
Përshtypje nga “Drini poetik”, 9-10 qershor 2012

Faliminerës nga Amerika‏

Thank you very much for your friendship, hospitality, and generosity. I appreciated your desire to share with us your culture and history and will be contemplating all that I experienced and learned for quite some time.

I am safely home, rested and eager to share with my friends and family all that I have experienced in your country!

Also please extend my thanks to President Demaçi and the rest of the LShK.


Ian Thal USA

Z. Kadolli,

Ju uroj dhe besoj se e keni marre veten nga lodhja dhe shqetesimet e Festivalit Poetik. Po ashtu, te njejten gje uroj edhe per z. Demaçi dhe Galica.

Po ju dergoj kumtesen qe t'ia transferoni autorit. Kisha me vete edhe fotokopjen e shkrimit tim te botuar para 21 vjeteve, por ja qe e harrova krejt. Sigurisht do ta ruaj se kushedi mund t'ia dergoj njehere tjeter.

Te fala!


I nderuari zoti Baca Adem Demaçi

Se pari ju falenderoj qe na e dhate mundesine te jemi edhe ne pjesemarres ne Takimet Nderkombetare Letrare "Drini Poetik" 2012

Njekohesisht ju lajmerojme se sonte, me 13.06. 2012 ne oren 20 e 30 minuta ne valet e Radio Kosoves ne emisionin tone "Shtigje letrare" eshte fjala juaj ne teresi, si dhe poezite e disa poeteve tane e atyre nderkombetare. Pershendetje dhe pergezime per nje organizim te sukseshem, per te cilin do kisha dashur t'i them edhe disa fjale ndonje here tjeter, ne menyre qe si anetar i LSHK-se dhe si dashamir i ketij manifestimi te madh kulturor, ta jap kontributin tim modest, ne menyre qe takimet e ardhshme te jene edhe me te mira edhe me te sukseshme. Shendet, suksese dhe gezime!

Miku juaj Sadik Pervetica

Te nderuar Lidhja e Shkrimtareve te Kosoves,

Desheroj t'ju falenderoj shume per organizmin e shkelqyer e me mjaft vlera qe organizuat pergjate fundjaves ne Prizren.

Festivali "Drini poetik" u karakterizua nga nje pasuri e jashtezakonshme e vlerave qe percolli ne cdo moment, cka deshmoi qartazi bashkimin dhe unitetin tone shqiptar.Faleminderit gjithashtu per mikpritjen tuaj te jashtezakonshme e qe personalisht me beri te ndihem kaq bukur mes gjirit tuaj.
Nderim dhe respekt per te gjithe Ju!

Gezuar 134-vjetorin Tuaj si dhe Diten e Lirise!

Pershendetje te perzemerta nga Gjirokastra!



Doc. PhD Edlira Mantho
Department of Albanian language
University of Gjirokastra "Eqrem Çabej"

I dashur profesor Shyqyri,

Ju falenderoj dhe shpreh mirenjohjen time per pritjen e mrekullueshme dhe ne radhe te pare, mundesine per te njohur njerez te mrekullueshem si ju , dhe nje qytet historik si Prizreni, ne te cilin vija per here te pare.
Rrethanat erdhen te tilla, sa me keqardhje ju them se nuk patem mundesi te flisnim e te takoheshim pak me gjate, pasi edhe detyrimi e obligimi juaj ne kete aktivitet kishte peshen maksimale.

Nuk di nese ju foli Alisa, pa ju lodhur, por ne momente te caktuara ne na duhet te jemi edhe pak nena, edhe bija, edhe motra te kujdesshme. Fati e deshi qe te isha edhe me bashkeudhetare, pasi humba edhe autobuzin me te cilin kisha ardhur.

Mbetemi ne kontakt

Me respekt e dashuri Helena

I nderuemi kryetar Demaçi,

ju falenderoj me ndjenjën më të thellë njerëzore e shqiptare për mirëpritjen e sinqertë, fisnike, kombëtare dhe shumë bujare.Ne, njerëzit e penes, ishim bashkë edhe folem shqip,lexuam shqip,u përshëndetem shqip nga të gjitha anët shqiptare, Ulqini e Saranda,Gjilani e Presheva,Prishtina dhe Dibra,Vlota dhe Gjakova...

