Sot në Institutin Albanogjik të Kosovës, në Prishtinë,u zgjodh kryetari dhe kryesia e re e Lidhjës së Shkrimtarëve të Kosovës.
Prishtinë,20 prill 2013.
Dr.Flora Brovina,kryetare e LSHK-së
Më asnjë vot kundër sot Kuvendi i Lidhjës së Shkrimtarëve të Kosovës zgjodhi kryetarën e re të LSHK-së ,z.Flora Brovina,ndërsa ish kryetari i LSHK -së shkrimtari i mirënjohur z.Adem Demaçi u zgjodh Kryetar nderi i këtij asociacioni letrar( LSHK-së).
Flora Brovina u lind më 30 shtator 1949 në Skenderaj. Studimet në Fakultetin e Mjekësisë i mbaroi po në Prishtinë.
Ka botuar disa vëllime me poezi: ”Vërma emrin tim” (1973), “Bimë e zë” (1979), “Luleborë” (1988), “Mat e çmat” (1995) dhe “Thirrje e Kosovë” (1999, në kohën kur ajo ishte në burgun e Pozharevacit në Serbi).
Në vitin 1999, në një kohë kur fati i Flora Brovinës pas arrestimit ishte i panjohur, ajo mori Çmimin Tucholsky për vitin 1999 ’in absentia’ nga PEN Klubi Suedez.Jeton në Prishtinë.
Është delegate e PDK-së në Parlamentin e Republikës së Kosovës.Sot ajo unanimisht nga Kuvendi i LSHK-së u zgjodh kryetare e Lidhjës së Shkrimtarëve të Kosovës.

Kuvendi i LSHK-së më vota të fshehta zgjodhi kryesinë e re prej 10 anëtarëve :
1.Prof.dr.Shyqri Galica
2.Akademik Prof.dr.Rexhep Qosja
3.Prof.dr.Shefkije Islamaj
4.Prof.dr.Myrvete Dreshaj-Baliu Kadolli
6.Albina Idrizi
7.Profesor Prend Buzhala
8.Profesor Rushit Ramabaja
9.Shqipe Hasani
10.Avni Dehari
Lista e Lidhjës së shkrimtarëve të Kosovës.
1. Abdullah Konushevci
2. Abdullah Troshupa
3. Abdyl Kadolli
4. Adem Demaçi
5. Adem Shkreli
6. Adem Zaplluzha
7. Adem Zejnullahu
8. Ag Apolloni
9. Agim Desku
10. Agim H. Berisha
11. Agim Vinca
12. Aishe Qorraj - Berisha
13. Albert Shala
14. Albina Idrizi
15. Ali Alidemaj
16. Ali Prebreza
17. Ali R. Berisha
18. Anton Marku
19. Arben Hoxha
20. Arben Kastrati
21. Arben Veselaj
22. Arif Bozaxhi
23. Arif Haliti
24. Arif Molliqi
25. Arsim Halili
26. Arsim Kajtazi
27. Avdi Ibrahimi
28. Avni Dehari
29. Aziz Mustafa
30. Bajram Kosumi
31. Bajram Sefaj
32. Baki Ymeri
33. Bedri Halimi
34. Bedri Neziri
35. Bedri Zyberaj
36. Begzad Baliu
37. Behram Hoti
38. Beqir Buzuku
39. Berat Luzha
40. Besim Rexhaj
41. Bilall Maliqi
42. Brahim I. Avdyli
43. Brikenë Ceraja
44. Çerkin Bytyçi
45. Daut Demaku
46. Demë Topalli
47. Demir Reshiti
48. Demush Berisha
49. Dibran Demaku
50. Dibran Fylli
51. Dren Shala
52. Edmond Zhulali
53. Ejup Ceraja
54. Ekrem Kryeziu
55. Emin Kabashi
56. Esat Kamberi
57. Esat Loshaj
58. Faik Shkodra
59. Fakete Rexha
60. Fatime Ahmeti
61. Femi Cakolli
62. Fitnete Ramosaj
63. Flora Brovina
64. Flori Bruqi
65. Ganimete Podvorica
66. Gëzim Ajgeraj
67. Gjokë Sokoli
68. Gjon Gjergjaj
69. Hajdin Abazi
70. Hajro Ulqinaku
71. Halil Kajtazi
72. Halil Xani
73. Hamdi Aliu
74. Hamza Halabaku
75. Haqif Mulliqi
76. Hasan Gjonbalaj
77. Hasan Qyqalla
78. Hasije Selishta-Kryeziu
79. Hydajet Hyseni
80. Hysen Këçiku
81. Hysen Matoshi
82. Ibish Neziri
83. Ibrahim Skënderi
84. Idriz Ulaj
85. Ilam Berisha
86. Ilaz Metaj
87. Ilir Hoxha
88. Isak Ahmeti
89. Isak Shema
90. Ismail Simnica
91. Ismajl Syla
92. Ismet Aliu
93. Ismet Hebibi
94. Ismet Lecaj
95. Izet Hajdini
96. Jonuz Fetahaj
97. Jusuf Bislimi
98. Kadri Rexha
99. Kadrush Radogoshi
100. Kemajl Aliu
101. Liri Loshi
102. Mahmud Hysa
103. Masar Stavileci
104. Mazllum Baraliu
105. Mehmet Bislimi
106. Mehmetali Rexhepi
107. Merita Përvetica – Lumley
108. Merxhan Avdyli
109. Mexhid Havolli
110. Miftar Kurti
111. Mikel Gojani
112. Milaim Berisha
113. Miradije Ramiqi
114. Muhamed Kërveshi
115. Muhamet Tërnava
116. Mustafë Xhemaili
117. Myrvete Dreshaj - Baliu
118. Naim Balidemaj
119. Naim Kelmendi
120. Naxhije Doçi
121. Nazmi Rudari
122. Nazmi Rrahmani
123. Nebi Islami
124. Nebih Bunjaku
125. Nebih Krasniqi
126. Nehat S. Hoxha
127. Neriman Braha
128. Nexhat Rexha
129. Nezir Prokshi
130. Niko Stylo
131. Nikollë Kërhanaj
132. Nuhi Veselaj
133. Nuhi Vinca
134. Nuri Pervizi
135. Prend Buzhala
136. Qemal Aliu
137. Qerim Pllana
138. Ragip Ramaj
139. Ragip Sylaj
140. Ramadan Thaçi
141. Ramiz Kelmendi
142. Rasim Selmanaj
143. Resmije Kryeziu
144. Reshat Sahitaj
145. Rexhep Hoxha
146. Rexhep Kastrati
147. Rexhep Qosja
148. Rexhep Smajlaj
149. Rifat Ismajli
150. Riza Haziri
151. Rushit Ramabaja
152. Rrahim M. Sadiku
153. Rrustem Berisha
