Dr sc Bedri Zahiti. i lindur më 1950. Internist, kardiolog, magjistër dhe doktor i shkencave të mjekësisë.
Punon dhe vepron në QKUK, Klinika Interne, Shërbimi Kardiologjik, është i angazhuar në Fakultetin e Mjekësisë në Prishtinë.
Dr sc Bedri Zahiti mjek specialist internist, kardiolog ne Kliniken Interne, Sherbimi kardiologjik, QKUK Prishtine, u lind me 12 qershor 1950 në fshatin Kçiq të Madh, KK Mitrovicë Arsimin fillor e kreu ne Skenderaj .Shkollen e mesme ne Mitrovice. Fakultetin e Mjekesis e kreu ne vitin 1975 ne Prishtine.
Specializim nga Mjekesia Interne e kreu me 1982 ne Beograd .Studimet pasuniversitare nga lemi i kardiologjise i kreu ne Beograd ne vitin 1984. Subspecializimin nga kardiologjia e kreu me 1984 ne Beograd
Tezen e magjistratures me titull:
“Mundësia e vlerësimit elektrokardiografik të madhësisë së infarktit akut të miokardit”, e mbrojti me 12.07.1997 ne Fakultetin e Mjekesisë ne Prishtine.
“Sëmundja e shurdhët sikemike e zemrës - dilemat dhe vështirësitë e verifikimit të saj” e mbrojti më 27.08.1999 në Fakultetin e Mjekësisë në Prishtinë.
Punësimi :
Pas diplomimit punoi ne Fakultetin e Mjekesise pranë OP Instituteve dhe katedrave si asistent praktikant ne vitin 1978 kalon ne Shtepine e Shendetit ne Vushtrri.
Thirrjet profesionale ne Fakultet:
Ne vitin 1975 zgjedhet asistent praktikant per lenden Higjena ne fakultetin e Mjekesise ne Prishtine.
Puna mësimore pedagogjike:
Dr sc Bedri Zahiti si asistent i higjenes, per kohen sa ishte, me sukses ka zbatuar aktivitetin edukativo-mesimor dhe shkencor.
Puna profesionale shkencore:
Dr sc Bedri Zahiti qysh heret iu qas punes shkencore hulumtuese qe nga puna ne Shtepine e Shendetit dhe pastaj edhe ne QKUK ne Prishtine. Aplikimi i metodave shkencore ne lemin e shkencave interne e veçanerisht te atyre kardiologjike e beri qe te afirmohet si mjek dhe ekspert.
Me punimet e veta shkencore ka marre pjese ne shume tubime, konferenca, kongrese si ne vend po ashtu edhe jashtë.
Disa nga punimet shkencore të publikuara deri me tash:
1. B.Zahiti. Fenomeni i Agut të mëngjesit tek dy të sëmurë në Shtëpinë e Shëndetit Vushtrri, Permbledhje punimesh, Takimet tradicionale te punetoreve shendetesor ne Brezovice, 27-29 Maj 1988.
Ne kete punim autori ka percjell fenomenin e agut te mengjesit te dy te semure me DM joinzulinovartes me ç’ rast ka deshmuar perkeqesimin e gjendjes se tyre dhe hiperglikemine e shpesht ne kete kohe e cila ishte si pasoje jo vetem e insuficiences se qelizave Beta te pankreasit por edhe i ngritjes se katekolamineve ne gjak.
2. B.Zahiti, Xh.Shkodra, S.Zahiti. Sëmundja lumbo-ishialgjike si shkaktar i apsentizmit tek puntorët e komunës së Vushtrisë. Permbledhje punimesh, Takimet tradicionale te punetoreve shendetesor ne Brezovice, 27-29 Maj 1988. Ne kete punim autor paraqet shfaqjen e absentizmit te punetoret e komunes se Vustrrise si pasoje e semundjes lumdoiskialgjike ne pergjithesi dhe te punetoret e ndertimtarise ne veçanti.
3. B.Zahiti, S.Zahiti. Vështrimi i gjendjes së tuberkulozit në komunën e Vushtrisë. Permbledhje punimesh, Takimet tradicionale te punetoreve shendetesor ne Brezovice, 27-29 Maj 1988. Ne kete punim autori paraqet gjendjen momentale te te semureve nga tuberkulozi ne komunen e Vushtrrise si dhe rekomandon masat per deteksionin e hershem te semundjes dhe trajtimin adekuat.
