The metropolitan of the Serbian church and its followers is forbidden to keep the liturgy inside the church of St. John in Shas by the police.
After the clash at the entrance to the old city of Shas where local residents blocked the way of Serbian church followers, police opened the way but did not leave them to enter the St. John's church in Shasta Castle, where it was planned previously the activity, writes Ulcinj Online.
According to the information the police took this action because the activity of the Serbian church was not announced on time but also after the appeal of the Ministry of Culture - the Directorate for the Protection of Cultural Heritage and the Albanian National Council as there were indications that the disruption of the order may occur public calm.
Amfilohija arrived at the site where there were about 365 Albanian Catholic churches and they blessed them as Serbian churches. Revolted, residents have not spared insults and defamations against the priest by defending their Albanian identity.
"You are not welcome that way. These items are ours, we have saved them and we will keep them, "said among other Albanians. After the tensions the road was unlocked to pass the followers of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the passage of local residents to the archaeological site was blocked.
The Montenegrin Metropolitan is known for his anti-Albanian views and statements, which he has done in Shkodra, bringing many debates a while ago.
Serbian media reported that the Montenegrin police forbade liturgy in Shas.