
Impressions of Klodian Dhoska about the AMS programme

Z. Klodian Dhoska. Pedagog në SH.L.P "Vitrina"

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Klodian Dhoska, graduated from AMS in 2010 shared his thoughts about how the programme has influenced his life during the last two years:

“Experience at Applied Measurement Programme has given to me a very good career. I am technical expert at Albanian Accreditation Directory, Head at Mechatronics Department on private University in Tirana, part-time lecturer at Polytechnic University of Tirana and in the end I am accepted as a full time doctoral student at Tallinn University of Technology. You don’t need to search for a good career because the career is following a succesful AMS programme at University of Tartu.”

Klodian Dhoska

Juhendaja: prof. T.Kübarsep

Koordinaatmõõtemasinate ja masinnägemise metroloogia / Metrology for coordinatemeasuring machines and machine vision


Mechatronic systems play a key role in modern automation technology. It is obvious, that a dissemination of mechatronic systems simultaneously requires adequate service techniques. A fundamental part of many mechatronic systems is a measurement system and measurement procedure. From a metrological view every serious measurement should be traceable to SI units and have a stated measurement uncertainty. One of the goals is the current state-of-the-art in metrology used for mechatronics systems and make suggestions regarding possible future technologies that might improve the situation.

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