well as rapes were committed from local Serbs, mostly neighbors, recruited as soldiers and paramilitaries or as civilians. They often have led Serbian forces to attack and massacre certain places, which they have known well. Local Serbs were strong collaborators with Serbian forces during the operations of fascist massacring and killings of Albanians, burning of houses and their mass expulsions abroad. During the attacks on Kosovar Albanians, they were masked, allegedly not to be identified, but in most cases were without masks, to be proud in front of their criminal Serb superiors, that they are even capable of committing crimes against Albanian neighbors and cleaning the Kosovo from Albanian native element. In this book, the most notable massacres on ethnic Albanians in Kosovo, led by Serbian neighbors, are they in Krusha e Vogël, where Serb neighbors Sveta Tasiq, Momcilo Nikolic, Slavisa Petkovic, Ljubisa Stankovic and Zvezdan Nikolic were they who had killed and burned Albanians in village Krusha e Vogël. They, along with Serb forces killed and burned alive about 103 Albanian men.
Even in village Krusha e Madhe, local Serbs involved in military formations and paramilitary forces, along with Serb forces committed huge massacres. They are: Sveta Tasiq from Krusha e Madhe, Zoran Dabizheviq from Dërsnik in the municipality of Klina, Sveta Çukariçi of Rahavec, etc.; Even on the refuge with women and children in the house of Asma Zhabota in Kërrnicë village of Klina, Serb criminals committing the massacre were Serb neighbors, Jovan Donçiq of Bingje, leader of the paramilitaries for the municipality of Klina and Rados Milk Misirliq, infamous cop. They committed unprecedented torture and horrors on Albanian population of this area. Lots of crimes were committed by the policemans in paramilitary uniformes, Milladin Nishevci from village Grapc and Vucko Shutic from Shtupel; Masacres at Bridge of Bella and at the place called Te Plepat (at the poplars), in village Fortesa of Rahavec Municipoality, were commited by with serb soldiers and serb neighbors Xhek Kollashinac (56) head poeliceman of MUP of Rahavec, Sasha Matic, policeman and Nenad, driver of the vine warehouse in Rahavec, all three dressed as paramilitary. Also are mentioned and Bllazha Mojsic, head commander of police and roma person called Agim Magjupi (Agim the Gipsy) who was the assistant of the commander.
Also is known Podujeva massacre of 28 March 1999 against the Duriqi and Bogujevci family, among others conducted by Sasa Cvjetan and Dejan Demirovic, reservists of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia; massacre of Rakoci Brook in the Kaçanik is committed by Serb forces, led by Serb neighbors Momcilo and Dragan. Infant son of the person that told the story from Kacanik, called Visar, in moments of being in front of rifles had spoken to his mother, Sevdije: Mother, Dragan will not kill us, he is our neighbor! No! - Paramilitary criminal Dragan said, now we are not neighbors any more, and had fired the gun at the women and children and older and ill patients; According to residents of the village Guska and Korenica, among ordinary criminals of Korenica massacre were local Serbs, like Dragutin Miçunoviçi (Guta) from Korenica - military policeman, with his brother, Aca, also a policeman, and Dragutin Prentic (Dragan), Serbian journalist of Kosova journal "Jedinstvo" and Milutin Prashevic senior officer of the Serb MIA in Gjakova.
To collect the material as authentic as possible from the mouth of the narrator, who have survived the war, was a difficult effort, more spiritual than physical. Physical difficulties were there, because the material was collected mostly in times of war. Spiritual difficulties were hard, because a lot of care should be given to communicate with women. First I had to make them calm before asking to tell horrible events that had experienced on themselves and on their loved ones. Talks were held as a need where one wants to release their anger of troubled soul, but if they noticed that I took notes, then immediately pull back and remained reluctant to confess. I had to start again from the beginning; I wanted them to be as much authentic and original, and not to leave something without being told. Also I heard their groan that bursts from the depths of the soul. In those moments I could not keep calm myself and I cried with them.
