
Karikaturistët nga e gjithë botën ishin bashkuar në homazhet për kolegët e tyre të vrarë të Charlie Hebdo.

Karikaturistët nga e gjithë botën ishin bashkuar në homazhet për kolegët e tyre të vrarë të Charlie Hebdo.
Ata me  vizatimet e tyre  të fuqishme  kishin prezentuar fotot e tyre kundër terroristëve të armatosur u përpoqën që ti mbyllnin gojën revistës satirike franceze, Charlie Hebdo.
Tre persona sulmuan ndërtesën e gazetës në Paris të mërkurën, duke qëlluar për vdekje 12 persona dhe duke lënë të plagosur 11 të tjerë.
Në mesin e viktimave ishin 10 gazetarë dhe të paktën katër karikaturistët.
Charlie Hebdo ishte i njohur për imazhet e saj satirike të diskutueshme me në qendër Islamin ndërsa në numrin e fundit revista kishte paraqitur një karikaturë të Ebu Bagdadi, lideri i shtetit islam të ISIS.
Cartoonists across the world, including Australian David Pope, have flooded the internet with touching drawings to show support and solidarity for the victims of the Charlie Hebdo terrorism attackThis image by The Independent's cartoonist Dave Brown, was retweeted by over 22,000 people including author J.K. Rowling'And this is our gun!' A Chilean caricaturists thought up this clever image after the distressing event, which saw 12 people die and 11 injuredIllustrator James Walmesley's cartoon received 4,200 retweets within nine hours of being shared online Dutch cartoonist Ruben Oppenheimer alluded to the 9/11 terror attacks in New York with his thoughtful cartoon which received over 20,000 retweets Brazilian cartoonist Carlos Latuff's cartoon shared a different message: while two gunman were drawn shooting into a building labelled as the Charlie Hebdo headquarters, the bullets are also shown hitting an Islamic buildingSupportive cartoons came from artists as far and wide as India, Egypt, Brazil, Canada, Spain and BelgiumFrench artist Boulet's cartoon portrays the magazine as a duck, flying above a gunman. The words roughly translate to 'the ducks always fly higher than the guns', using the French slang for ducks which can also mean newspaperFrench artist Boulet's cartoon portrays the magazine as a duck, flying above a gunman. The words roughly translate to 'the ducks always fly higher than the guns', using the French slang for ducks which can also mean newspaper cartoonist Cheb Makhlouf published this illustration:Meanwhile Indian artist Satish Acharya's image satirised the event with the pictured speech bubble Nate Beeler was one of many artists who advocated for free press within his satirical drawing The Washington Post's editorial cartoonist Tom Toles wrote 'but the pen will endure and the line will be drawn' on his illustration Many of the images, including this one by Rob Tornoe, depicted sharpened pencils and pens claiming retribution against their attackersFfench cartoonist Gilles van Kote from the publication Le Monde wrote 'Wholeheartedly with Charlie Hebdo' in his image 'In memory of my colleagues and friends from Charlie Hebdo' Patrick Chappatte, a cartoonist for The International New York Times, wrote Dutch cartoonist Joep Bertrams published this gruesome yet powerful illustration which received over six thousand shares Freedom of speech: This drawing by Michael de Adder, a Canadian cartoonist, shows a group of people trying to stop an illistrator's handA picture is worth a thousand words, as is depicted in this image by MacLeod Cartoons, with a clear message against violence Cartoonist Martha Richler penned this sketch, depicting a woman as liberty clutching a French flag and a penThis cartoon style drawing, which reads: 'The pencil is the most peaceful weapon, don't mess with humor' was hung outside France's embassy  in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Vdiç shkrimtari dhe avokati i njohur dardan Zeqir Berdynaj (1934-2025)

Zeqir A. Berdynaj, u lind më 6 qershor 1934, në Firzë, ish katundi i Ri i komunës së Pejës.  Shkollën fillore dhe të mesmen e kreu në vendli...