Shqipëria do u kërkojë institucioneve ndërkombëtare të hetojnë ish-prokuroren Carla del Ponte.
Kryeministria e Shqipërisë, në një deklaratë zyrtare, ka njoftuar se do të nisë kërkesë për hetimin e Del Pontes pas lirimit të Ramush Haradinajt.
“Del Ponte të hetohet për rolin tendencioz e të paligjshëm në lidhje me Haradinajn. Kërkesa për hetimin e Del Pontes do t’i dërgohet edhe sekretarit të OKB-së”, bën të ditur Kryeministria.
Gjykata Ndërkombëtare për Krime Lufte në ish-Jugosllavi, ka shpallur të pafajshëm për të gjitha pikat e aktakuzës, ish-luftëtarët e UÇK-së Ramush Haradinaj, Lahi Brahimaj dhe Idriz Balaj. Vendimi nga trupi gjykues është shpallur mëngjesin e së enjtes.
Në vendimin e saj, Gjykata thotë se Prokuroria nuk ka sjellë ndonjë dëshmi bindëse lidhur me akuzën për tre të akuzuarit se gjatë vitit 1998 kanë kryer krime lufte.
Në këtë njoftim përmenden hetimet ndah Ramush Haradinajt dhe Fatmir Limajt.
“Qeveria e Republikës së Kosovës, ndonëse gjithmonë me besimin e plotë në pafajësinë e z. Ramush Haradinaj, në luftën e pastër të UÇK-së, por edhe të gjykuarve të tjerë të këtij Tribunali- akuzat e pabazuara ndaj z.Fatmir Limaj dhe pjesëtarëve tjerë të UÇK-së të gjithë të shpallur të pafajshëm, ka qenë gjithnjë mbështetëse e fuqishme dhe bashkëpunëtore e punës së këtij Tribunalit” njofton qeveria.
Njoftimi vazhdon: “Kjo është bërë pikërisht për të vërtetuar për të shumtën herë, nga instanca më e lartë, që këta persona dhe kjo luftë kanë qenë gjithnjë të pastër dhe në përputhje me të gjitha ligjet e luftës.
Qeveria e Republikës së Kosovës ndanë mendimin që kjo tolerancë është abuzuar nga ish Kryeprokurorja e këtij Tribunali, znj. Carla del Ponte, e cila edhe tani ka pranuar publikisht që akuza e ngritur kundër z. Haradinaj ishte e pambështetur me prova të cilat mund të çonin në dënimin e tij.
Në njoftimin e Qeverisë së Kosovës është përmendur edhe raporty i Dick Martyt dhe aktivitet e Del Pontes janë quajtur fabrikime fantastiko shkencore.
"Bazuar në këtë, Qeveria e Republikës së Kosovës kërkon nga autoritetet kompetnte ndërkombëtare që të fillohen hetime kundër znj. Carla del Ponte për keqpërdorimin e autoritetit të saj si Kryeprokurore në rastin Haradinaj, rastin Limaj e tjere ne vitin 2003 dhe lidhur me fabrikimet fantastiko-shkencore të karla del Pontes lidhur me akuzat e Dick Mmartit e më gjerë.Duke i njohur autorizimet dhe privilegjet e saja ligjore, Qeveria e Republikës së Kosovës ndanë mendimin se këto autorizime dhe privilegje janë tejkaluar dhe keqpërdorur deri në atë masë sa ka lejuar ngritjen e aktakuzave krejtësisht të pabaza, tendencioze e të kundërligjshme, duke çuar kështu në burgosjen dhe njollosjen e karaktereve të shumë figurave të çmuara politike të Republikës së Kosovës, si dhe duke dëmtuar imazhin e shtetit të Kosovës" vazhdon komunikata.
Ata kanë bërë thirrje që hetimet të fillojnë sa më shpejt. "Qeveria e Republikës së Kosovës, i bën thirrje Sekretarit të Përgjithshëm të Tribunalit dhe autoriteteve të tjera ndërkombëtare OKB-së që dhe të fillojë hetimin e veprimeve të saja të kundërligjshme të cilat në çdo situatë do të arsyetonin zhveshjen e saj nga privilegjet që ajo do të gëzonte normalisht si Prokurore" përfundon njoftimi i Qeverisë.
Për hetimet kundër plakushës Carla del Ponte dhe Dick Mart-it Agjencioni informativ nga Prishtina "Floripress" dhe Flori Bruqi ,kanë kërkuar që moti hetime ndërkombëtare nga OKB-ja.
Carla Del Ponte (born February 9, 1947) is a former Chief Prosecutor of two United Nations international criminal law tribunals. A former Swiss attorney general, she was appointed prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) in August 1999, replacing Louise Arbour.
In 2003, the U.N. Security Council removed Del Ponte as the Prosecutor for the ICTR, and replaced her there with Hassan Bubacar Jallow in an effort to expedite proceedings in that Tribunal. She remained the Prosecutor for the ICTY until 1 January 2008, when she was succeeded by Serge Brammertz. Del Ponte was formerly married, and has one son.
She conducted an investigation on the allegations of organ trafficking by the KLA of Serbs and other non-Albanians in Kosovo and Albania for the Parliament of Europe.
Del Ponte served as Swiss ambassador to Argentina from 2008 to February 2011.
Del Ponte was born in Bignasco, Switzerland in 1947. She speaks fluent Italian, German, French and English. Del Ponte studied law in Bern and Geneva, as well as in the United Kingdom. She obtained her LL.M. in 1972.