4. B.Zahiti, S.Hyseni, S.Zahiti, Xh.Shkodra. Rëndësia dhe organizimi i Shërbimit të patronazhës polivalente në Sh.sh. në Vushtrri, në zbulimin e sëmundjeve masovike kronike. Takimet .Tradicionale të punëtorëve shëndetësor të Kosovës, maj, 1988, Brezovicë. Ne kete punim autori konstaton rendesine sherbimit te patronazhes polivalentete Shtepise se Shendetit ne Vushtrri per zbulimin e semundjeve masvike kronike si dhe mundesine e parndalimit te tyre.
5. Zahiti B, Gorani D. Shatri F, Gjoka S, Prenkpalaj L, Strana M. Veshtiresite diagnostike dhe terapeutike ne sindromin e prolapsit te valvules mitrale. Risite ne trajtimin e semundjeve kardiovaskulare me pjesemarrje nderkombetare, 8-9 tetor, 2004, Prishtine. Ne punim autori prezenton tri raste me PVM te te cilet gjen prolabim te fletzes se pasme rreth 75% dhe 15% te fletzes se perparme, rezultate te cilat jane te ngjajshme me autor e tjere.
6. Zahiti B, Dragusha G, Shatri F, Manaj R, Hajdini S. Iskemia asimptomatike e miokardit. Risite ne trajtimin e semundjeve kardiovaskulare me pjesemarrje nderkombetare, 8-9 tetor, 2004, Prishtine. Ne punim autori prezenton shpeshtesine e shfaqjes se iskemise se heshtur te miokardit e cila sillet rreth 38% ne 105 raste me iskemike te heshtur. Domethenese kane qene rezultatet lidhur me moshen dhe gjinine te ata me dhe pa angine pektorale.
7. G.Dragusha, A.fusha, O.Halo, R.Manaj, B.Zahiti. Ndikimi medikamentoz në zgjatjen e sistolës elektrike te ethet reumatike. Banja e Kllokotit, 1986.
8. O.Halo, A.Fusha, G.Dragusha, B.Zahiti. Perikarditi reumatik-analiza elektrokardiografike. Besianë, 1987.
9. M.Ristiq, G.Dragusha, B.Zahiti. Projekti për ethet reumatike.
10. Xh.Nurboja, B.Zahiti. Rëndësia rentgenografike e mushkërive në reumatologji. Banja e Kllokotit, 1989.
11. M.Ristiq, R.Izairi, S.Rexhepi, B.Zahiti. Bymorali në nus-reaksionet gastrike me terapinë e artritit reumatoid. Banja e Kllokotit, 1989.
12. T.Bekteshi, B.Sejdiu, L.Prenkpalaj, B.Zahiti. Mjekimi i të sëmurëve me insuficiencë kronike të zemrës me beta bllokues selektiv. Praxis Medica, Prishtinë, 2002.
13. S.Zekaj, Z.Kabashi, A.Haziri, D.Berisha, B.Zahiti. Incidence of liver tumors diagnosed with ultrasound at our departement from June 2000 to June 2002. The second International Scintific Symposium, Diagnostic ultrasound in Medicine, Prizren, 2003
14. H.Berisha, U.Gashi, B.Zahiti. Korrelacioni në mes të CK, CK-MB dhe madhësisë së infarktit. Simpoziumi i parë ndërkombëtar i Shoqatës së biokimistëve klinikë të Kosovës, 16-18 tetor, 2003.
15. B.Zahiti, Y.Elezi, G.Dragusha, F.Shatri, S.Zekaj. Hipertensioni arterial në shtatzënësi. Simpoziumi i dytë i Shoqatës së Internistëve të Kosovës, 12-13 shtator, 2003.
16. B.Zahiti, Y.Elezi, L.Prenkpalaj. Shfaqja spontane e epizodave iskemike te miokardit me theks të veçantë gjatë gjumit te një i sëmur gjatë dializës monitorues me holter. Simpoziumi i dytë i Shoqatës së Internistëve të Kosovës, 12-13 shtator, 2003.
Pjesëmarrjet në: kongrese konferenca, simopoziume seminare në Kosovë dhe rajon me pjesëmarrje ndërkombëtare.
