
Ja si dukej atmosfera në koncertin ku ndodhi masakra në Paris

Ja si dukej atmosfera në koncertin ku ndodhi masakra në Paris (Video/Foto)Këto fotografi prekëse tregojnë festen e adhuruesve të grupit "Death Metal" pak minuta para se të ndodhte shpërthimi në Sallën e Koncerteve Baraclan të Parisit, ku po performnte grupi.
Vetëm disa minuta pasi janë realizuar këto fotografi disa prej këtyre adhuruesve u masakruan nga një grup që dyshohet të jetë i lidhur me ISIS'in, transmeton Gazeta Express.
89 prej personave që ishin në këtë koncert u masakruan nga ky sulm terrorist në kryeqytetin francez. 
Tre persona të armatosur u futen në sallën e koncerti dhe filluan të shtënë në drejtim të personave që ishin pjesëmarrës. 
Disa nga ata që i shpëtuan këtij sulmi rrëfyen se fillimisht ishte menduar se gjithçka që po ndodhte të ketë qenë pjesë e performancës dhe se nuk po ndodhte realisht, përcjell Gazeta Express.
Dy nga terroristët, pasi kryen masakrën, hodhën edhe vetën me bomba në erë. 
Anëtarët e grupit "Death Metal" shpëtuan të gjithë, përderisa menaxheri i tyre Nick Aleksandar ishte ndër të paret viktima që u identifikua.
Fated concert: Eagles of Death Metal playing onstage at the Bataclan Theatre in Paris, just moments before ISIS gunmen burst into the venue and killed 89 people
Fated concert: Eagles of Death Metal playing onstage at the Bataclan Theatre in Paris, just moments before ISIS gunmen burst into the venue and killed 89 people

'Solidarity': Fans that have launched the campaign say that they have done it in 'support for the band and those affected by the horrific ordeal'. Pictured, the inside of the Bataclan Theatre following the massacre

'Solidarity': Fans that have launched the campaign say that they have done it in 'support for the band and those affected by the horrific ordeal'. Pictured, the inside of the Bataclan Theatre following the massacre


Eagles of Death Metal fans launch campaign to get band to Number One in ‘solidarity’ with Paris

  • More than 6,200 people have backed the Facebook campaign in 'solidarity'
  • Fans launched campaign in support of all those affected by Friday's attack
  • But critics have condemned it as 'in very poor taste' in light of the 89 dead
  • The band were onstage at the Bataclan when ISIS terrorists burst inside 
Eagles of Death Metal fans have launched a campaign to get the band to Number One, following the Paris attacks.
More than 6,200 people have backed the Facebook campaign, which hopes to take the Californian band’s cover of Duran Duran’s Save a Prayer to the top spot.
In less than 24 hours, the song has already reached Number One on the iTunes UK rock chart.
Fans insist the campaign is ‘a respectful united demonstration of support for the band and those affected by the horrific ordeal in Paris this week’.
They added that the campaign is to 'show solidarity against terrorism and support for peace'.  
But the campaign has been condemned as ‘disgusting’ and ‘in very poor taste’ in light of the tragedy which left 129 people dead.
‘Very poor taste to use such a tragedy to propel sales and drive for a chart topping status,’ one fan wrote.
Another added: ‘People died. Promoting music “in the name of solidarity” is sick. Thriving off this is disgusting, raising funds to go towards those who were affected would be more appropriate.’
Eagles of Death Metal had just finished playing Save a Prayer during their concert at the Bataclan Theatre on Friday night when terrorists wielding semi-automatic weapons burst into the venue.

I ndjeri Ismail Kadare, ose shkrimtari që i zgjati jetën regjimit komunist

Kërko brenda në imazh Nga Flori Bruqi Ismail Kadare (28 janar 1936 - 1 korrik 2024) ishte akademik, politikan, ish-deputet i Kuvendit Popull...