
...Neve na mungon vokabulari tokësor për çështje qiellore. ...We lack terrestrial vocabulary for the celestial quest



Photo © Copyright by Bruno Fert, Paris[1]

Shënime biografike

U lind në Rahovec në jugperëndim të Kosovë më 1972. Studimet universitare i kryen në Universitetin e Prishtinës, Studime Orientale.

Aktivisht merret me kaligrafi duke zbuluar teknika dhe mediume te reja për këtë lloj specifik të artit vizual.

Shkruan vështrime estetike për artin pamor.

Është ekspert i letërsisë transcendentale dhe hulumtues i trashëgimisë shpirtërore botërore.

                                            Fahredini më bashkëshorte dhe djal

Në dhjetë vite të fundit ka funksionuar si Hulumtues i Pavarur Shkencor ne fushën e Trashëgimisë shpirtërore Botërore dhe Estetikës Sakrale.



Librat e botuar:

1        NUN- përmbledhje me poezi mistike, 1996 botim autori,
2        SHUMËSI E PADUKSHME- Prozë poetike, 2000, botim autori
3        NEKTARINA- Roman epik transcendental, 2004, sht. Botuese, Rozafa, Prishtinë projekt i Ministrisë së Kulturës Rinisë dhe Sporteve të Kosovës
4        ELEMENTAL 99- Tregime të shkurta poetike, 2006, Qendra për mendim pozitiv, Prishinë
5        KUN- Përmbledhje me poezi të lirikës transcendentale, 2007, Sht. Botuese LOGOS-A, Shkup
6        Libri elektronik, E-book, në gjuhën angleze, botuar nga Ronin Press, Londër, Angli
7        Crystaline Echoes, Poezi, Libër dhe e-book, 2011, Corpos Editora- Madeira, Portugal

8        Pleroma’s dew. Poemë, Inner Child Press, 2012, New York, SHBA

9        Makadami i Smagradtë, Iniciativa Pozitive, 2012, Rahovec, Kosovë

10    Manat, Roman, LOGOS-A, Shkup, 2012, Maqedoni

11    Punime shkencore në: Institute for Balkan Studies, Tehran, Iran

12    Punime shkencore në: Revista “Avicenna”, Prishtinë, Kosovë


Botimet në gazeta dhe revista:

  • Ese në të përditshmen ZERI, Prishtinë,
  • Ese në të përditshmen LAJM, Prishtinë,
  • Ese në të përditshmen GAZETAEXPRESS, Prishtinë,
  • Ese në të përditshmen KOHA DITORE, Prishtinë
  • Ese në të përditshmen ILIRIA POST, Prishtinë,
  • Kolumne dhe ese në javoren JAVA, Prishtinë,
  • Poezi në Revistën MM të Qendrës për studime humanistike GANI BOBI, Prishtinë
  • Ese në revistën “Studime Orientale” të botuar nga Shoqata e Orientalistëve të Kosovës.
  • Poezi në revistën STAV- Tuzla, Bosnie dhe Hercegovinë
  • Poezi në revistën ULAZNICA- Zrenjanin, Vojvodinë
  • Ese në revisten elektronike SEGURAWEB dhe Ars Poetica, Holandë
  • Ese në revistën elektronike GAZETA START, Shqipëri
  • Poezi në Istanbul Literary Review, Istanbul, Turqi,
  • Poezi në MOBIUS Magazine, New York, SHBA
  • THE WORLD POETS QUARTERLY (multilingual) VOLUME No. 58, Pekin, Kinë
  • THE WORLD POETS YEARBOOK 2009, Pekin, Kinë
  • Poezi në Sarajevske Sveske 2010, Sarajevo, Bosnia
  • Poezi në Balkan writers, Beograd, Serbi
  • Poezi në  Poetas del Mundo, Santiaogo de Chile
  • Poezi në Mediterranean, Gotteborg, Suedi
  • Poezi në  Aquill Relle, Bruksel, Belgjikë
  • Poezi në  Poem Hunter, SHBA
  • Poezi në  World Poets Society, Athinë, Greqi
  • Poezi në  Alb Poem, Shqipëri
  • Poezi në  Soylesi Magazine, Istanbul, Turqi
  • Poezi në  Ura, Tiranë, Shqipëri
  • Poezi në  Uzina Marta, Brazil
  • Poezi në Arabic and Davah, Hong Kong
  • Poezi në Orientul Meu, Bukuresht, Rumani
  • Poezi në Agonia, Bukuresht, Rumani
  • Poezi dhe profil në Carty’s Poetry Journal, Dublin, Irlandë
  • Poezi në  Middle East Online, Londër, Angli
  • Poezi në anglisht në The Sound of Poetry Review, Argjentinë
  • Poezi në Le Post, Paris, Francë,
  • Poezi ne Aube, Paris, Francë
  • Poezi në 24 Heurs, Zhenevë, Zvicërr
  • Poezi në  Tribune de Geneve, Zhenevë, Zvicërr
  • Poezi dhe Kaligrafi në World Art Friends, Medeirra, Portugali
  • Poezi në Le Chasseur Abstrait Review- Cintas, Revue d’Art, et litterature, Musique, në disa numra me radhë, Paris, Francë
  • Poezi në Album Nocturno- Antologji, Salvador,