154. Rrustem Geci
155. Sabahate Byci
156. Sabile Keçmezi - Basha
157. Sabit Idrizi
158. Sabit Jaha
159. Sadije Ismaili
160. Sadik Përvetica
161. Sadri Fetiu
162. Safete Rexhepi
163. Salajdin Gashi
164. Salajdin Krasniqi
165. Sali Bytyçi
166. Sanije Ahmeti - Dubova
167. Sarë Gjergji
168. Sejdi Berisha
169. Skënder R. Hoxha
170. Sylë Dreshaj
171. Sylë Osmanaj
172. Shahin Hasani - Shkoza
173. Shaip Beqiri
174. Shaqir Foniqi
175. Shawn Sturgeon (SHBA)
176. Shefkije Islamaj
177. Shefqet Rexhepi
178. Shefqete Gosalci
179. Sheremet Prokshi
180. Sherif Çitaku
181. Sherife Thaçi
182. Shqipe Hasani
183. Shyqri Galica
184. Tomë Paloka
185. Uzeir Ajradini
186. Vehap Shita
187. Veli Veliu
188. Violetë Bardhi
189. Xhaladin Mjeku
190. Xhemajl Rudi
191. Ymer Berbati
192. Ymer Shkreli
193. Yrjet Berisha
194. Zana Piraj
195. Zef Mulaj
196. Zeqir Bekolli
197. Zeqir Bërdynaj
198. Zeqir Fazliu
199. Zeqir Gërvalla
200. Zymber Elshani
201. Zymer Neziri
Përfundon me nr. rendor 201
Flora Brovina (born 30 September 1949) is a Kosovar Albanian poet, pediatrician and women’s rights activist. She was born in the town of Srbica in the Drenica Valley of Kosovo, and was raised in Pristina, where she went to school and began studying medicine. After finishing her university studies in Zagreb, where she specialized in pediatrics, she returned to Kosovo and worked for a time as a journalist for the Albanian-language daily newspaper Rilindja. Soon thereafter, she returned to the health care profession and worked for many years in the Pediatrics Ward of the Pristina General Hospital.
She is the author of three volumes of poetry. The first volume, Verma emrin tim (Call me by my name), was published in 1973 and consists of 42 poems. Bimë e zë (Plant and voice), the second volume, appeared in 1979. More than two decades after her first publication, her third, Mat e çmat (With the tape it measures), has been described by Robert Elsie as “the most compelling and impressive of her volumes” for its reflections on “the fate of her people, with freedom and self-determination.”
A scholar of Albanian literatue and language, Elsie published a single book entitled Call Me By My Name: Poetry From Kosova. In addition to her concern for the future of the people of Kosovo, Flora’s poetry deals with “the fate of women in society” and women as mothers as well as the “personal, maternal, and feminist” dimensions of the “problems and aspirations of individuals.
In 2000, Flora was one of two recipients of the Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Award given by PEN American Center to honor threatened or imprisoned writers. The previous year she was awarded Swedish PEN’s Tucholsky Award that similarly recognizes writers under threat of persecution or exile.
Kosovo war
As the political situation in Kosovo deteriorated in the 1990s, and fighting broke out, Brovina ran a health clinic in Pristina in which she distributed health care information on matters as diverse as snake bites, dressing wounds and delivering babies. She also used the centre to shelter a number of orphaned children, many of whom had lost their parents during the fighting and expulsions. She and her fellow workers took care of as many as 25 children at a time.
On 20 April 1999 during the Kosovo War, Brovina was abducted by eight masked Serb paramilitaries from the home she was staying in and was driven off by car to an initially unknown destination. She was thus in captivity in Serbia when NATO forces took the capital and Serb troops withdrew from the country. The first news of her abduction broke on 24 April 1999 when her son managed to contact the international writers’ association, PEN, with an urgent appeal that the news of her abduction be made known as widely as possible. She was transferred to a Serb prison in Požarevac and, in her first month of detention, was subjected to over 200 hours of interrogation in 18 separate sessions lasting typically from 7 A.M. to 5 P.M. On 9 December 1999, in a show trial, she was accused of 'terrorist activities' under Article 136 of the Yugoslav Penal Code. She spent a year and a half in Serb prisons before being released as a result of international pressure.
Flori Bruqi
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