Përgatiti për Floripress dhe www.facebook.com Flori Bruqi
Dr. Bedri Zahiti, born on 10.07.1950 in Kçiq Madh, Municipality of Mitrovica .Faculty of Medicine finished in Prishtinë, in 1974, Internal Medicine residency finished on 22.09.1982, at Internal Clinic B at Faculty of Medicine, in University of Beograd . Sub-specialization in Cardiology finished at University of Belgrade-Faculty of Medicine.
He defended the Master thesis “Possibility of echocardiografic evaluation for the size of acute myocardial infarction “ at Faculty of Medicine-University of Prishtina .Doctoral thesis with title “ Silent ischemic heart disease – difficulties and dilemma of verificationj “ has defended on 27.08.1999 at F. Medicine at University of Prishtina. Title “ PhD in Medical Sciences has received on 29.12.2003, University of Prishtina .Over 15 year I worked as director of Health House in Municipality of Vushtrri , as internist and after as cardiologist. Currently I work as assistant at Faculty of Medicine –University of Prishtina and as Head of Second Division of Cardiology, Internal Medicine Clinic, University Clinical Centre of Kosovo . In year 2004 I was nominated as best worker in Internal Clinic .He is a professor of internal medicine at the University of Pristina , member of the leadership and general secretary of cardiology association of the Republic of Kosovo . On 28th of August he was selected a fellow-member of European Cardiology association in Copenhagen .
I’m applying for a membership at FACC( Fellow of the American College of Cardiology).
Publication at different journals :
1).Bedri F Zahiti
“Dawn phenomena of two patient at Health House in Vushtrri ”. (Traditional meeting of Kosovo Health Workers , may , 1988,Brezovicë-Kosova).
2).Bedri F Zahiti , Xh. Shkodra, S. Zahiti etj.
“Lumboishiadic disease as cause of apsentism to the Municipality of Vushtrri ”.Traditional meeting of Kosovo Health Workers , may , 1988,Brezovicë-Kosova)
3).B. Zahiti, S. Zahiti et al.
“Survelliance of TBC status in Municipality of Vushtrri ”.
(Traditional meeting of Kosovo Health Workers , may , 1988,Brezovicë-Kosova).
4).B.Zahiti,S.Hyseni,.S.Zahiti,XH.Shkodra etj.
“Importance and organogram of Department of Polyvalent patronage for discovery of chronic masovic diseases(Traditional meeting of Kosovo Health Workers , may , 1988,Brezovicë-Kosova).
5).G.Dragusha,A.Fusha,O.Halo,R.Manaj,B.Zahiti etj.
“Medicament influence in duration of electric systole at febris rheumatica ”.
(Banja e Kllokotit-Kosova ,1986)
6).O.Halo,A.Fusha,G.Dragusha,B.Zahiti et al.
“Rheumatic pericarditis-electrocardiografic analysis ”.
7).M.Ristiqi,G.Dragusha,B.Zahiti et al.
“Project for rheumatic fevers ”.
8).Xh.Nurboja,B.Zahiti etj.
“Pulmonary rentgenologic importance in rheumatology ”
9).M.Ristiqi,R.Izahiri,S.Regjepi,B.Zahiti etj.
“Bymoral in gastric nus-reaction during the arthritis rheumatoid therapy
1999-2002 | Postdoctoral fellow in plant genetics, Plant Biology Laboratory, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, |
10. B. Zahiti,Y.Elezi, G.Dragusha.etj. Arterial hypertension during the pregnancy .Second Symposia of Kosovo Internist Society, 12,13 September 2003, Prishtinë-Kosovo.
11. B. Zahiti,Y.Elezi, L.Prenkpalaj. Spontaneous appearance of myocardial ischemic episodes with special point to one patient sleeping, during monitored dialysis with holter. Second Symposia of Kosovo Internist Society, 12,13 September 2003, Prishtinë-Kosovo.
12. B. Zahiti,G.Dragusha, A.Bakalli, F.Shatri, D.Gorani, A.Lahu. Importance of echocardiografic evaluation of LV function to patient with mitral regurgitation. International Symposium : Recent development in noninvasive Cardiology. Shkup-Macedonia, 30October 2005.
13. Zahiti, B. Dragusha. G, Shatri. F, Manaj. R, Hajdini. S, Asymptomatic Ischemia of the Myocardium , Department of Cardiology, Internal Clinic, UCCK – Prishtina. International Symposium of Cardiology,8-9 October 2005 Prishtinë.
14. B. Zahiti,G.Dragusha,A.Bakalli,S.Gjoka,A.Lahu. Echocardiografic changes of LV to the patient with arterial hypertension during the therapy with amlodipine. Cardiologic Symposia on Arterial Hypertension. October 2005 Prishtinë-Kosova.