  • Poezi në Carcinogenic Poetry, Brazil

  • Poezi në Arte Poetica, Salvador,

  • Poezi në Antologji të Fernando Sabido Sanchez, Madrid, Spanjë

  • Poezi në Antologjinë botërore Poetas Siglo Venti uno, Editor, Fernando Sabido Sanchez, Madrid, Spanjë

  • Poezi në CHECK POINT PETRY, Le Reti di Dedalus, Romë, Itali

  • Poezi në Author India, Indi

  • Poezi në Cinosargo, Arica, Kili

  • Poezi në Antologjinë e Andres Morales, Kili

  • Poezi në Gray Scale, Niger
  • Poezi në Snow in Guinea Magazine, 13 º NUMBER OF LITERARY MAGAZINE LVII No. of 2nd etapa/01-07-2011

  • Poezi në; La Granada, No. 2,  Oslo, Norvegji 

  • Poezi në Realidad Y Fictiones, të Hector Zabala, Buenos Aires, Argjentinë

  • Poezi në antologjinë të Alejandro Schmidt- Buenos Aires, Argjentinë 
    • Poezi në Best poems Encyclopedia,  USA

    • Poezi në Healnig World Anthology, New York, USA

    • Poezi në Poetic Bliss Anthology, New Delhi, India

    • Poezi në Aquillrele Anthology, Bruksel, Belgjikë

    • Poezi në Voices, USA


    • Ekspozita e kaligrafive në Kajro, Egjipt, 2004;
    • Takimet e 44-ta të poezisë, Sarajevë 2005;
    • Kongresi mbi 600 vjetorin e Veprës së Abdurrahman Ibn Khaldunit, Kajro, Egjipt, 2006;
    • Takimi për të drejtat e pakicave etnike, Parlamenti Evropian, Bruksel, 2006;
    • Ekspozita e pikturave dhe e librave ne Ministrinë e kulturës së Egjiptit, Kajro, 2007;
    • Debatet ne KTV, RTK, TV BESA;
    • Pjesëmarrje në Kongresin me rastin e 800 vjetorit te poetit Persian Xhelaludin Rumi, organizuar nga UNESCO dhe Fondacion Saadi Shirazi, Tiranë.
    • Pjesëmarrje ne Kongresin e 3th Ndërkombëtar Sheikh Tousi, Qom, Teheran, Mashhad, Iran
    • Pjesëmarrje ne Konferencën rajonale për bashkëpunim, Kopaonik, Serbi
    • Festivali i 14-të i Poezisë Voix de Metiterranee, Lodeve, Francë
    • Festivali i poezisë- jubilar ne Struge, Maqedoni
    • Konferenca Rajonale, PEN Qendra e Maqedonisë, Shkup, Maqedoni
    • Festivali Ideogramma, Qipro
    • Festivali Nisan 13, Galilee, Nazareth, Izrael
    • Festivali Fermoy Poetry Festival, Dublin, Irlandë
    Debate në mediat Nacionale RTK, KTV, TV 21, Klan kosova
    Profile artistike në “KULT”, “AVENY” ne Transmetuesin Publik Televiziv RTK