Jam i bindur se kjo urë mes shqiptarëve, që ju i nderuemi Demaçi ,ia vutë themeliet,do të forcohet e ngritet deri në pedestal për me u permend e kultivue brez mbas brezi me mesazhet patriotike dhe intelektuale që na i dhuruet në Priizren.

I nderuemi kryetar,

me lejoni që nga Ulqini, t u përshëndes e falenderoj Ju,stafin organizativ të "Drinit poetik", si dhe gjithë të gjithë poetet , shkrimtarët dhe studuiesit që na krijuan atë përjetim të bukur kulturor,artistik dhe shpirtëror.

Me respekt,

Ibrahim Berjashi, Ulqin

Dear Mr. Abdyl Khadolli, Mr. Shyqri Galica, Ms. Ledianna Stillo, Mr. Ilaz Kadolli, Mr. Agim Krasniqi and Friends in Kosova,

Hello my friends! I write to you with great joy today. I am home in New Orleans. I miss your company very very much! Your generosity of poezi, your great human spirit, and your smiles are with me in my heart. My trip to Kosova was a pure wonderment! I was engaged with every emotion of happiness, and also I have seen the incomprehensible sorrows you have endured. I am deeply honored to be accepted by your families. Today the great spirit of Albanians lives deeply within my heart in very special ways because of you and your people. The people of Albania are truly special to my mind. Your journey is an ancient adventure, old and new. I saw it in the smiles of the childrens' faces at the fountain at the center of town when I first arrived. There is no other place on earth as special as your precious and beautiful world. Your cultural treasures are beyond measure. You have shown me the house of your heart, and you have shared with me the true way of community between Kosova and America. The task of our poetry anothology in English / Albanian language is vital to our future. We must now begin our work to bring your poets to America. Your vision has made it possible for us to grow strong on both sides of the Atlantic ocean as loyal brothers who stand shoulder to shoulder in happy times, as well as sad times. I will honor our new cultural beginning between our countries of Kosova and America as you have honored me. You have brought grace and respect to both of our countries, our families, and our people. Your act is courageous. It is truly visionary. It is full of joy and beauty to share with the world. Today, the cultural vision of Albanians is an ancient light shining from my heart as an example of Hope and Truth which leads the way for people everywhere in both of our countries, as well as Albanians and Americans throughout in the world. We will always stand together. Nothing can separate us now. I am profoundly changed by my experience in your country. In the days and years to come, I will continue to serve your region with my work in the gift of culture, art and poetry. It is very important to me know I am now a member of your family. I feel strongly that my home is in Kosova, as much as it is here in America. I wish to be an integral asset to your entire region in helping you and your people achieve their great mission in unity. Your people have infinite diversity and love for all life and nature. You have endured so much sadness but you our stronger today than ever before. I am inspired to continue with the cultural work which you have begun. I wish to celebrate great Albanian poetry and thought everywhere in America. I want everyone to feel the special joy of your poets. We will have many more visits together in Kosova and in America. This project is a new blessing to shared by our families, friends, scholars, historians, thinkers and writers. Today our countries have gained an amazing cultural opportunity by our new friendships. The cultural imagination of your region is something which you should be very proud, and which I believe will deeply touch all Americans' hearts. I want our people to remember, and never forget, that we a part of the same family always. The citizens of Kosova and America are uniquely strong in their respect for the law of human rights, democracy, individuality, love and liberty. Now the spirit of poetry has taken firm root with a firm handshake between us. I am grateful to you in so many ways, for opening up your country to me, to Prizren, to Shitme, to Drenice, to Llapushnice, to the house of Adem Jashari, to Galice, to the gravestone of Shota Galica and her family, to Lubovec, to Mitrovice, to Prishtina, to the memorial of Pajaziti, Zejnullahu and Hoxha near Vushtret, and finally to all of the other villages and cities large and small which I will visit next time in Kosova. I have now witnessed first hand the birth of freedom! It is beautiful! Your vision strengthens me as a father, a son, a brother, a poet and a friend. Today I have two homes: New Orleans and Kosova. Please offer my deepest respect to all of your families and friends. Also, I extend my profound appreciation to Adem Demaci and his family. Today we begin the work honoring our future as brothers who stand shoulder to shoulder in birth and in death. Peace and Strength through Poetry my Friends, Always! We will see each other again soon!


Dave Brinks (USA)

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