After completing her studies, Del Ponte joined a private law firm in Lugano, leaving in 1975 to set up her own practice.In 1981 she was appointed an investigating magistrate, and later public prosecutor at the Lugano district attorney's office. As public prosecutor, Del Ponte dealt with cases of money laundering, fraud, drug trafficking, arms smuggling, terrorism and espionage, often looking into the many international links forged in Switzerland's role as a global business centre.
It was during that period that she and Investigative Judge Giovanni Falcone uncovered the link between Swiss money launderers and the Italian drug trade in the so-called "pizza connection." Judge Falcone was killed by a large Mafia bomb. Del Ponte was more fortunate as the half a tonne of explosives planted in the foundations of her Palermo home were discovered in time for her to escape the attempted assassination unhurt. Falcone's death nurtured Del Ponte's resoluteness to fight organised crime. Her enemies in the Cosa Nostra call her "La Puttana" ("the whore"). She therefore became the first public figure in Switzerland to require round-the-clock protection and armour-plated car.
After serving for five years as Switzerland's attorney general, in 1999 Del Ponte joined the ICTY and ICTR to deal with war crimes as prosecutor. In an interview in late 2001 about war crimes committed during the Balkan conflicts of the 1990s, Del Ponte said: "Justice for the victims and the survivors requires a comprehensive effort at international and national level."
In an interview in Intellectum website in 2004 she boldly stated that she would like to try in ICTY Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.[1]
On January 30, 2007 Del Ponte announced her intention to resign as Chief Prosecutor at the ICTY at the end of the year, stating it was "time to return to normal life." [2] She was succeeded by Serge Brammertz on January 1, 2008.
She has been nominated as Switzerland's Ambassador to Argentina from January 2008.
In 2005, she accused the Vatican of helping Croatia's most wanted war crimes suspect evade capture. The Croatian Bishops' Conference, which heads the Croatian Roman Catholic Church, dismissed Carla del Ponte's allegations. Its spokesman Antun Suljic said the conference "has no knowledge or indications of the whereabouts" of General Gotovina.
n late December 1999, in an interview with The Observer in London, Del Ponte was asked if she was prepared to press criminal charges against NATO personnel for alleged war crimes in Kosovo by NATO pilots and their commanders. She replied "If I am not willing to do that, I am not in the right place. I must give up my mission".[4]
This was followed by various negative official responses, military and civilian, from the US and Canada. Del Ponte's office subsequently issued a statement, dated four days later: "NATO is not under investigation by the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICTY. There is no formal inquiry into the actions of NATO during the conflict in Kosovo".[5]
In 2008, Del Ponte published a book "The Hunt" in which she made claims based on very thin evidence that the Kosovo Albanians were smuggling human organs of kidnapped Serbs after the Kosovo war ended in 1999. Her book created an international controversy.[6]
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia had said of Del Ponte's allegations: "The Tribunal is aware of very serious allegations of human organ trafficking raised by the former Prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte, in a book recently published in Italian under her name. No evidence in support of such allegations was ever brought before the Tribunal’s judges."[7]
On 4 April 2008 the Human Rights Watch wrote to Kosovar Prime Minister Hashim Thaci and Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha in request to open investigations on the matter under international supervision. By 3 May both had ignored the letters and instead publicly rejected del Ponte's claims as unsubstantiated. On 5 May 2008 the Human Rights Watch called the allegations from Del Ponte's book "serious and credible" and issued a public call to Tirana and Pristina for cooperation.[8]
The reported alleges the victims were more than 400 Serbs missing from the war. "Serious and credible allegations have emerged about horrible abuses in Kosovo and Albania after the war," said Fred Abrahams, HRW Senior emergencies researcher of HRW.
“ According to the journalists’ information, the abducted individuals were held in warehouses and other buildings, including facilities in Kukës and Tropojë. In comparison to other captives, some of the sources said, some of the younger, healthier detainees were fed, examined by doctors, and never beaten. These abducted individuals - an unknown number – were allegedly transferred to a yellow house in or around the Albanian town of Burrel, where doctors extracted the captives’ internal organs. These organs were then transported out of Albania via the airport near the capital Tirana. Most of the alleged victims were Serbs who went missing after the arrival of UN and NATO forces in Kosovo. But other captives were women from Kosovo, Albania, Russia, and other Slavic countries. ”
United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo's published official forensic report from 2004 also confirms Del Ponte's allegations.[citation needed]
In 2008, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe authorized Carla Del Ponte to lead a formal investigation and employed a watcher to report her findings to the Parliament.
In January 2011, the EULEX mission to Kosovo announced that 5 persons were indicted for human organs trafficking.[9] According to a draft, Council of Europe report cited by The Daily Telegraph, Prime Minister Hashim Thaci was one of the key players in the traffic of organs of Serb prisoners after the 1998-99 conflict.[10]
- ^ Victor Tsilonis, Carla Del Ponte: Interview with the "Iron Lady" of the Hague, June 2004
- ^ Del Ponte legt in september functie neer - Buitenland - de Volkskrant
- ^ War crimes chief accuses Vatican
- ^ Interview in The Observer, 26 December 1999
- ^ Statement by Madame Carla Del Ponte, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, The Hague, 30 December 1999
- ^ The Wall Street Journal
- ^ ICTY Weekly Press Briefing
- ^ BBC, Kosovo 'organs sale' probe urged, 06.05.2008
- ^ The Daily Telegraph article
- Feature on Carla del Ponte by the International Museum of Women
- Ms. Del Ponte prepares for the role of Swiss ambassador to Argentina
- BBC News profile on Carla Del Ponte and BBC Radio 4 documentary summary
- Blog devoted to the hunt for Radovan Karadzic
- Carla Del Ponte in debate 'Courting Justice' at International Documentary Festival Amsterdam, November 26 2006
- New Statesman article, August 14, 2008
- Yellow House Albania Clinic
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