    I pëkthyer në Anglisht, Frëngjisht, Italisht, Spanjisht, Hebraisht, Suedisht, Rumanisht, Serbisht, Kroatisht, Boshnjakisht, Maqedonisht, Turqisht, Gjuhë Rome, Persisht

    Librat e tij gjinden në Bibliotekën e Aleksandrisë, Alexandria, Egjipt,
    British Library, Londër, Mbretëria e Bashkuar,
    I katalogizuar në Bibliotekën Universitare dhe Kombëtare të Kosovës
    Në Bibliotekën Nacionale në Zagreb, Kroaci
    Në Bibliotekën Nacionale në Beograd, Serbi
    Ambasador i Poetëve për Shqipëri nga Lëvizja Poetët botëror “Poetas del Mundo”, Santiago de Chile

    Anëtar i Asociacionit Botëror të Poetëve, Greqi

    Anëtar i PEN Qendrës së Kosovës

    Anëtar i Këshillit të librit dhe Botimeve pranë Ministrisë së Kulturës, Rinisë dhe Sporteve.

    Punon në administratën e Radio Televizionit të Kosovës RTK

    The Blue Max Review, Ireland

    Rebel Poetry

    Fahredin Shehu, poet/essayist, born in Rahovec, South East of Kosova, in 1972. Graduated at Prishtina University, Oriental Studies follows M.A. in Literature. Actively works on Calligraphy discovering new mediums and techniques for this specific form of plastic art. To know more about this poet, read here: http://fahredin-sh.blogspot.com/

    Featured Poetry of Fahredin Shehu

    The army of nobodies

    They’ve encroach the grass of the neighbor’s territory
    I was not the neighbor that sowed saplings of Sycamore tree
    My pomegranate garden
    Unfolded leafs and showed luxurious fertility
    And brought the Balm of Gilead
    Straight from Parsifal right in the center of the orchard
    A huge shadow ficus religiosa
    You may circle around
    Exactly one thousand years in a row
    But they will not allow you to enlighten
    Amidst them I was crowded
    Absorbing consciously
    The odor of their emptiness
    Yet I shall recite again the 99th Psalm of Celestial Intelligencer

    Pity myself
    Scars on my face
    Each time I forgot to mention God’s name by every breathe taking
    Conscious process
    I may sing Joy
    Oh pity nobodies yet you are unable to feel what you possessed in your veins
    In vain I may call freedom
    To establish its conquest but you are the pity ones that swallowed
    All your dreams and hopes


    There’s only a dew of elixir in the bottom of the empty cup sleeping as lamb
    Now they call it heart, I call it polluted spirit, and you may call it ruby pomegranate granules
    But we the simplest so called human entities jointly may only Love and this is sufficient
    To suffer for the thousand years and a day more

    The one who cares not is the luckiest mundane ignorant but I’m the one alike who outpours his quintessential not knowing for whom
    Not knowing for what reason a purpose never show its glamour in advance
    For warning, for love or even for sake of its purest manifestation

    In times when words were queued in the thread abundantly curved in bobbin from the human scalp
    The necklace of verse is fading its shine no sparkling truths gurgles from its spring to obey our thirsts
    We the thirsty souls for divine morsel wandering in here as the spirits of suicide victims
    Empty stomachs of enfant terrible only for the grasp of the truth they never hear even as the sound of insect
    Never as the sound of falling frozen spirit in jade that you may later see as the Galatea of divine maternal essence
    A cornucopia of latent blessings waits
    A deficit of Love outbursts proudly displaying its genitalia without a drop of shame
    I wander as a working bee searching for the nectar of wisdom to feed my Queen bee
    And bestow her eternal life with the royal jelly leaking elegantly from the bottom to the navel