15. B. Zahiti. Thromboloytic therapy for medication of acute myocardial infarction . Magazine “Internisti”
16. B. Zahiti, G.Dragusha et al. Profilactic methods without medicaments for cure of arterial hypertension. Cardiologic Symposia on Arterial Hypertension ,December 2005,Prishtinë-Kosovo .
17. B. Zahiti, G.Dragusha, et al. Importance of Ergo-testit in discovery of latent arterial hypertension. Society of Internists .Third Symposia , April 2006, Banja e Kllokotit-Kosova .
18. S. Zekaj,Z. Kabashi, A. Haziri, B. Zahiti etj. Incidence of liver tumors diagnosed with ultrasound at our department from June 2000 to June 2002. The second International Scientific symposium, diagnostic ultrasound in medicine. Prizren 2003.
19. H. Berisha,U.Gashi, B.Zahiti. Correlation between CK,CKMB and size of myocardial infarction . First International Symposia of Kosovo Society of Clinical Biochemists,16-18 October
20. T Bekteshi, B.Sejdiu, L.Prekpalaj, B.Zahiti. Medication with selective blocker to the patients with chronic heart insufficiency .Praxis medica Prishtinë 2002.
21. Bedri Zahiti, Gani Dragusha, Aurora Bakalli, Daut Gorani, Faik Shatri, Ali Lahu.
Importance of Echocardiography evaluation of the left Ventricular Function Patients with Mitral Regurgitation.
Service of Cardiology Internal Clinic, UCCK, Prishtinë. Medicus 2006, supl. (1) VI (2) : 90-91 Nr. 2 October , 2006. Strugë-Macedonia, 27.10.2006
22. Case Report
Giant Left Atrial Myxoma in an Elderly
Patient: Natural History Over a 7 – Year Period
Gani Bajraktari, MD,Merita Emini, MD, Venera Berisha, MD, Fitnete Gashi, MD, Artan
Beqiri, MD, Bedri Zahiti, MD, Hamza Selmani, MD, Faik Shatri, MD, Rexhep Manaj, MD,
Second Division of Cardiology, Internal Medicine Clinic, University Clinical Centre of
23. P03 Clinical role of AMLODIPINE as monotherapy at arterial hypertension and the function of LV during systole .
Bedri Zahiti
Second Division of Cardiology, Internal Medicine Clinic, University Clinical Centre of Kosovo.
- First Congress of Kosovo Cardiologist Society ( abstract book ), 26-28 September 2008 Prishtinë-Kosovo .
24. Necessary Fibrinolysis in early AMI phase
Dr. Bedri Zahiti, Dr. Daut Gorani, Dr. Sami Gjoka
Second Division of Cardiology, Internal Medicine Clinic, University Clinical Centre of Kosovo
First Congress of Kosovo Cardiologist Society ( abstract book ), 26-28 September 2008 Prishtinë-Kosovo .
D.Gorani, B.Zahiti, etj
Second Division of Cardiology, Internal Medicine Clinic, University Clinical Centre of Kosovo
- First Congress of Kosovo Cardiologist Society ( abstract book ), 26-28 September 2008 Prishtinë-Kosovo .
26. Homodynamic evaluation and the confirmation of ischemic heart disease with Holter monitoring of EKG, with emphasis on the premature changes ( aberrations ) on QRS complexes
Bedri Zahiti, PhD, MD. Daut Gorani , MD.
Published by Albanian American Academy of Sciences. Nr. 8 New York ● 2008.
27. Agency FLOART - PRESS 03 TETOR 2008
Second Division of Cardiology, Internal Medicine Clinic, University Clinical Centre of Kosovo
28. Zahiti, B (Bedri)
Latest papers:
[My paper]Gani Bajraktari, Merita Emini, Venera Berisha, Fitnete Gashi, Arton Beqiri, Bedri Zahiti, Hamza Selmani, Faik Shatri, Rexhep Manaj
Second Division of Cardiology, Internal Medicine Clinic, University Clinical Centre of Kosovo, Rrethi i Spitalit, p.n. 10000, Prishtina, Kosovo.
29. Marphan – Wellspher 11.04.2008
Zahiti Bedri, PhD; Gorani Daut, MD; Second Division of Cardiology, Internal Medicine Clinic, University Clinical Centre of Kosovo ... Depression Medications
Explained ...
30. Diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties for prolaps syndrome ..
Dr.Bedri Zahiti , Dr.Gani Dragusha. UCKK , Prishtina-Kosovo . Today, modern cardiology has high attention to the appearance of phenomena called prolapsed valvula ...
31. Atrial Fibrillation RSS
2006 Category: Radiology Authors: Gani Bajraktari, Merita Emini, Venera
Berisha, Fitnete Gashi, Arton Beqiri, Bedri Zahiti, Hamza
Selmani, Faik Shatri, ...
Bedri Zahiti, Daut Gorani, Gani Dragusha, Sami Gjoka, Ali Lahu, Aurora Bakalli
Second Division of Cardiology, Internal Medicine Clinic, University Clinical Centre of Kosovo
ISSN 1409 – 6366 UDC 61 Suplement 3 COLECTION OF STUDIES, KumanovoMacedonia -, October 24, 2008 page 81 – 88.
33. Followed manifestation of ST depression at precordial derivation at AMI of inferior wall in determination of size of AMI and function e LV in early stage of disease
Bedri Zahiti, Daut Gorani, Sami Gjoka
Second Division of Cardiology, Internal Medicine Clinic, University Clinical Centre of Kosovo
ISSN 1409 – 6366 UDC 61 Suplement 3 COLECTION OF STUDIES, Kumanovo-Macedonia, October 24, 2008, page 90 – 96.
[ S – 101 ]
Relationship of left ventricular end-diastolic diameter to left atrial appendage maximal area in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation: a transesophageal study
Aurora Bakalli, Lulzim Kamberi, Ejup Pllana, Bedri Zahiti, Gani Dragusha,Afrim Gashi, Masar Gashi, Ahmet Brovina.
24th National Congress of Cardiology – October 24-27, 2008 WOW Convention CenterISTANBUL
Bedri Zahiti, Daut Gorani, Sami Gjoka
Second Division of Cardiology, Internal Medicine Clinic, University Clinical Centre of Kosovo
Symposium for arterial hypertension , Kumanovo-Macedonia 2008
Bedri Zahiti, Daut Gorani, Sami Gjoka, Bardhyl Gashi, Fitim Gashi, Lorita Zahiti. Prishtinë, Kosovë.
Evaluation of echocardiografic changes and biochemical parameters to the patients with arterial hypertension cured with
Lisinopril and Methyldopa .
MEDICUS – Tetovo-Macedonia , 23 – 24 October 2009.
36. Bedri Zahiti, Daut Gorani, Irfan Daullxhiu, Sami Gjoka, Bardhyl Gashi, Fitim Gashi, Lorita Zahiti. Prishtinë, Kosovë.
Early dedection of myocardial disfunction with Tissue Doppler to the patient with DM tip2 within one year.
MEDICUS – Tetovo-Macedonia, 23 – 24 October , 2009.
37. Bedri Zahiti, Daut Gorani, Aurora Bakalli. Prishtinë, Kosovo.
Appereance of chocking syndrome from systolic narrow of coronary arteries – case study
MEDICUS – Tetovo-Macedonia , 23 – 24 October, 2009.
38. Aurora Bakalli; Lulzim Kamberi; Bedri Zahiti et all.
Influence of left ventricular diameter on left atrial appendage size and thrombus formation
Second Division of Cardiology, Internal Medicine Clinic, University Clinical Centre of Kosovo
39. Parameter’s changes in hypertensive patients treated with Methyldopa and Lysinopril
Gani Dragusha1, Bedri Zahiti1, Daut Gorani², Fitim Gashi1
1 Internal Medicine Clinic, Second Cardiology Department, University Clinical Center Prishtina, Kosovo
2 Internal Medicine Clinic, Cardiology Department, Coronary Care Unite, University Clinical Center,
Journal of society for devlopment new net environment in B&H Health MED volum 4/ Number/4 Supplement 1/2010 ISSN 1840-2291
40. Early detection of Diastolic dysfunction in type 2 diabetics withshort duration of disease using tissue Doppler imaging
Daut Gorani, Bedri Zahiti, Gani Dragusha, Artan Pula, Fitim Gashi
Internal Medicine Clinic, Cardiology Department, University Clinical Centre Pristine, Kosovo
Journal of society for devlopment new net environment in B&H Health MED volum 4/ Number/4 Supplement 1/2010 ISSN 1840-2291
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