Stories represented in this book are original, terrifying, taken from the mouth of the humble Albanian woman and such multiple events I represented also on my first book with this theme: "Exhausted Spirit - Serb violence against Albanian women in Kosovo (1997-1999) "(Pristina, 2001, 329 pages). This book was well received by scholars and was valued as a rare book on the topic of war. I will mention some titles of their comments in relation to assessments made: researcher from Tirana, Leonora Shkurtaj gives an opinion on this book: "A book that puts spirit on trembling and in thoughts" ("Publishing - Univers" Tirana, 2004, p. 225-230), Robert Elsie, "Historical Dictionary of Kosova - Historical Dictionaries of Europe, no. 44 (The Scarecrow Press, Inc.. Lanham, Maryland - Toronto - Oxford, 2004, p. 246, 258); Dr. Daut Bislimi, "Book with national value," "Bota Sot" (1. III. 2002, Pristina, 2002, p. 19); Xhavit Nura, "Albanian woman suffered greatly during the war, now is the time of their rehabilitation," "Bota Sot" (Pristina, 15. II. 2002, p. 7), Sh. Rexhepi "Tragedy of vulnerability to counter the violence", "Kosova Sot" (31 January 2002, p. 18); Isa Vatovci, "The art of writing is a gift that comes from the soul", "Kosova Sot" (8 November 2009, Prishtina, 2009, 12), etc.
The new book ""Crime and rapes against the Albanian women in Kosova (1997-1999)" is the second part of the continuation of the first book "Exhausted Spirit - Serb violence against Albanian women in Kosovo (1997-1999)", with descriptions of crimes and persecution of Serb forces against mothers, sisters and children of Kosovar Albanians. There are new events, new characters of other places (villages and towns) compared to my first book. On the new book ""Crime and rapes against the Albanian women in Kosova (1997-1999)" are included numerous and convincing evidences of the acts of the Serbian violence and the unprecedented genocide against the Kosovar Albanian woman. In this book are covered eleven (11) shocking stories, mostly collected in eleven tragic places of Kosova. The difference from the first book is that in this new book, horrendous events are dealt more comprehensive and multidimensional, with each story, along with the title, broken down into numerous subheadings.
Finally, I will point out that all the female characters of this book, with their original and precise stories are powerful witness of the horrors and crimes of the immeasurable magnitude during the unequal war on years 1997-1999 in Kosovo. They, with their well preserved memory, despite the criminal experiences and sufferings they had, have provided strong evidences and relevant to the new history of Kosova. They, as well as all other women of Kosovar Albanians, who suffered greatly during the disproportionate war, are the heroines of the time. To all them I thank from my heart for very good cooperation and greater understanding, and respectful sustainability towards great sorrow caused by unprecedented savagery.
In front cover of the book is the anti-war painting “Collateral damage” of American painter Sallie Latch. Also is posted part of the text of Pashke Marku from Korenica. Pircture in the story of Guska and Korenica is from the famous painter Pablo Picaso called “Guarnica”. Other paintings inside the book are from kosovar painter Zake Prelvukaj.
Sincerely I would thank the editor, prof. dr. Sali Bashota, as well as readers prof.dr. Resmije Kryeziu and Leonora Shkurtaj from Tirana for comments, advices and suggestions intentioned with scientific and artistic criteria, so that this book could be much better prepared for publication. I thank my husband, prof. dr. Rexhep Doçi, who has accompanied me many times during the fieldwork, as well as looking to book to come up with as few spelling errors. I Thank Drin Kryeziu for the design and cover of the book, and my son prof. dr. Ilir Doci for computer and design implementation and translation into English of the Foreword. In particular I thank the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kosova, specifically Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice, prof. dr. Hajredin Kuci for sponsoring this book to be published as soon as possible. Also, I sincerely thank the Municipality of Prishtina and specifically the Department for Culture, Youth and Sport for sponsoring this book to be published.