    Charged circle


    Empty cans
    No liquid evaporated
    In the air full of pride
    Polluted grains of soul
    Lost their consistency
    Pure fluids of light
    Erupts as marshmallow bombs
    Death squad penetrates deeply
    Aiming to meet Anubis
    A Tsunami whirled its wish
    Passion and glutton declared independence
    The dream of becoming a parallel nation
    To co-habit with leukemia of creativity
    A sex drive 4×4 retired
    A crippled veteran of passion
    Bags for the mercy of soulless utilitarian army of human entity
    Better said plankton a homo-plankton of miserable creatures
    Even worms and larva are disgusted by our hatred
    Fecal, a skunk of fear
    An eclipse of love that spans for ages
    From birth to death
    A spectrum displays its ripeness
    Ejaculates liberty as blast
    A dazzling dance of shaped and amoeboid forms of manifestation
    Bitter the honey with suffer
    Powder a chamomile with royal jelly and ginseng
    All of sudden a wind blows
    Spores of the old pines


    The soul of parallel nation of Angeloid
    Is striving pleasure of life?
    Lives now
    Perpetually woofs a rainbow muslin with the divine light
    Inter-woofed dress
    Newborn immaculate fellows
    Oh those smell of paradise
    Mint, Neroli, Oakmoss, Amber
    A bouquet of divine pleasure
    And Acacia kissed by a queen bee
    Yes the queen of Enneagram
    Of course
    The work produces sweet essences
    Oh Sarmouni of our Millennia
    Melt the cataract-ic lance so they may see the beauty
    Heal the flu so they may smell fresh ozone
    A charged circle of light and love
    Remove the pulp from the reed
    So may divine tune perform light?
    May be your torchbearer
    In the dark valley and by then you may see a spectrum
    That encircles an infant fear
    For an eternal life
    Yet I kiss that that time sequence
    Where Jin and Jang harmoniously co-habit
    I a Feng Shui of Love
    Defragmenter of hate’s files
    Zipper of dark matrixes
    So you may know they do exists
    So you try them in order to enjoy the sweetness of life’s honey
    In this porcelain valley
    Where goodness and mischief
    Hand in hand are gliding furiously
    Alas pure the morning with dew of love
    Oxidize hate with apple vinegar
    Sing to celebrate both solstices and have a cup of vine
    That swoon you
    That filters all starry
    Cells of brain and ganglia
    Perfume her navel with rosewater and kiss, kiss, kiss
    Do a divine Tantra
    With all visible and invisible and semi-visible spirits
    Kiss topaz of her eyes
    Kiss ruby of her heart
    Kiss diamond of her nail
    Kiss cooper of her feet ankle
    Kiss jade of her bones
    Kiss sapphire of her cells
    And a flame-y waterfall of hair
    And a silky pubic…
    Oh…kiss and kiss and kiss whatever belongs to her
    Make her a necklace
    With your purest and noblest spermatozoids
    Then call her as you wish
    Wisdom, Hikkmah*, Sophia**
    Or simply Goddess that makes you Angeloid.

    * Arabic for wisdom, we disregard language we are concentrated on substance on quint essence
    ** Greek for wisdom


    You kiss me and stamp my existence
    I kiss you and melt in God’s essence

    The granular spittle that remains in my throat
    A long day between winter and spring
    My state known only by friends few of them
    My Love felt by every creature
    The bastards that sprinkles with their hatred
    And those that converts their names and faith
    This suffocating visible plurality of creatures and bizarre manifestations
    My spiritual nervation has strengthened
    Soul cells are dancing the muttered nation’s dance called Love
    Those who make sex in the air as flies’ foals hatred babies
    Can you kill babies is our question
    We the invisible plurality of divine creatures and manifestations
    We the perpetual Theophany coruscate in pure hearts
    As Sun in the dews of mornings full of vetyver, ambergris, limonene, fragrance and a slight skunk of civet, moschus and the sweat men by labor exhausted
    We speak we sing we paint
    With the act without exhaling a syllable from our holly mouths
    We sprinkle with the aureate dust
    Straight we look at Saturn ring color eyes and the color of peacock tale feather
    We built a cube temple and play chess in cube
    We love the terrain where the guests of Moses and Lot before him had passed through
    We sing with Seraph of high realms we sing in sync
    Here we bring joy in hearts of those who encroached in procession through emerald macadam
    Where you seldom pass
    We know by heart the Al Jaffr and ten Sefirots and we read the Liber Razielis
    We accompanied Adam Kadmon in his solitude prior to separation and embodiment in terrain that will be bloodied by human through centuries
    We have said to John to go in the river Jordan baptize the Christ and lead him on
    For those who knows a little
    We said to Waraka to prepare Muhammad to become the leader of those who seek the truth
    We said to Bahaullah to explain men to take after women and the mother Earth
    Otherwise in upcoming millennium the solely food of them shall be kernels and water
    We said to Gibran commence the Theurgy for upcoming millennium being as solely artistic repose for creative men
    We said to Fahredin write as much as possible and hush as a canyon stone
    Until he finds his echo point

    Eternal something…

    The world will follow your steps
    Discovering the mysteries of roses
    Emerged from your footsteps

    It’ll watch the image where
    Your face will nourish
    The cost of their glutton

    They will see in your forehead
    The blood-dots under epidermis
    The prints of Sagittarius constellation
    Amidst the shores of emerald sparkling leafs
    Life-giving leafs
    Remained after a serial blasts
    They’ll wander
    They’ll build the Tabernacle for their progeny
    They’ll learn the lesson
    The primordial one
    They have forgotten through eons
    And reunion with the ether-ic double
    Somewhere wandering
    In the vast space of cosmos
    The visible and invisible
    The perceptible and imperceptible

    They will understand that they are now
    Hardly human to rejoice in their small community

    Everything will be different

    A mandrake for love

    Bursts of desires only shows
    How much terrestrial my soul
    Became rude and even vulgar
    Was it mingled with all so called human?
    And got their color
    To utilize its aptitudes of adaptability
    Yes it was
    A merchant
    Pure miser
    No love to flourish so far
    Awaiting a breeze in equatorial heat
    A desert of remnants
    Ashes and bones
    A carbon valley so visible
    No possibility to burn again
    Roots of poisonous plants has assembled forces
    Yet love transforms them into honey
    A mandrake for love has been bought
    By a longing parent
    A mother
    A goddess of love
    To heal all, all, all…
    Wounds manlike creatures
    Commissioned to dismay the cosmic spark
    As in a fertile soil sowed
    In a flesh
    The body
    The human body they call
    And to decay it
    For eternity and a day more


    Assembled forces
    Around the heaven of the Moon
    The heaven of Gabriel the Holy
    Influences the beings
    Fragile to death
    Who can pull out the geese bird?
    From the clay pot
    Without breaking it
    Not the life’s ignorant disciple
    Nor the Sisyphean planetary orphan
    Neither the life’s exhausted ascetic
    A key-maker a treasury holder

    Yet I do want to embrace the whole
    Visible and invisible entities
    You may celebrate your prodigy
    And mock my naivety
    And immeasurable love
    I’ll do this until I dry
    As a dew
    Until I become a piece
    Missing from terracotta
    Kept for ages in the sand of Baghdad
    Where Shamash made crisps from
    The skin of the humans
    So they may think they’re
    Red eye killers

    The Emerald Macadam

    I have passed through
    The narrow canyons of cerebrum
    While listening odes of mature cells
    Vibrating slowly
    And a fresh Pine resin, Oak moss and fresh Ozone winded my hairs
    Inside my nose
    Plugged my alveolus ready to burst of indescribable pleasure
    I’ve heard sounds of sprinkling blood
    From my wounded feet
    Leaving blueprint of the thirsty soul…
    Knowledge, Wisdom and Enlightenment
    That slowly bows in a front of God
    Only by us called LOVE
    In an emerald macadam to show the path
    To the following procession of creatures
    From all Gurdijeffian Octaves
    Which as a golden fig are blossoming from within?

    You may call me outpour of passion
    And you’ll not be mistaken

    You may call me lanolin extracted from merino
    And you’ll not be mistaken

    You may call me a broken porcelain soldier
    And you’ll not be mistaken

    You may call me a bee that soaks the nectar from thousands of roses
    And you’ll not be mistaken

    You may call me a yellow topaz
    A child of carbon
    And you’ll not be mistaken

    You may call me a felt petal of the white rose
    And you’ll not be mistaken

    You may call me believer who prays for the sins of human multitude
    And you’ll not be mistaken

    You may even call me human that mix with angels unaware of his innocence
    And you’ll not be mistaken

    But I know
    I know spirit does not have a gender
    The wind misses the color
    The grass is painted green by transparent rain
    Alchemy is a transformation of mother’s milk into blood
    Heaven is nature and man is Hell
    But the Mother is God in Heaven and Earth
    Thus I’m hardly a human.

    Questions of Angeloid

    Am I plain stone?
    To be thrown far from the eyesight

    Am I skin of the tiger
    To be stepped by soulless merchant

    Am I blood soaked by relative fellow?

    Am I a lost tribe’s leader?
    To be adored as saint

    Am I lost prophet?
    To be searched in caves where the Jinni settled his colony

    Am I a Jurassic fossil?
    To be displayed in a crystal cube

    Am I a jasmine essence?
    To be smelled after third millennium

    Am I lost planet
    The curse of mankind

    Am I paradigm of goodness?
    To be diminished by surrenderance

    Am I perfect mischief?
    To be hailed as a Gospel chant

    Am I wing of purple angel
    To bring you shade
    While you search for knowledge

    Am I supersensible tune?
    To be played by enlightened heartstring

    Am I aerial spirit?
    To bring you storm
    In a midday when the sun
    Reads its quatrain

    Am I a cosmic fluid?
    To be dispersed as a star dust

    Am I divine enough?
    To rejoice for a cosmic harmony

    Am I the bell from the angel’s wings?
    To bell the beginning of a new prophecy

    Am I a saint that shows hardly his miracle?
    To be later adored as Godling

    Am I pure water from the desert’s spring?
    To be drunk on the moment of death

    Am I death of Art?
    To be reborn by Theurgy

    Am I a drunken lover in Love?
    To be perished in the quantum of photon

    Am I stupid to reveal a new discovery?
    So you may pity or
    You may salute and laude
    And so, and so, and so on.

    Bewilderment of Alien

    Demons are mocking us
    Angels are compassioning us
    Aliens are bewildered why these…
    Are killing each other?

    Revista Acuarela Literaria


    I hear the moisten steps in the left corridors of Eternity
    Your hushes seal the gate of this history;

    colonies of beings
    settled in the right side of the heart

    I smell the floating thoughts
    evaporating essences from the see of vision

    you enter immediately almost shameful;
    while the cedar gate
    with the golden spikes opens
    but you are not Sheba; The Yemenite Queen
    but I'm not the Solomon; The mighty King

    I see wet faces and wet by tears accoutrement
    your bewilderment has no cease; the gates of my heart
    are opened long time ago
    Just come and you'll see how there are sunken in Love

    Fahredin Shehu –Prishtina-Kosovo


    Fahredin Shehu
    Radio Televizioni i Kosoves
    Ndërtesa e Radio Kosoves,
    Bordi i Drejtorave, kati IV
    10 000 Prishtinë, Kosovë

    Lidhje të jashtme

    Përgatiti Flori Bruqi

    [1] Bruno Fert, winner of World Press Photo 2004

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